Andrew M. Polston Civil War Record

The information in these documents are as near as possible to the originals without editing the original punctuation or spelling. Some of the handwritten words and letters were not legible; therefore, a blank space was inserted for the length of the letter or word.

National Archives Veteran Records

Branch of Service He served: Army, Union 20 August 1862 through 30 June 1865,
26th Kentucky Infantry Company H; Enlisted Volunteer
Pension/bounty-land file No. 159943
Place Veteran lived After Service--Hart County, Kentucky
Date and Place of Birth: 10 November 1832, Hart or Wayne County, Ky.
Date and Place of Death: 27 May 1904 Hart County, Ky.
Name of Widow: Elizabeth Goodman Polston
Place Veteran Lived after Service: Hart County, KY.

Judiciary Square Hospital,
Washington, D.C.
March 6, 1865,

I certify that I have carefully examined Andrew Polson-Private of Co. H. 26 Regiment, Kentucky Vol. and find that he has had acute bronchitis and toncillitis and that in consequence thereof, he is unfit for duty; and I further declare my belief that he will not be able to resume his duties in a less period than 30 days, and that a furlough is essential. His address will be Baker (Bacon) Creek Hart Co. Ky.
Signed: E Griswold,
Ass't Surg. U.S. in charge

Andrew Polston
P 26 KY. Pvt, Co.H. 26 Reg't Kentucky Infantry.

Appears on Company Muster Roll for:
Mar. & Apl., 1864,
Joined for duty and enrolled: Aug 20, 1862.
Where: Hart Co.Ky.
Period 3 years.
Mustered in Sept 13, 1862
Where Munfordville Present
Copist: Humphries

May & June, 1864 Present
Copist: Humphries

July & Aug, 1864 Present From Second Auditor's Roll
Copist: Rosenborn

Sept & Oct, 1864 Present
Remarks: Sick in Hospital, Louisville, Ky.
Appears lined out
Copist: Humphries

Aug. 31 to Dec 31 Present
Copist: Humphries

Jan. & Feb, 1865 Absent
Remarks: Sick in Hospital in Washington City D.C.
Copist: Humphries

Mar & Apl, 1865 Absent
Remarks: Sick in Hospital in Washington, D.C.
Copist: Humphries

May & June, 1865 Present
Remarks: Due U.S. far transportation $32.22
Copist: Humphries

Age 33 years
Salisbury N.C. June 30, 1865.
Muster-out to date June 30, 1865
Last paid to Feb 28, 1865
Clothing account: Last settled Oct 31, 1863; drawn since $107.68
Bounty paid $25; due $75
Remaarks: Due the U.S. for Transportation $32.44 while on furlough March 10, 1865
Copist: Humphries

Polston, Andrew Co. H, 26 Kentucky Inf. Private
Card Numbers.


Washington, D.C.,
Jan 12th, 1871


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension No. 159.943, and to return it herewith, with such information as is furnished by the files of this Office.

It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office, that Andrew Polston was enrolled on the 20th day of August, 1862 at Hart Co. Ky, in Co. "B" 33th Regiment of Kentucky Volunteers, to serve 3 years or during the war, and mustered into service as a Private on the 13th day of September 1862 at Munfordville Ky in Co. "B", 33rd Regiment of Kentucky Volunteers, to serve 3 years or during the war. On the Muster Roll of Co. "H" of the 26th Regiment (to which transferred) for the months of Sept and Oct 1864, he is reported Pvt. Present, for duty, muster out roll of co dated June 30th 1865, reports him Pvt. Present, and mustered out with Co. on the date at Salisbirg, N.C. No evidence of disability Sept 1864.

I am, Sir, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Assistant Adjutant General
The Commissioner of Pensions Washington D.C.

General Affidavit.

State of Kentucky
County of Hart

In the matter of the Pension claim of ANDREW POLSON late Private Co B 33 Ky and Co H 26 Ky Infty Vol.

