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Gender: Masculine
: English, Scottish
Callum (form of Columba) is a Scottish diminutive of Malcolm, which comes from a Scottish Gaelic name meaning “Follower of St. Columba” from “maoil” (servant) and Columb (Columba). Columba is a Latin name meaning “Dove.”

Callum, the Scottish form of Columba, was originally not given as a first name. Naming children directly after saints was considered presumptuous. Instead, a child might be named Malcolm, from “maoil” (servant) and Columb (or Callum).
Callum has become quite popular in the British Isles during the late 20th century.

Pronunciation: call-um.

Alternates: Calum.
Irish: Colm, Colom, Cóilín.

Percentage from the 1990 U.S. Census:
less than 0.004 % named Callum

Popularity of Callum
Popularity (for newborns)
In the United States...
1900-2000: N/A

In Britain...
2001: 15th most popular.
2002: 16th most popular.
2003: 19th most popular.

In Ireland...
1998: 99th most popular.
1999: 80th most popular.
2000: 69th most popular.
2001: 76th most popular.
2002: 62nd most popular.
2003: 46th most popular.

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