<%@ Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1" %> COE 25 FINAL DEFENSE

        ;                                               ;
        ;          COE-25  PROJECT DESIGN               ;
        ;                                               ;
        ;             EDISIM SEGUNDINO                  ;
        ;             RODORA KHO                        ;
        ;             JOSE DOLIENTE                     ;
        ;                                               ;

    xor ax,ax              ; clear all register (AX BC CX DX DS)
    xor bx,bx
    xor cx,cx
    xor dx,dx

    call detect_mem_store  ; detect if memory has stored data
    call initPPI1          ;
    call init_LCD          ;
    call initPPI2          ; INITIALIZE ALL PPI AND LCD
    call initPPI3          ;
    call initPPI4          ;
    call intro             ; print message to printer

    call delay
    call menu

    in al,21h          ; in switch status
    test al,01h        ; detect backdoor switch status (bit 0)
    cmp al,01h
    jne proceed

    in al,21h          ; in switch status (repeat input for right data)
    test al,01h        ; detect backdoor switch status (bit 0)
    cmp al,01h
    jne proceed
    call waitMSG       ; message
    call decs          ; decrement 7 segment display
    call open_motor    ; door opening

    xor ax,ax
    in al,12h          ;detect key press and debounce
    test al,01h
    je kpad
    call delay
    in al,12h
    test al,01h
    je kpad

    cmp al,01h        ; do a job upon key press
    jne bbb
    mov [424h],al     ; store press data for printing cardCode/increment 7 seg.
    call num1         ; key#1
    jmp restart       ; restart if end process

    cmp al,11h
    jne kpad
    call num2         ; key#2
    jmp restart       ; restart if end process

    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,084h       ;line1 Log Options
    call line

    mov al,'L'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'O'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'G'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'O'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'T'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'I'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'O'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'N'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'S'
    call dis_char

    mov dl,0c0h    ;line2 Room Entry
    call line

    mov al,'['
    call dis_char

    mov al,'1'
    call dis_char

    mov al,']'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'R'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'m'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'E'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'y'
    call dis_char

    mov dl,94h     ;line3 Change Password
    call line

    mov al,'['
    call dis_char

    mov al,'2'
    call dis_char

    mov al,']'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char
    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'h'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'g'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'I'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'N'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov dl,0d7h     ;line4 Choose Number
    call line
    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'h'
    call dis_char
    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'N'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'u'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'m'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'b'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,':'
    call dis_char

    mov al,0ch      ; Cursor Off
    call command


accept_code:        ; this procedure will be called if card is accepted

    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,0c2h
    call line

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'A'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'c'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'c'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'p'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay2


ask_pin:                 ; ask PIN Code
    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,080h
    call line

    mov al,'E'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'I'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'N'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,':'
    call dis_char

    mov dl,0d4h
    call line

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'#'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'V'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'l'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'i'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,0eh     ; cursor ON
    call command

    mov dl,0c0h    ; PIN Line
    call line

    call PIN_ASK
    mov al,[300h]  ; retrieve card code

    cmp al,02h
    jne x1
    call code2
    jmp x4
    cmp al,04h
    jne x2
    call code4
    jmp x4
    cmp al,06h
    jne x3
    call code6
    jmp x4
    call code8

ch_pin:               ; procedure called when key2 is press
    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,080h
    call line

    mov al,'E'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'u'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'I'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'N'
    call dis_char

    mov al,':'
    call dis_char

    mov dl,0d4h
    call line

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'#'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'V'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'l'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'i'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,0eh      ;cursor ON
    call command

    mov dl,0c0h    ; PIN Line
    call line

    call PIN_ASK
    mov al,[300h]  ;retrieve card code

    cmp al,02h
    jne xx1
    call code2
    jmp xx4
    cmp al,04h
    jne xx2
    call code4
    jmp xx4
    cmp al,06h
    jne xx3
    call code6
    jmp xx4
    call code8
   call longdelay2
   call new_PIN

new_PIN:                   ; Procedure for asking new PIN Code
    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,080h
    call line

    mov al,'E'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'N'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'w'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'I'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'N'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,':'
    call dis_char

    mov dl,0d4h
    call line

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'#'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'V'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'l'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'i'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov dl,094h
    call line

