Questions and The Answers
Here are some questions to start that have already been asked several times.  If you have a question, just click on the e-mail tab and send it to me along with your name and I will post the question and your name along with my answer to it.

Is wrestling real?
Of course it is.  You don't just walk in the ring and start doing this.  We go through tough training and you have to know how to wrestle and defend yourself when you get into that ring.  Sure it is entertainment, but believe me, what we go through in training is not entertaining.

Where do you train?
I have my own gym equiped with weights and a ring.  I along with four other trainers, Jackhammer, Michael Devine, Engel, and Apryl Rayne, train people that are interested in being a professional wrestler.  I am the head trainer at my gym which is called Power Slam School of Professional Wrestling.

How did you learn to do the 450 and does it hurt?
As a kid growing up, I spent a lot of time at the swimming pools.  I was pretty good on the diving board and once I got comfortable doing the move in water, then I would go home and do it on my trampoline.  As the years went by I decided to use some of these moves in professional wrestling.  It was pretty easy for me to do.  As far as it hurting.  Sometimes it can hurt because you never know just exactly how you are going to land.  If you are going to do a high risk move, you take the good with the bad.

Why did you team up with Engel and Apryl Rayne?
I got tired of trying to live up to the fans when they wanted me to do this and to do that.  All they wanted was to live their dreams through me.  I finally realized that in order to stay at the top you have to work hard and step on some people to get there and stay there.  The truth hurts, but those are the facts.

Why did you turn your back on the fans?
I never turned my back on anyone.  I made a decision to better my career and the fans didn't like the decision that I made even though it was my decision to make and they started booing me for that.  They are the ones that turned on me.  If they were real fans, then they would have stuck with me.  I don't need any fans to get me to the top.  Believe it or not, I still have fans that respect my decisions and follow me.  They are the true fans.

If you have a question that you would like answered by me, just click on the e-mail tab and send it.