Erstwirkung - primary effect, primary action Nachwirkung - after-effect
Gegenwirkung - contra-effect, contrary action
Wechsel-Wirkung - alternating effect, alternating action,
- these are the words Hahnemann ussed to describe the effect of the remedy and the reaction of the vital force.

Constantine Hering had a quite different view of the effects of remedies on the organism. He expressed his convictions - confirmed by many trials - in a couple of articles and letters.
[The following quotes are all MY translations of the original German text. My comments and explanations in [...]]

"Letter to the meeting of homoeopathic physicians in Magdeburg, August 10,1844"
During provings with lower potencies, especially in large doses, Hering noticed in sensitive persons after the violent primary actions many symptoms which slowly abated.

The so-called alternating effects occurred in the beginning of the proving more often, but sometimes they could be followed into the last trace of the effect of the remedy."
When comparing the symptoms  of the first and the last days of a proving, a distinct difference was to be seen.

In provings with higher potencies Hering could not find such a difference in the symptoms, such a presence of alternating effects. But:

Therefore he came to the following conclusion:

All the signs which develop during the provings of higher potencies are equal to the after-effects of the lower or so-called stronger doses. But they don't coincide with the primary effects of them.

He added, that there were signs, e.g. like the burning in Arsenicum, which were found in the primary as well as in the after-effects. These signs, for him, were the main symptoms of a remedy:

More than a decade later, in 1855, he wrote in the article "For better understanding" ("Zum Verständniss", ZHK4, 31-32, 40, 47-48), that he had merely used the different terms of effects (first-, after-, primary- etc.) in the same manner as the words 'the sun rises and sets' are used. A special expression is used to be understood, though there is a different, a deeper and more precise knowledge behind it.

Hering was sure, that all the effects that appeared later in a proving - and therefore were often dismissed by others - were useful and important symptoms. He continues:

So for Hering there is one, and only one, effect. Each effect is produced by remedy and organism - for without organism there can't be an effect, there can't be symptoms to be seen.

His opinion about alternating effects he expressed:

In 1861, Hering confirmed once more his opinion, that there was only one sort of effect of a homoeopathic remedy in the article "Where is the proof for these symptoms?" ("Wo ist der Beweis für diese Symptome?", HVJ 12(1861) 236-289):

For Hering every action of the remedy was 'effect'. Neither could it be separated from the organism, nor could it be split up in several parts. So every effect and action was valuable, there was no reason to dismiss a part of this action beforehand by saying:

Every reaction of the organism, every symptom that appeared in a proving, could have been triggered by the remedy - so it could be valuable. And of course, a remedy was only able to produce such symptoms in an organism, the organism was capable to produce.

Copyright 1999, Gaby Rottler

References all taken from:

Hering's medizinische Schriften (Hering's medical writings), Burgdorf Verlag, 1988
"Sendschreiben an die Versammlung homoeopathischer Aerzte in Magdeburg am 10ten August 1844"
Published in Archiv fuer homoeopathische Heilkunst, 21(1844), 3, 161 - 184.
"Zum Verständniss", Zeitschrift fuer homoeopathische Klinik 4, 31-32, 40, 47-48
"Wo ist der Beweis für diese Symptome?", Homoeopathische Vierteljahreschrift 12(1861) 236-289