Date/ 2 (thur) & 3 (fri) Sept 2004 Time/9:30pm

Venue/ Fringe Club_2 Lower Albert Road (at Ice  House Street), Central Hong Kong

Price/$150 (1 standard free drink)


Fringe Club_Tel: 2521 7251

Zoo Records_Shop B31, Sino Centre, 582-592 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kln / Tel: 2384 1062

After School_2/F, 17 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay, HK / Tel: 2983 2130

Enquires: 9499 0876

壹個喪,壹個痴。音樂 model 王 Momus + 香港甜品皇 the pancakes 以強練獨樂幻爆連場歌舞,你話 ne ,你覺得我地點 ne? 唔....有得飲,有得跳,重有歌聽 tim bor。快 D來同我地玩 la!

Indie legends: Momus + the pancakes will show off their nuts and blots in the concert. What are u still waiting for? Music + Dance + Alcohol, come & join us at this party la. Ho ng ho sin?


the pancakes

the pancakes 就是 dejay 就是 rewind records the pancakes,獨立音樂創作人。2000年初,推出首張特別個人的音樂專輯「les bonbons sont bons」(意思大約是「糖糖都是噹噹甜的」)。自2001年中開始,the pancakes成為了dejay的全職活動,其中包括出版自己的音樂專輯CD和DVD,及做些其他林林種種她喜愛的事與情;另外還有在香港及外地演出和舉辦妙想天開音樂會系列。而電視上的廣告裡,經常會聽到她的音樂,成為了她的音樂的另一個發表場地。

the pancakes = dejay = rewind records independent musician, released her debut album *les bonbons sont bons* in early 2000. Since mid-2001 "the pancakes" has become her full-time job. Her work includes releasing her own albums and any other things she likes (like fanzines and DVDs), organising concerts (reverie concert series), performing in Hong Kong and other countries, etc. Her songs have appeared in various TV commercials.



Momus,音樂創作人及表演者。曾為多間著名傳奇英國獨立唱片製作公司如4AD、el、Cherry Red及Creation等錄製音樂,還為日本星級人氣Kahimi Karie撰寫及監製相當多的樂曲。過去幾年,Momus以倫敦、巴黎、紐約、東京及柏林為家。他的風格轉型之快一如他過去幾年的落腳國家,音樂由「獨立流行室樂」到「Analog 巴洛克」及「民謠電子」。他的現場演出以灰諧、動感及互動見勝,如電子版的雜耍加默劇加「愚人」民族舞。除了音樂演出,Momus是紙上形像及設計通,為不同的刊物執筆。

Momus is a musician and performer who has recorded for such legendary British independent labels as 4AD, el, Cherry Red and Creation, as well as writing and producing many songs for Japanese star Kahimi Karie. Over the last few years he's lived in London, Paris, New York, Tokyo and Berlin. He changes styles almost as often as he changes country; from indie chamber pop to 'Analog Baroque' and 'folktronic'. His live shows are funny, active and interactive, like an electronic version of vaudeville, with lots of miming and fake folk dancing. Momus also writes articles for the style and design press.