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Gender: Masculine
: Latin
Donatus is a Latin name meaning ”Given.”

Donatus was the name of early martyrs and saints and the name is found in the British Isles before even the Anglo-Saxons. During this period the name was known as Donnet, and was given to both males and females. It was never really common, however, and probably died out before the Reformation.

But in Italy, Donato stayed popular, especially around the Renaissance.

Pronunciation: don-at-us, doh-nay-tus

Catalan: Donat.
English: Donnet, Donat.
French: Donat.
Italian: Donato, Donatello.
Irish: Donat.
Polish: Donat.
Provençal: Donat.
Spanish: Donato.
Welsh: Dunawd.

Famous Bearers:
Artists and Authors:
Donato di Niccolo di Bette Bardi (Donatello) (1386-?)
Italian sculptor.
Donato Bramante
Italian architect.

Educators, Scholars, and Social Workers:
Aelius Donatus (4th century)
Roman grammarian.
Donato Giannotti (1492-1573)
Italian political theorist.

Religious Figures:
St. Donatus (4th century)
Bishop of Euraea, Epirus.
Donatus, Bishop of Casae Nigrae (4th century)
A leader of the Donatists.
Donatus Magnus (4th century)
A bishop of Carthage and a leader of the Donatists.
St. Donatus (-304)
Italian martyr.
St. Donatus (-535)
French hermit.
St. Donatus of Besancon (-660)
Bishop of Besancon, France.
St. Donatus of Fiesole (-874)
Irish-born bishop of Fiesole, Italy.
St. Donatus (-1198)
Patron saint of Ripacandida, Italy.

Percentage from the 1990 U.S. Census:
less than 0.004 % named Donatus

Popularity of Donatus:
Popularity (for newborns)
In the United States...
1900-2000: N/A

Popularity of Donato:
Popularity (for newborns)
In the United States...
1900-1910: 848th most popular.
1910-1920: 877th most popular.
1920-2000: N/A

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