Personally came before me, a County Court Clerk in and for aforesaid County and State, James B. Stuteville, aged 46 years citizen of the Town of Bonnieville, County of Hart in the, state of Kentucky, well know to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case, as follows:

That he had been well acquainted with said ANDREW POLSTON for the last twenty three years that I have lived neighbor to him nearly all of said time and further state that I saw said Polson immediately after he came home from the Army in the year of 1865 Said Polson was then and has been ever since in a feeble state of health and he has been troubled with a cough when he came home and his health has been failing during each year Since he came home and of late feverish he had been totally disabled from performing manual labor for his support. He came home reduced in flesh and know the fact that he has had frequent hemorrahages and is this state I have seen him prostrated so much so he was unable to take care of himself. He is at this time very much reduced in flesh I will further state that said soldier at and prior to his enlistment was a sound and healthy man to all appearance, if he has been disabled I would have known_


I further declare that I have no interest in said case, and not concerned in its prosecution.

Signature: James B. Stuterville

Sworn to and subscribed before me this day by the above named affiant; and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant, and acquainted him with its contents before he executed the name. I further certify that I am in no wise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiant is personally known to me; that he is a creditable person and so reputed in the community in which he resides.

Witness my hand and official seal this 7th day of August 1883.

Signed J.M. Brents
Clerk Hart County Court

Stamped: U.S. Pension Office Aug 10 1883
No. 159.943(3 maybe a 5) General Affidavit. Case of Andrew Polson Co H 26 Ky Infty for Original Pension Signed P B______
of Jas B. Stuterville
Bonnieville Ky Bonnieville Ky Filed by Geo. L. Read Munfordville Hart Co Ky.

U.S. Pension Office
Apr 28 1880
(P.B.) Ky. Southern Division

Department of the Interior Pension Office April 3, 1880
Returned to the adjutant General, U.S.A. for a report from the Rolls and Returns from enlistment to date of discharge. Inv. Gain No. 159.943
Andrew Polston
Signed J.A. Beuttey, Commissioner, per____

Stamped: U. S. Adjutant Gen' U. S. Office Received APR 8, 1880

War Department
Adjutant General's Office
Washington, D.C.
April 25th, 1880

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your office of application for Pension No. 159943, and to return it herewith, with such information as is furnished by the files of this office.

It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office that Andrew Polston was enrolled on the 20th day of Augt, 1862, at Hart Co Ky, in Co. "B" 33d Regiment of Kentucky Inf. Volunteers, to serve three years or during the war, and mustered into service as a pvt. on the 13th day of Sept, 1862, at Munfordville Ky in Co B, 33d Regiment of Kentucky. Inf. Volunteers, to serve three years, or during the war. On the Muster Rolls of Co. "B" of that Regiment, from Sep 13.62 (Just on file) to Aug 31, 1863, he is reported present for duty. On roll for Sept & Oct. 63. Present, "Under guard in Camp Oct 31st" Rolls Oct 31, 63 to Feb 19th 1864. Present for duty. On Transfer Roll of 60 73 33 Ky. Vols. to 60 "H" 26th Ky. Vols. dated Apl. 7. 1864 he is reported present. On muster roll of 60 H. 26th Ky. Vols for March & April 64. he is reported, present for duty. On roll for May & June 64 present for duty. No roll on file for duty for Aug. 64. On rolls from Aug 31std 64 to Dec 31st present for duty. On roll for Jan & Feb 65 absent "sick in Hospl" in Washington D.D.". On rolls from Feb. 28th. 65 to 30th Apl 65 he is reported the same. On roll for May & June 65 present for duty.

He was honorably mustered out with the Co. at Salisbury NC. June 30th 1865.

Regimental return for duty Aug 64 make no report of his absence, or presence No evidence relative to or why under guard in Oct 63, in addition, to that on Co. muster rolls. The Co. of Regiment Books on file furnish no evidence relative to nature of disability, or disease at anytime.

Invalid Pension Application

State of Kentucky County of Hart
On this 30th day of August A.D., one thousand eight hundred and Seventy (1870) personally appeared before (1) Clerk of the (2) Hart County Court, a Court of Record within and for the County and State aforesaid ANDREW POLSTON aged 38 years, a resident of the (3) County of Hart in the State of Kentucky who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Andrew Polston who (4) voluntered in the service of the United States at Munfordville in the State of Kentucky on or about the fifteenth day of August in the year 1862, as a private in Company B. comanded by Captain Beck in the 33rd Regiment of (5) Ky Inf Vols commanded by Col. Lack in the war of 1861, and was honarably discharged at Louisville in the State of Kentucky on or about the thirtieth day of June in the year 1865; that while in the service aforesaid, and in the line of his duty (6) at or near the salt works in the State of Virginia was attacked by a Bleeding at the Lungs. This attack was Same day in September 1864. This applicant thinks about the 18th The Doctors he thinks after being _____ in Hospital called it Bronchitits. The same disease has preyed upon him ever since and he has never been able since discharged to to do much labor & has been all the while disabled to at least 2/3, two thirds The Doctor at this time said disease was contracted called the disease I think Bronchitus

That since leaving the said service, this applicant has resided in the (3) County of Hart in the State of Kentucky and his occupation has been (7) a farmer.

