Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Heathenism
Blot Basics
The Hall of the Eternal Ash Tree
Hearth Rowland, in association with Thaet Anglseaxisce Ealdriht
Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A.
Discovering the Gods
Freyja/Freo Article
Thor/Thunor Article
Wes hal and welcome to the Heathen/Asatru website of Shawn and Carrie Rowland.  On these ever-growing pages you will find our thoughts and understandings of the spiritual path developed by our pre-Christian, and pre-Islamic ancestors.  Our religion, in its many regional, familial, and ideological forms is the natural faith of the Germanic peoples.  The Germanic peoples now-a-days make up those who can trace their lineage back to the English, French, Germans, Dutch, Lombards, Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, and other assorted folks like some of the non-Celtic Irish, Belgians, and Austrians. 

Our people are by nature tolerant of other beliefs, and leave such choices always up to the individual as opposed to the peer-pressure and fear tactics often found amongst Christianity and Islam.  However, it is a general belief that the naturally developed faith of your ancestors and your culture is the one best suited for you.  Heathens then, adhere to the ethics, practices, and beliefs developed by their Northern European folk.  This religion, though similar to Japanese Shinto, African Voudun, Indian Dharma, Celtic Druidism, and other ethnocentric faiths, is unique to the Germanic experience just as those other faiths are unique to the experiences of their respective peoples. 

Modern American media has been catering to our people's archetypal expressions through the current interest in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, and other such mythic tales of swords and sorcery.  I am glad for this, and hope other folks will get as much "airtime" to show their cultural character as well.

For more information look to the article list, and read to your heart's desire. May the blessings of the Gods be with you, and may you be blessed by the wisdom of the ancestors. 
Our Wedding Ceremony
Sanngetal Rune Working
Heathen Heresy
Holism Theory
Song of UlfgrimR
Tears of Gold