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'*'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'E'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'c'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'p'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,0eh      ;cursor ON
    call command

    mov dl,0c0h    ; PIN Line
    call line

    call PIN_ASK1
    mov al,[300h]  ;retrieve card code

    cmp al,02h
    jne g1
    call code_2
    jmp g4
    cmp al,04h
    jne g2
    call code_4
    jmp g4
    cmp al,06h
    jne g3
    call code_6
    jmp g4
    call code_8
   call pin_save

    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,0c2h
    call line

    mov al,0ch      ;      Cursor Off
    call command

    mov al,'S'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'v'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'i'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'g'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PROCEDURES FOR SAVING NEW PIN CODE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

code_2:                ; CODE2   new PIN
    mov si,405h
    mov bl,[301h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[302h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[303h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[304h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[305h]
    mov [si],bl

code_4:               ; CODE4 new PIN
    mov si,40ah
    mov bl,[301h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[302h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[303h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[304h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[305h]
    mov [si],bl

code_6:              ; CODE6 new PIN
    mov si,40fh
    mov bl,[301h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[302h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[303h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[304h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[305h]
    mov [si],bl

code_8:             ; CODE8 new PIN
    mov si,414h
    mov bl,[301h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[302h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[303h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[304h]
    mov [si],bl

    inc si
    mov bl,[305h]
    mov [si],bl


PIN_ASK:              ; Procedure used in "Room Entry" Option
    mov si,301h
    call key_PIN      ;
    inc si
    call key_PIN      ;
    inc si
    call key_PIN      ; key-in 5 digit PIN Code
    inc si
    call key_PIN      ;
    inc si
    call key_PIN      ;
    call delay

    in al,12h         ; detect key press and debounce
    test al,01h
    je number_sign
    call delay
    in al,12h
    test al,01h
    je number_sign

    cmp al,0e1h
    jne number_sign

    xor ax,ax
    in al,12h
    test al,01h
    jne still3


PIN_ASK1:             ; Procedure used in "Change PIN" Option
    mov si,301h       ;
    call key_PIN      ;
    inc si            ;
    call key_PIN      ;
    inc si            ; key-in 5 digit PIN Code
    call key_PIN      ;
    inc si            ;
    call key_PIN      ;
    inc si            ;
    call key_PIN      ;
    call delay        ;

    in al,12h     ;detect key press and debounce
    test al,01h
    je sign
    call delay
    in al,12h
    test al,01h
    je sign

    cmp al,0c1h   ; * to escape
    jne sign_1
    jmp restart

    cmp al,0e1h   ;# to validate
    jne sign

    xor ax,ax
    in al,12h
    test al,01h
    jne still4


    in al,12h     ;detect key press and debounce
    test al,01h   ;
    je key_PIN    ;
    call delay    ;
    in al,12h     ; Loop key_PIN until key is press
    test al,01h   ;
    je key_PIN    ;

    mov [si],al   ; load press data to a mem location
    call embed

    xor ax,ax
    in al,12h
    test al,01h
    jne still2


code2:            ; code2 procedure for PIN validation (compare keyed pin)
    mov si,405h
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[301h]
    cmp al,bl
    je y1
    jmp deny
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[302h]
    cmp al,bl
    je y2
    jmp deny
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[303h]
    cmp al,bl
    je y3
    jmp deny
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[304h]
    cmp al,bl
    je y4
    jmp deny
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[305h]
    cmp al,bl
    jne deny
    call granted
    jmp ennd

    call denied


code4:            ; code4 procedure for pin validation (compare keyed pin)
    mov si,40ah
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[301h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yy1
    jmp deny1
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[302h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yy2
    jmp deny1
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[303h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yy3
    jmp deny1
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[304h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yy4
    jmp deny1
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[305h]
    cmp al,bl
    jne deny1
    call granted
    jmp end1

