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Edelweiss Media is a noncommercial television system of broadcasting that is financed by means other than advertising revenues. Our noncommercial television networks supply programs directly to the audience, whereas commercial television supplies audiences to advertisers. Our success due to innovative distribution methods and diverging programming philosophies, is the essential difference between us and regular networks.

Historically, commercialism has been criticized for inhibiting the free expression of television's vast potential. Much of television's best programming, however, both in the United States and abroad, has been that which recognizes and builds on the reality of broadcasting's mass appeal, rather than that which fights against it.

Broadcast television, in all its forms, is the mass medium of our time, with a reach greater than that of any other means of communication and Edelweiss Media recognizes the potential to reach the public at grass roots level especially by providing an essential cultural/political context that appeals to local sensibilities simply unavailable on public air waves before.

Edelweiss Media production networks is still in its infancy but provides entertaining and increasingly well-produced programs for Europe's upscale, educated, professional, health-conscious and politically active membership base -- an audience tired of liberal viewpoints and impatient with the "vast wasteland" of commercialism. Our production company, in the span of a couple of years, has managed to attract thousands of viewers by pioneering new forms, bold topics, and unorthodox concepts.

Our most popular broadcasting's schedule is in cultural programming--political documentaries, concerts, operas, plays, debates and regional information programs.
Many of our best programs -- including, notably, OUR LAND (England), REALITE URBAINE (Urban Reality, France) -- have been products of regional television workshops, with participation and support from local independent, political organizations.

Edelweiss Media strongest area is in public affairs, a fact underscored by the launch of our official 2004 campaign throughout Scandinavia. We have been able to provide a voice to a growing dissatisfied electorate, giving them a forum to express their anti-establishmentarian views that other networks would not dare cover for fears of government censorship or reprimand. Our advantage is not being dependent on any grants or subsidies, free of any ties with governments, banks or institutions. We operate on the move, remain mobile and distribute our finished product from abroad (USA). We keep our operations small and always maintain good, close and personal customer contacts.




Economies Of Nationalist States: The Swedish State (English)

"Economies of Nationalist States: The Swedish State" -- This program hosted by economist and political sciences expert Sylviane Englund establishes the ground foundations for an alternative socio-economic system, one that traces a middle path between Liberal and Marxist dogma. The points raised offer timely solutions on how simple reforms can be implemented to turn today's stagnant and corrupt system of government into strong and vibrant nationalist powerhouses.

Our Land (English)
pisodes 1 - 5 / APPROX. 30 MINUTES -- No. 01-OL

"OUR LAND" -- The focus of the program is on farming communities and small villages doomed to vanish for the benefit of large multicultural urban town centers. Shot on location at various sites in the countryside, it features important comments and valuable records of disappearing ancestral European traditions for the sake of capital and easy living.

Réalité Urbaine (French)
pisodes 1 - 2 / APPROX. 60 MINUTES -- No. 01-RU

"REALITE URBAINE (URBAN REALITY)" -- The topic of this hard hitting documentary series is street violence and the rise of urban crimes in our cities. The reporters film normal activities of street life in known troubled parts of the country and towns showing events as they occur. Unedited, the footage presented to the public serves as a valuable visual record of the growing problems of overpopulation and the impact of illegal immigration on neighborhoods. This program is also available subtitled.




Riefenstahl, Leni

Film director, Leni Riefenstahl, b. Berlin, Aug. 22, 1902, achieved an international reputation on the basis of two extraordinary documentaries. Her first film, the mystical Blue Light (1932), enflamed imagination, and following her short documentary of the Nazi party's 1933 Nuremberg rally, Victory of Faith (1934), she was commissioned to give feature-length treatment to the same event in 1934. The result, Triumph of the Will (1935), was an impressive spectacle of Germany's adherence to National Socialism and a masterpiece of romanticized propaganda. Equally famous, was her coverage of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, the four-hour epic Olympia (1938). Blacklisting by the Allies (1945-52) and postwar ostracism ended Riefenstahl's career as a filmmaker.


Access Leni Riefenstahl's complete bibliography on her official site:


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