Engineers Club of Santa Clara Valley (ECSCV)
September 2000 Newsletter

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October Meeting: Skydiving From 30,000 Feet

Calpine/Bechtel Metcalf Power Plant

The September 28 meeting had Lisa Poelle, PR Director for Calpine/Bechtel, who brought an update on the project, along with some ideas on how members of the Engineers Club can help if they wish. There is no argument the project is one good deal, but some oppose it anyway.

Time Out for the Dope Sheet
became a mandate with programs ready for the next three months. As noted, Joe Cassisi et al were able to get the back room at Harry’s Hofbrau for club meetings and programs. That means you get what you want for lunch and the price is right.

We never settle for “good enough” so we go an extra mile to do things that take time and patience to make the Dope Sheet look good and something members can be proud of. Our achievement is personal reward.

The Board of Directors met the other day at Santa Clara University’s faculty club for lunch and discussions. The meeting place was arranged by Dick Blackburn. Attending were Joe Cassisi, Bob Lynum, Merle Isaak, Bill Lo Conte, Dick Blackburn, and John Bucholtz.

The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

From Here and There

Fat chance and slim chance mean the thing... You can multiply happiness by dividing it... If you are patient in moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

... Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine... the most important thing a father can do for his children is to the love thier mother... I’m attending school only until it becomes available on CD-ROM... Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.

Where is Wayne Ferree?

Glad you asked. Wayne is past president of Engineers Club, and was always somewhat of a standout. Those who know him well characterize him as innovative, inventive, and an example of what an engineer should be.

Wayne has moved to Carson City, Nevada at Wayne Ferree & Associates.

A Special Thanks To Dick and Eleanor Ehrlich

Dick and Eleanor Ehrlich are probably two of the most magnificent people on earth. They celebrated their 55th wedding Anniversary on July 7, 2000.

The mountainous area shown in the little photo above was the place where they were married. A secret little town by the name of Los Alamos.

Eleanor sent a letter that reflects the rare beauty of this wonderful lady. It is printed in a special addendum to this issue of the Dope Sheet.

She also sent a wedding day photograph and a copy of the marriage certificate.

It is truely one of life’s rewards to those who met and know the Ehrlichs. Dick was always ready to support any task needed by the club.

Eleanor writes well in sharing those things she wrote about. It’s an event every member of the club will enjoy and remember.

Preparing the special addendum [in the newsletter] is our way of acknowledging the love we have, for Dick and Eleanor. We’ll do it again on their 75th Anniversary.


HOLD FAST the time! Guard it, watch over it, every hour, every minute! Unregarded it slips away like a lizard, smooth, slippery, faithless. Hold every moment sacred. Give each clarity, and meaning, each the weight of thine awareness, each its true and due fulfillment. - Thomas Mann (1875-1955)

Punkin' Patch Parables

ALMOST NOTHING is more helpful in dealing with people than a sense of humor. Now, a sense of humor doesn’t necessarily mean a knack for telling jokes. Rather, it means the ability to take some setbacks and still see that the world has not come to an end.

If you can keep from taking a situation or yourself too seriously, you’ll get much better results. If you don’t take yourself too seriously, them are always things in any situation that are still amusing, that you can still smile about. And a smiling, cheerful leader invariably wins more cooperation than a grim or gloomy one.

If all you do in a crisis is add to the heat and confusion, people will soon lose respect for your abilities under pressure. But if YOU can maintain your sense of proportion and humor when the world seems to be falling apart, people who rely on you will show their loyalty.

Yes, some problems are serious - but there’s nothing to be gained by exaggerating their importance. Get in the habit of taking yourself and your problems less seriously. Learn to smile at yourself and the world as well. You'll get better results - and actually have more good things to smile about - when you do. (From Leadership).


Hot Dog!
The gods have smiled upon Engineers Club. We now will have the private back room at Harry’s Hofbrau for our meetings! Our president, Joe Cassisi, made the announcement at the recent board meeting. The area we had before was noisy and infested with people of all kinds. The new place will accomodate a hundred or more. We don’t expect that many right off, but at least the space for a meeting is there.

It’s Always Darkest Before Daylight!
That’s a profound statement, and hard to prove or disprove without going scientific. but assuming it’s true, that’s the way it is with Engineers Club. The light is appearing on the horizon, we’ve had enough darkness. So plan to attend the meetings coming up. You can be part of the light.

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