    call denied


code6:            ; code6 procedure for pin validation (compare keyed pin)
    mov si,40fh
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[301h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yyy1
    jmp deny2
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[302h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yyy2
    jmp deny2
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[303h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yyy3
    jmp deny2
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[304h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yyy4
    jmp deny2
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[305h]
    cmp al,bl
    jne deny2
    call granted
    jmp end2

    call denied


code8:             ; code8 procedure for pin validation (compare keyed pin)
    mov si,414h
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[301h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yyyy1
    jmp deny3
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[302h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yyyy2
    jmp deny3
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[303h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yyyy3
    jmp deny3
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[304h]
    cmp al,bl
    je yyyy4
    jmp deny3
    inc si
    mov al,[si]
    mov bl,[305h]
    cmp al,bl
    jne deny3
    call granted
    jmp end3

   call denied


    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,0c3h
    call line

    mov al,'A'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'E'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'S'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'S'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'D'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'E'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'N'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'I'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'E'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'D'
    call dis_char

    mov al,0ch      ;      Cursor Off
    call command

    call longdelay2
    call longdelay2

    jmp restart

    mov al,[424h] ; retrieve keypress
    cmp al,01h
    jne grant
    call incs
    mov al,00h
    mov [424h],al ; clear mem[424h]

    ;;;;;;  print user card code ;;;;;;;;;;;

    mov al,[300h]
    cmp al,02h               ; card code2
    jne prn1
    call code2_IN_print
    jmp grant

    cmp al,04h               ; card code4
    jne prn2
    call code4_IN_print
    jmp grant

    cmp al,06h               ; card code6
    jne prn3
    call code6_IN_print
    jmp grant

    call code8_IN_print      ; card code8

    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,0c3h
    call line

    mov al,'A'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'E'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'S'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'S'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'G'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'R'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'A'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'N'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'T'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'E'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'D'
    call dis_char

    mov al,0ch      ; Cursor Off
    call command

    mov bl,0cdh     ; force data = 0cdh
    mov [421h],bl   ; store data to [421h] (for motor rotation)


    mov al,'*'
    call dis_char

    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,080h
    call line

    mov al,'N'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'I'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov dl,0c0h
    call line

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'l'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'I'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'V'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'l'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'i'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov dl,94h
    call line

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'F'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'i'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,0ch      ;      Cursor Off
    call command


    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,0c4h
    call line

    mov al,'I'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'v'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'l'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'i'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,0ch      ;      Cursor Off
    call command
    call longdelay2


    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,0c4h
    call line

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'c'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'S'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'o'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'p'
    call dis_char

    mov dl,96h
    call line

    mov al,'P'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'l'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'s'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'W'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'i'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'t'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char

    mov al,0ch      ; Cursor Off
    call command


    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,0c3h    ;  LCD initial line >> key_1
    call line

    mov al,'R'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'i'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'g'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay2

    mov al,0ch       ;cursor off / bink off
    call command

    xor ax,ax
    in al,22h        ;Port C PPI2 Card Slot (input)
    mov [300h],al    ;save DATA for CARD & PIN Validation
    cmp al,00h
    jne ccc
    call notify
    call longdelay2
    jmp iii

    cmp al,02h
    jne ddd
    jmp ggg
    cmp al,04h
    jne eee
    jmp ggg
    cmp al,06h
    jne fff
    jmp ggg
    cmp al,08h
    je ggg
    call invalid_card
    jmp iii

    call accept_code     ; procedure called if card is valid
    call ask_pin
    mov al,[421h]        ; retrieve data from mem.[421h]
    cmp al,0cdh          ; if access granted then data should be <0cdh>
    if e call open_motor ; door open

    call clr_dis
    call delay
    mov dl,0c3h    ;  LCD initial line >> key_1
    call line

    mov al,'R'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'e'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'i'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'n'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'g'
    call dis_char

    mov al,' '
    call dis_char

    mov al,'C'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'a'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'r'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'d'
    call dis_char

