Club Members

Without the members to perform the service, KIWIN'S wouldn't exist. Each dedicated member is responsible for the well-being of the club as it strives for greatness.

Jessica Bravo
Samantha Blanco
Keeley Collier
Danae Damron
Keri Fullwood
Hayley Smith
Annemarie Hatley
Crystal Johnson
Maria Krauter
Jennifer Orellana
Jessica Pinales
Caitlin Mattias
Nick Gragg
Laura Lopez
Katelyn Walker
Aristeo Sedeno
Jessica Bravo
Shannon Fanshier
Victoria Corral
Rebecca Banke
Jessica Aguilar
Lidia Contreras
Samantha Fellow
Kongchay Kaomixay
Manuel Maldonado
Valorie Ortega
Dennis Lopez
Ashley Martinez
Melissa Pina
Sarah Gallindo
Poala Gaytan
Cynthia Gonzales
Michelle Maldonado
Danessa Jimenez
Suzanne Heredia
Alexandra Maxwell
Lilbet Morales
Magali Morales
Xochitl Ramos