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John Hooser Estate Settlement

On which is the following Endorsement to wit:
Filed for Record December 4th 1872 at 12 O'clock M
J. A. Bagby Clk
Recorded December 4th 1872 at 3 O'clock PM
J. A. Bagby Clerk
The State of Texas } 
County of Red River }

Know all men by these presents that we Barsheba Hooser, William B. Hooser, Mary J. Lawson, Daniel M. Hooser, Thomas H. Hooser, M. C. Hooser, Julia A. Walker, William C. Hooser, Mary D. Mason, and Lucretia J. Mason being at law of the Estate of John Hooser Late of said County deceased. We the above named parties do hereby consent and agree to divide the homestead containing one hundred and forty four acres of land to be divided as follows: That Barsheba Hooser have ten acres off of the North end of the Prairie Tract | and that M. C. Hooser have the next ten acres joining | and that Mary J. Lawson have the next ten acres joining | and that Thomas H. Hooser have the next ten acres joining | and that W. B. Hooser have the next ten acres joining | and that Mary D. Mason have the next ten acres joining | and that Lucretia J. Mason have the next ten acres joining | and that W. C. Hooser have the next ten acres joining | and that Daniel M. Hooser have the next and last ten acres of the said Prairie tract and that the Timber tract containing forty acres be equally divided between each one of us.
To all of which we agree and assign our names this the 19th day of November AD 1872.

The understanding is that Barsheba Hooser is to have control and use of the building she now resides in and also the house that George W. Walker lived in recently said buildings being on the ten acres allotted to M. C. Hooser.

Barsheba Hooser
M. C. Hooser
I. H. Lawson 
M. D. Lawson
G. W. Walker 
J. A. Walker
T. H. Hooser 
W. B. Hooser 
W. B. Hooser for John and M. D. Mason
W. B. Hooser for James and L. J. Mason 
W. B. Hooser for W. C. Hooser

Source:  Book S, pp. 605-606, Red River County, Texas


The county clerk made several errors in this document:

Son Alexander Hooser was not included in the settlement because he died at age 22 without issue, but why son Newton W. Hooser or his children are not included is a mystery.

This table summarizes the parties' relationships to John Hooser.

Signatory  Full Name Relationship to John Hooser
Barsheba Hooser Barsheba [Unknown] Last wife
M. C. Hooser Mordecai Clinton Hooser Son
I. H. Lawson  Isaiah Hampton Lawson Husband of Mary Jane Hooser
M. D. [sic] Lawson Mary Jane Hooser Lawson Daughter
G. W. Walker  George W. Walker Husband of Julia Anne Hooser
J. A. Walker Julia Anne Hooser Walker Daughter
T. H. Hooser  Thomas Hardin Hooser Son
W. B. Hooser Williamson B. Hooser Son
W. B. Hooser for John and M. D. Mason  John Mason, Sr.

Mary D. Hooser Mason

Husband of Mary D. Hooser

Granddaughter (daughter of Unknown and Newton W. Hooser, deceased).

W. B. Hooser for James and L. J. Mason James W. Mason

Lucinda Jane Clapp Mason

Husband of Lucinda Jane Clapp

Granddaughter (daughter of Martha Anne Hooser Mason, deceased, and John Clapp, Sr.)

W. B. Hooser for W. C. Hooser William Cain Hooser Son


Copyright 1997-2005 by Mary Hooser. All rights reserved. 
Last updated February 1, 2005.