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    mov al,'.'
    call dis_char
    call longdelay2

    mov al,0ch         ;cursor off / bink off
    call command

    xor ax,ax
    in al,22h        ;Port C PPI2 Card Slot (input)
    mov [300h],al    ;save DATA for CARD & PIN Validation
    cmp al,00h
    jne a1
    call notify
    call longdelay2
    jmp a6

    cmp al,02h
    jne a2
    jmp a5
    cmp al,04h
    jne a3
    jmp a5
    cmp al,06h
    jne a4
    jmp a5
    cmp al,08h
    je a5
    call invalid_card
    jmp a6

    call accept_code    ; procedure called if card is accepted
    call ch_pin         ; procedure called for changing PIN

    mov al,01h     ; clear current display
    call command

    mov al,89h     ;(PortA-OUT PortB-OUT PortC-IN)
    out 13h,al

    mov al,9bh     ;(PortA-IN PortB-IN PortC-IN)
    out 23h,al

    mov al,80h     ;(PortA-OUT PortB-OUT PortC-OUT)
    out 33h,al

    mov al,82h     ;(PortA-OUT PortB-IN PortC-OUT)
    out 43h,al

init_PIN:          ;default PIN >> 67890    initialize all PIN Code
  xor ax,ax

  mov [422h],ax    ; used for 7 segment display
  mov [423h],ax    ; used for 7 segment display

  mov si,420h
  mov al,0abh      ; data to compare if mem is already in use
  mov [si],al

  mov si,405h      ; start Address for CODE2
  mov al,61h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,81h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,91h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,0a1h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,0d1h
  mov [si],al

  mov si,40ah      ; start Address for CODE4
  mov al,61h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,81h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,91h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,0a1h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,0d1h
  mov [si],al

  mov si,40fh      ; start Address for CODE6
  mov al,61h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,81h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,91h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,0a1h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,0d1h
  mov [si],al

  mov si,414h      ; start Address for CODE8
  mov al,61h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,81h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,91h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,0a1h
  mov [si],al
  inc si
  mov al,0d1h
  mov [si],al



        call delay
        mov al,38h     ;1st function set
        call command
        call delay
        mov al,38h     ;2nd function set
        call command
        mov al,38h     ;3rd function set
        call command
        call delay
        mov al,01h
        call command
        mov al,0eh     ;display on / cursor on / bink off
        call command


    out 10h,al
    mov al,0a0h
    out 11h,al
    call delay
    mov al,01h
    out 11h,al


    out 10h,al
    call delay
    mov al,80h
    out 11h,al
    call delay
    mov al,00h
    out 11h,al

    mov cx,0ffh
    loop xxx

    mov cx,0fffh
    loop yyy

    mov cx,02ffh
    loop steps

    call delay2
    call delay2
    call delay2
    call delay2
    call delay2

    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay
    call longdelay

    xor ax,ax
    mov al,dl
    call command

   mov ds,ax
   mov si,420h
   mov al,[si]
   cmp al,0abh
   jne not_stored
   jmp stored
   call init_PIN

    call longdelay2
    call clr_dis
    call menu

    xor ax,ax
    mov al,11h
    push ax
    pop ax
    call stepdelay
    out 32h,al
    rol al,01h
    push ax

    in al,21h      ; in switch status
    and al,04h     ; get switch status (bit 2)
    cmp al,04h
    jne motor1

    call rotate_stop_and_close

    mov al,11h
    push ax
    pop ax
    call stepdelay
    out 32h,al
    ror al,01h
    push ax

    in al,21h      ; in switch status
    and al,02h     ; get switch status (bit 1)
    cmp al,02h
    jne motor2

    call delay2
    mov al,00h     ; set back to default value of port
    out 32h,al     ; to protect the step driver from high TEMPERATURE


    mov al,00h        ; set back to default value of port
    out 32h,al        ; to protect the step driver from high TEMPERATURE

    call longdelay2
    call longdelay2

    call close_motor

    jmp restart

   mov cx,[423h]   ; pop counter
   mov bx,[422h]   ; pop number of entries

   inc bl
   inc cl
   cmp cl,0ah
   jne incs_a
   call add1

   mov al,bl
   out 30h,al

   mov [422h],bl    ; store current number of entries
   mov [423h],cl    ; store current counter

