News & Events
An EverQuest Guild
E'ci Server
Last Updated: 02/21/03 DirectoryDirectory RosterRoster Message BoardMsg Board LinksLinks .



  • Friday, Saturday March 1, 2003
  • Character Levels 40 plus
  • Raid location is Kael Drakkal
  • Time is 6 pm Central
  • Meeting place the Nexus or any Druid Ring a half hour prior to 6 pm.

All those attending please help keep the raid flowing well by attending it prepared. Do all your banking, selling or what ever it may be prior to gathering for the Raid. Also be ready to be ported from the Nexus or any Druid Ring at least 1/2 hour to 15 minutes prior to Raid time. Once the Raid started any late comers will have to wait until there is a good time to be transferred to join us if one comes available. All attending are also asked to have POK so the Raid Window can be used. During the Raid please stay together. We cannot protect each other if all go off in their own direction. Thank you for your cooperation and see you at the Raid!!

January 9, 2003-Guild Meeting Minutes

  1. Member promotion to Officer position: It was decided that Soulstice and his other characters would be promoted to Officer due to his display of knowledge of the game and willingness to help those in need.
  2. Guild Hunt planned: On January 18, 2003 in Lake of Ill Omen a guild hunt will take place for character levels 15 to 25.
  3. Monthly Raids: It was decided the guild will hold monthly raids for various levels that will be hosted by the guild officer's.
  4. Use of Message Board: The message board is barely being used. The board provides a place to lists Quests, post Raids, a bank to list items members want to sell or donate. The board also can be used to share experiences or just to communicate with other members. Please use it and check it often.
  5. Guild Roster: A reminder that all members are required to complete and submit a application so we can list your characters info on the guild roster. Those who are already listed on the roster please submit a Application periodically if you would like us to keep what info we have on your characters updated.



Railine & Ramblerak have been promoted to Guild Officer!

Both of them have shared their time helping fellow members and along with their knowledge of the game they have helped make things a bit easier for all of us to enjoy and have fun while we level our character's.

Hip! Hip! Hooray!!



Our Family Album web page is up and ready to be filled with everyone's main character picture and a short (no more then 50 words) bio. Take a picture of yourself or have someone else take it for you. E-mail Lilporter's E-mailLilporter with your bio along with your attached pic and we will add you to the guild's album.

Come on!!  Now is the time to be a "HAM"  and brag a bit!!
So Smile and say "Breeze Me" please!


The Dominion Of Souls is under management! Sciy Walkker is the DOS
   Guild Leader.  Our Leader and his Officer's/Elder's are working hard at building up 
   membership along with creating the best fun for all as we play our characters.

The Dominion Of Souls web site is almost complete.  New changes to
    all the pages have been made.  The "Links" page is the newest addition with lots of useful
    information you will find handy.  Take a trip through the site to keep up with latest
    news and events of the DOS members.

The New Message Board is up and running!!  You can find a link to the board on 
    several of our web site pages....go check it out!!

The Guild Bank is open for business and can be found on our New Message Board. 
    Asporth has been kind enough to moderate our bank postings. So please start posting
....your items for sale or trade.  Links provided on our web site pages. 

The online "Application" has been also posted.  All member's old and new are asked to 
    complete one.  The main link for the Application can be found on the "Recruiting" page 
    and a  link can also be found on some of our other guild pages.  Hurry and send yours in

E-mail Lilporter with Comments or Questions....Thanks!!
Comments or Questions