With EasyRhino, you now have the capability of playing Half-Life games and HL Mods (Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, etc.) over the internet on servers normally restricted for LAN clients. (<= HL  Here's how it works:

  • Start your HL server with the "-port 27016" and "+sv_lan 1" switches.
  • Once the server has loaded the first map, start the easyrhino executable; it should auto-detect the Half-Life server and start forwarding internal port 27016 to external port 27015
  • Now ask your WAN clients to connect to your-ip:port (in this case, port 27015) -- LAN clients should still connect using your specified -port # (in this case, 27016)

    That's all there is to it!

    Windows Installation || Linux Installation || Message Board Forums || Disclaimer

  • Windows Dedicated or Listen Server Instructions

    1.) Download & unzip EasyRhino_v1-0_Win32.zip to any folder
        on your computer (i.e. c:\hlserver\easyrhino)
    2.) Start your Half-Life Dedicated or Listen Server with
        "-port 27016" and "+sv_lan 1" (HLDS Setup Information)
    3.) Run easyrhino.exe, and will detect your Win32
        HL Server as soon as the map loads.
    4.) Instruct WAN (Internet) clients to connect to port 27015
        & tell LAN clients to connect to port 27016.
    NOTE: The windows executable only supports forwarding to 27015 from 27016)

    Linux Dedicated Server Instructions

    1.) Download EasyRhino_v1-0_Linux.tar.gz to any directory on your
        computer (i.e. /home/hlds_l/easyrhino/)
    2.) Using the console, untar the file (tar -zxvf
        EasyRhino_v1-0_Linux.tar.gz). It will extract the
        easyrhino binary to the current directory.
    3.) Start your Half-Life Dedicated Server with "-port
        27016" and "+sv_lan 1" (HLDS Setup Information)
    4.) Change permission to executable for easyrhino
        binary file (chmod +x easyrhino).
    5.) Execute the binary with internal, then external
        port as switches (i.e. ./easyrhino 27016 27015).
        The program will now forward internal port 27016
        to external port 27015.  You can also specify the
        server IP if you are behind a router:
        ./easyrhino 27016 27015
    6.) Instruct WAN (Internet) clients to connect to port 27015
        & tell LAN clients to connect to port 27016.

    If you need help, have questions, or just wanna chat or flame, check out the forums

    Visit The EasyRhino Message Board


          This add-on was created so that WAN clients can connect to your LAN-only games, since many cyber cafes automatically restrict listen and dedicated servers inside of their network to LAN clients -- it is NOT to be used as a way to circumvent WON authentication, as this usage would be against ValvE's End-User License Agreement, and you could be thrown off of the WON network. Any use of this software is up to you, and I won't be held responsible for anything that happens as a result of viewing this webpage, following these directions, downloading this software, or using it.
