About Eagle's Landing

EL is located in central Virgnia on 250 acres.
This facility has:
3 Large Barns with 25 stalls each
2 Indoor Arenas
2 Outdoor Arenas
1 Office
6 Tack Rooms (2 per barn)
3 Feed Rooms
20 Wash Stalls
3 Hot-Walkers (6 Horses each)
200+ grazing Acres
20 Dog Kennel (w/ individual runs)
5 Grooming/Bathing Rooms

Stable Statistics
Number of Horses- 19
Stallion to Mare Ratio- 5:9
Number of home-bred foals- 0

Kennel Statistics
Number of Canines- 4
Male to Female Ratio- 1:1
Number of home-bred puppies- 0

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