    cmp bl,9ah
    jne add1_a
    call add2
    jmp add1_b
    add bl,06h
    xor cx,cx

    add bx,66h
    mov al,bh
    out 31h,al

   mov cx,[423h]   ; pop counter
   mov bx,[422h]   ; pop number of entries

   cmp cl,00h
   jne decs_a
   call sub1
   jmp decs_b

   dec bl
   dec cl
   mov al,bl
   out 30h,al

   mov [422h],bl    ; store current number of entries
   mov [423h],cl    ; store current counter

    cmp bl,00h
    jne sub1_a
    call sub2
    jmp sub1_b
    sub bl,07h
    mov cl,09h

    sub bx,67h
    mov al,bh
    out 31h,al

   call print_next_line
   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'D'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'2'
   call printer


   call print_next_line
   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'D'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'4'
   call printer


   call print_next_line
   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'D'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'6'
   call printer


   call print_next_line
   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'D'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'8'
   call printer


intro:                       ; routine for introduction message

   mov al,'W'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'L'
   call printer

   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'M'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'!'
   call printer

   mov al,'!'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'T'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'A'
   call printer

   mov al,'M'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'F'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'I'
   call printer

   mov al,'N'
   call printer

   mov al,'S'
   call printer

   mov al,'T'
   call printer

   mov al,'R'
   call printer

   mov al,'U'
   call printer

   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'T'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'R'
   call printer

   mov al,'S'
   call printer

   call print_next_line

   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'L'
   call printer

   mov al,'L'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'G'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'F'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'M'
   call printer

   mov al,'P'
   call printer

   mov al,'U'
   call printer

   mov al,'T'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'R'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'N'
   call printer

   mov al,'G'
   call printer

   mov al,'I'
   call printer

   mov al,'N'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'R'
   call printer

   mov al,'I'
   call printer

   mov al,'N'
   call printer

   mov al,'G'
   call printer

   call print_next_line

   mov al,'P'
   call printer

   mov al,'R'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'J'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'T'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'D'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'S'
   call printer

   mov al,'I'
   call printer

   mov al,'G'
   call printer

   mov al,'N'
   call printer

   call print_next_line

   mov al,'M'
   call printer

   mov al,'P'
   call printer

   mov al,'U'
   call printer

   mov al,'-'
   call printer

   mov al,'B'
   call printer

   mov al,'A'
   call printer

   mov al,'S'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'D'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'N'
   call printer

   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'R'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'A'
   call printer

   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'M'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'N'
   call printer

   mov al,'T'
   call printer

   call print_next_line

   mov al,'S'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'U'
   call printer

   mov al,'R'
   call printer

   mov al,'I'
   call printer

   mov al,'T'
   call printer

   mov al,'Y'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'A'
   call printer

   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'C'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'S'
   call printer

   mov al,'S'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'S'
   call printer

   mov al,'Y'
   call printer

   mov al,'S'
   call printer

   mov al,'T'
   call printer

   mov al,'E'
   call printer

   mov al,'M'
   call printer

   call print_next_line
   call print_next_line
   call print_next_line
   call print_next_line

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'L'
   call printer

   mov al,'O'
   call printer

   mov al,'G'
   call printer

   mov al,' '
   call printer

   mov al,'L'
   call printer

   mov al,'I'
   call printer

   mov al,'S'
   call printer

   mov al,'T'
   call printer


    mov al,0Dh             ; carriage return
    call printer

    mov al,0Ah             ; line feed
    call printer

printer:                   ; printer routine for printing
       mov dx,40h
       out dx,al

       mov al, 04h         ; selectIN=0 init=1 autofeed=0 strobe=0
       mov dx, 42h
       out dx, al
       call printer_timing
       mov al, 05h        ; let know the printer if data is transmitted
       out dx, al         ; where ( selectIN=0  init=1  autofeed=0 strobe=1)

       mov dx, 41h        ; detect if data has been acknowledge by the printer
       in al,dx
       and al, 01h
       jz ack

       mov dx,41h         ; detect if printer is busy
       in al, dx
       and al, 02h
       jnz busy


    mov    cx,0f00h
    loop   prn