That prior to his entry into the service above named, he was a man of good sound physical health, being when enrolled a (8) farmer and earning his subsistence by his said (9) labor. That his habits have always been uniformly good and temperate.

That now he is (10) two thirds disabled from obtaining his subsistence from manual labor in consequence of his above named injuries, received in the service of the United States.

He makes this Declaration for the purpose of being placed on the Invalid Pension Roll of the United States, by reason of the disabilities above stated, and revoking and countermanding all other authority that may have been given, he hereby constitutes and appoints with full power of substitution and revocation, Joshua Chase of the (3) Hammondsville in the State of Kentucky his true and lawful attorney irrevocably, to prosecute his claim and obtain the Pension Certificate that may be issued. That his Post Office is a Hammondsville in the County of Hart in the State of Kentucky. That his domicile or place of abode is (11) about 2 miles from L&N RR & about 10 miles from Munfordville the County Seat of Hart County Ky.

Andrew (his x mark) Polston, Applicant.

Also, on the same day at the same time, personally appeared James Polston and Albert Carrell residents of (3) County of Hart in the State of Kentucky persons whom I certify to be respectable, and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Andrew Polston (12) Make his (13) mark to the foregoing Declaration; and they further swear that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of the applicant and their acquaintance with him, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and they further swear that they reside as stated, and have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
Attest: James (his x mark) Polston
Albert (his X mark) Caswell

Wiley J. Macy
M B Craddock

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 30th day of August A.D. 1870 and I hereby certify that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in this prosecution of this claim; also that the foregoing declaration and witnesses joint affidavit were read over and understood by the respective parties before they signed the same. Also, that the applicant and witnesses are credible persons.
signed Joshua M.Brents, Clerk
Hart County Court
I certify in the foregoing the words July and figures 39 were erased and the little s in Polston's signature was Blotted & the s interlined all done before the signing of the same.
Brents Clerk Hart Co Court

General Affidavit.

State of Kentucky
County of Hart

In the matter of the Pension Claim of Andrew Polston.
Personally came before me a Justice of the Peace in and for aforesaid County and State W.L. Wright and John Carroll citizen of the Town of Bonnieville, County of Hart, State of Kentucky, well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case, as follows:

That we have been well acquainted with said Andrew Polson late soldier in the Army and we state we lived near neighbor to said Polson and know the fact that at and know to his enlistment in the United States Service in 1862 he was a stout and healthy man and free from disease of throat and lungs, we state that we saw said Polson on his return from the Army who was then and has continuously labored with lung disease ever since, Seen him often and know these facts by our own observation, we state that said Polson has been three fourths disabled by reason of his disease for obtaining his subsistence by manual labor each year since he came home from the army--and of late he is going down fast We further declare that we have no interest in said case, and not concerned in its prosecution

W.T Wright
John (his + mark) Carrol

J.W. Clark
Jas. A. Lee

Sworn and subscribed before me this day by the above named affiant ; and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant , and acquainted them with its contents before they executed the same. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiant is personally known to me; that he is a creditable person and so reputed in the community which they reside.

Witness my hand and official seal this 15th day of January 1883
signed S J J Lee JP H C

State of Kentucky,
County of Hart
I, J M Brents, Clerk of the County Court in and for aforesaid County and State do certify that S.J.J. Lee, ESQ., who hath signed his name to foregoing affidavit, was at the time of so doing a Justice of the Peace in and for said County and State, duly commissioned and sworn; that all his official acts are entitled to full faith and credit, and that his signature thereunto is genuine.

Witness my hand and seal of office, this 15th day of January 1883.
Signed J M Brents
Clerk of the Hart County Court
Stamped U.S. Pension Office January 18 1883
No. 159.943
General Affidavit.
Case of Andrew Polson
late Co H 26 Ky Vols for Original Pension B___
Affidavit of W.T.Wright John Carroll Filed by Geo. T. Read Munfordville, Ky.

