A dream filled with
Killer explosions that shimmer the night sky
--like fireworks...
They call this sort of dream, a premonition right?
Of life or death, rebirth or decay
light and darkness, and all of life's various contrast
against the blankness of a stark memory.
And should everything wind, involuntarily
gaining niether momentum or nor sluggishness
around a single oblonged sphere
in a dull sublunar transgression
-all time and space
Reel back and forth as if a metronome?
and with no noise melt from
phase to phase?
Or rise, like the sun, without invitation
yet knowingly, a welcomed guest?
Rise and brighten all or withdraw and with its regression
grasp all fragments of life in its downfall
to seep into the sea with it?
Or lighten the earth with a queer sallow light
with a million omnicient eyeless pupils to teach...
Moon and Stars?
Or yet better still, of premonition, fold all and everything into a box?
a box filled with darkness and mind numbing,
swallowing silence- a dead zone
and call all of this, enclosed, and unknown,
the Universe? the Galaxy? Eternity? they call this sort of dream....
..........a premonition.......

© Caroline Alicia Harris
