14th KY Cavalry

Discharge Request

Head Quarters 14th Ky. Cav.
Camp Nelson
Feby 11th 1864.

Commanding Officer
Department of the Ohio.

Sir, I have the honor to make the following Statement: The Term of Enlistment and Muster of the 14th Ky. Vol. Cav. will expire on the 14th Inst. The Regt. is here for The purpose of being mustered out of Service. I respectfully as That an order be made for the proper Officers to turn over the Quarter-Master and Commissary Property, Ordnance and Ordnance Stores. And an order appointing an Inspector to inspect the Ordnance and Ordnance Stores. And one for the Commissary of Musters to Muster out the Officers and horses [?], and for a Paymaster to pay them.

I am very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
H. C. Lilly
Col. Comdg. 14th Ky. Vol. Cav.

Backside, First Column:

L 14 A.A.G.O. Dept O 1864
Camp Nelson, Ky. Feb. 11th, 1864
Col. H. C. Lilly, 14th Ky. Vol. Cav.
Requests that the Com. of Musters be ordered to muster out and a paymaster to pay that regiment at Camp Nelson, on the 14th inst. also, an order for the turning over of the 2. M. and Commissary property of the regiment; and ordnance and ordnance stores and for the inspection of these last named items.
Recvd. AAGO (D.O.) Lex. Ky. Feb. 13th
Backside, Middle Column:

E. B. Vol. 5, Page 116
Dept. of the Ohio.
A. A. Genl's Office.
Lexington, Ky. Feb. 12, 1864

Respectfully referred to the Commanding officer
District of Kentucky
By Command of
Maj. Genl. Schofield
W. P. Anderson
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
Hd. qrs. Dist. of Kentucky
Louisville, Feby 29, 1864
Respectfully returned to Col. H. C. Lilly, 14th Ky Cav this ____ Gibson comdg. Dist. N. C. [______KY?] Capt. Bush a.c.m. had [_____been?] ordered to muster this Regiment out of the service.

By orders of Brig. Genl. Burbridge
A. C. Gemp [?]
Capt. + a.a. general
Backside, Right Column:

Hd. Qrs. N. C. Ky
Camp Nelson March 3rd 1864
Respectfully returned to Col. Lilly and attention called to endorsement from
Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Ky Louisville, Ky
By command of Col. Gibson
W. P. Anderson
A. A. G.
Head Quarters, Camp Nelson, Ky.
March 3rd, 1864
Respectfull returned to Col. Lilly with attention invited to the above
By order of H.P. Lamson
Major Comdg. Post.
John Robinson
Lieut. and Post Adjutant.
Rec. HQ DNCK Mar. 2, 64

[End of Document]

A.A.G.O. Dept O (D.O.)= Assistant Adjutant General's Office, Department of the Ohio
A.A.G. = Assistant Adjutant General
HQ DNCK/Dist. N. C. Ky = Headquarters, District of North Central Kentucky

Transcribed from the Lilly Family Papers, UK Special Collections, by Marlitta H. Perkins. Record made available by Sherry Baker Frazier, Owsley Co. Historical Society.