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Gender: Masculine
: Latin/Greek
Eusebius is the Latin form of a Greek name, Eusebios meaning “Pious” from “eu” (good) and “sebein” (to worship, to honor).

A favorite Greek name, Eusebius belonged to many early saints, martyrs, and churchmen. Never common in England, Eusebius is most often found in Catholic countries like Spain.

Pronunciation: yoo-seb-ee-uss.

English: Euseby.
Spanish: Eusebio, Eusbio.

Feminine: Eusebia.

Famous Bearers:
Educators, Scholars, and Social Workers:
Eusebius of Caesarea (263-339)
A bishop of Caesarea and church historian.
Eusebius of Nicomedia (?-342)
Early theologian. Leader of Arianism.

Eusebio Francisco Kino (1644-1711)
Jesuit missionary and explorer.

Religious Figures:
St. Eusebius of Rome (-310?)
A Pope.
St. Eusebius (315-192)
An early martyr.
St. Eusebius (4th century)
A Syrian hermit.
St. Eusebius (-256)
A Roman martyr.
St. Eusebius of Vercelli (315-371)
He fought against Arian heresy.
St. Eusebius of Samosata (315-380)
A bishop of Syria.
St. Eusebius of Bologna (-400)
A bishop of Bologna.
St. Eusebius of Cremona (-423)
An abbot of Bethlehem.
St. Eusebius of Milan (-465)
A bishop of Milan.
St. Eusebius (-884)
An Irish Benedictine martyr.

Percentage from the 1990 U.S. Census:
0.004 % named Eusebio
less than 0.004 % named Eusebius

Popularity of Eusebio:
Popularity (for newborns)
In the United States...
1900-1910: 739th most popular.
1910-1920: 688th most popular.
1920-1930: N/A
1930-1940: 750th most popular.
1940-1950: 997th most popular.
1950-1960: 988th most popular.
1960-2000: N/A

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