General Affidavit

We Thomas Kinney and James Perkins aged 45 years and 42 years Respectively State that we have been well acquainted with Andrew Polson for the last 20 years Said Polson has been laboring with diseased lungs ever since he came home from the Service in 1865. He often bleeds at the Lungs and he is in feeble health and he has been three fourths disabled from performing manual labor each year since he came home from the Army and the Said Polson was a stout and healthy man at the time he enlisted in the United States Service and free from lung disease. He has never been able to do heavy work since he came out of the Service and often confined to his bed on account of lung disease we know these facts by having lived near neighbor to Said Polson our Post office address is Bacon Creek Hart Co Ky and we have no interest in this matter whatever,
Given under our hand this 21 day of November 1879

Thomas (his X mark) Kinney
late Co H 26 Ky Infty

James (his x mark) Perkins
late Co H 26 Ky Infty

<[?State of Kentucky
County of Hart
SS Subscribed and sworn to before me by Thomas Kinney and James Perkins whom I certify to be respectable persons and entitled to full credit and who full understood the Contents of same and I have no interest in this matter. this the 29 day of November 1879 J.P.H.C.

J.M.Brents Clerk
Hart County Court

Additional evidence in original Pension in case of Andrew Polson Co.H.,26 Ky. Infty
Filed by Geo T.Read Atty Munfordville Ky.

General Affidavit.

State of Kentucky
County of Hart

In the matter of Pension Claim of Andrew Poson No. 159.943 late Privat Co H 26 Ky Vol Infty.

Personally came before me, a Clerk Hart County Court in and for aforesaid County and State, Mrs. H Jett, aged 47 years citizen of the Town of Woodsonville, County of Hart and State of Kentucky, well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case, as follows

I am acquainted with the Andrew Polston who was private in Co H 26 Ky Vol Infty and that in Oct 1864 ordered him to Hospiteal at Lexington Ky for violent cold contracted on March from Saltville the men more greatly exposed from over marching and Seating on the ground at night Claiment claims I gave him treatment for Bronchitis after he joined the regiment. I _____ ____ ___ ___ and most likely did that in after he contracted Said cold. Prior to his enlistment I new him well he was stout and healthy man and free from Bronchitus. I think it very likely he contracted his disease while in line of duty caused by Said violent cold

I further declare that I have no interest in said case, and not concerned in its prosecution.

Mrs. H Jett late __ce 26 H Vol

Sworn to and subscribed before me this day by the above named affiant; and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant, and acquainted him with its contents before he executed the same. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case , nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiant is personally known to me; that he is a creditable person and so reputed in the community in which he reside and is an eminent physicaian

Witness my hand and official seal this 29 day of October 1883.

Signed: J.M. Brents Clerk
Hart County Clerk
McAllister Sept 14 83
No. 159.943
General Affidavit. Case of Andrew Polson
Affidavit of W__ H.

jett M D late Surgeon 26 Ky Infty Vol Geo T Read Munfordville Ky

No. 29880_(believe it is a 4 but not sure) Increase
United States of American Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions

It is hereby certified That in conformity with the laws of the United States, Andrew Polston who was a Private in Co H 26 Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, is entitled to a pension at the rate of Twenty four dollars per month, to commence on the thirtieth day of October one thousand eight hundred and eighty nine. This pension being for "Bronchitis, and resulting disease of lungs and general desbility."

Given at the Department of the Interior this thirtieth day of October one thousand eight hundred ninety one and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixteenth

Signed John W. Cobb
Secretary of the Interior

G_____ B Ramn
Commissioner of Pensions

8174 B M.0807846
Pensioner Dropped.

U.S.Pension Agency,

Louisville, Ky. June 20 1904
Certificate No. 298804
Class Invalid
Pensioner Andrew Polston
Service Pvt. H. 26th Ky.

Hon. Commissioner of Pensions:
Sir: I have the honor to report that the above-named pensioner who was last paid at $30#, to 4 May has been dropped because of death, May 27, 1904.

Your order
Dated June 18, 1904
Very respectfully,
Signed H Ru__________
HL__ Acting Pension Agent.
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