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Save GunCamera Film in EAW game

by LOGBOOK v3.1!


(Last updated: 2001. 12. 12 )

LOGBOOK is addon to European Air War, especially for Campaign Career.
As un-offcial addon, it provides some extra features as follows:
Feature List(ver 3.0)
   It provides all pilots' logbooks as well as gamer's logbook
     ( total kills / losses, sorties, remarks, rating, date, location …)
   Add & edit your own custimized comment for all pilots after finishing each misssion
   It provides all pilots' total score and each points after finishing each misssion
   It maintains all active and inactive pilots' logbooks
   It provides mission-bound pilots' morale and fatigue(condition), so you can rearrange pilots list
       as your choice when you are a squadron leader.
   It provides squadron's events after finishing each misssion
      ( casualties, pilots' today score / single mission top score, squadron total kills / losses)
   Add & Remove squadron logbooks
   Very simple usage: Fully automatical logbook update after finishing each mission
   Providing manual logbook update
   Fully graphically designed, familiar interface and easy maintance
   Freeware, with no features disabled.
   Adding screenshots into gamer's  logbook automatically after finishing a mission
   Adding screenshots or any images into any pilots' logbooks manually
   Cutting images in a logbook
   Adding comments in screenshots
   Playing guncamera film(a series of screenshots) in projection room
   Slide show screenshots
What's New in LOGBOOK version 2.0:
         Adding your own  custimized  comments
        "SELECT SQUADRON" menu provides some more infomation about a squadron
         Enhanced display speed of turnining page
         Added national flag icons of squadrons in SELECT SQUADRON menu
         Compatible with Emil's BOB campaign add-on
              - Some problem was found when gamer selects III.JG27 or Hurricane No. 229 in Emil's BOB.               
                 LOGBOOK displays duplicate record of gamer pilot in "LOGBOOK"/"SQUADRON BOARD" menu.
                 That is because Emil's BOB use different plane slot. This problem was solved.
         Fixed bugs:
             WRITE LOGBOOK menu, inactive marking  when two more than career file deleted in EAW
What's New in LOGBOOK version 3.0:
         Added new feature: adding screenshot in any pilot's logbook
         Added new feature: adding images in logbooks by selecting with file chooser window
         Added new feature: cutting images in logbooks
         Added new feature: adding comment in screenshots
         Added new feature: playing guncamera film(a series of screenshots) in projection room
         Added new feature: slide show screenshots
         Added film projectior control panel
         Added image compressor menu & option panel
         Added support for any display resolution(incomplete)
         Changed the "logbook.ini" file with new configurable set
         Changed small scan window showing status of logbook update with no resizable window
         Added support of changing scan time for automatic logbook update
         Added another resource file
         Fixed bugs: no work of automatic logbook update due to the incorrectly pre-defined EAW/savedata
                      folder just after installation, "WRITE LOGBOOK" menu, etc
What's New in LOGBOOK version 3.1:
         Added the function of converting TGA(Truevision Targa) image format into JPEG
         Added automatic lunch of Screen Recoder
Major update :
(These feature will be included and can be changed in future release)
Minor update :
(These feature will be included and can be changed in future release)
RAF & USSAF Award Event in LOGBOOK :
         Logbook includes award event in the Luftwaffe side only because RAF & USSAF 's
            complicated  award criteria . So I alone couldn't get the entire data table of award criteria.
             But presently, Reese Moore  is researching its complicated data table .
            He found some  critical information about the award system. He is getting all possible variables of
            award  criteria in RAF & USSAF; total point basis award and comprehensive mission result's effect,
             i.e. friendly  lost, enemy  kill, gamer's result, and so on.
            In the future update, you will get the LOGBOOK that fully implemented award event in all side.


Copyright(c) 2001 Min Hyouk Ki All rights reserved
