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Gender: Masculine
: Italian
Bonaventura comes from an Italian phrase meaning “Good Luck” from “buona” (good) and “ventura” (luck).

Bonaventura was originally a nickname, and it was given to Giovanni di Fidenta (1221-1274), who became St. Bonaventura, a friend of St. Francis of Assisi.

As a saint’s name, especially as an Italian saint’s name, Bonaventura was soon used as a baptismal name in Italy, where it became common. From Italy it spread out to Catholics in other countries.

Pronunciation: bon-ah-ven-tyoor-ah.

Alternates: Bonaventure, Buenaventura.
Polish: Bonawentura.

Famous Bearers:
Artists and Authors:
Bonaventura Berlinghieri
(13th century)
Italian painter.
Bonaventure Des Périers (1510-1544)
French poet.
Bonaventura Genelli (1798-1868)
German painter.

Bonaventura Elzevir (1583-16552)
Dutch printer.

Bonaventure Island

Religious Figures:
St. Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidenta)(1221-1274)
A doctor of the church.
Bl. Bonaventure of Miako (-1597)
Japanese martyr.

Scientists and Inventors:
Bonaventura Francesco Cavalieri (1598-1647)
Italian mathematician.

Percentage from the 1990 U.S. Census:
less than 0.004 % named Bonaventure

Popularity of Bonaventure:
Popularity (for newborns)
In the United States...
1900-2000: N/A

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