Flushing Meadows, New York, NY

September 11, 1992

S. EDBERG/I. Lendl

6-3, 6-3, 3-6, 5-7, 7-6 (7-3)



Q. What were your thoughts last night going home? What was going through your head?

STEFAN EDBERG: A few things. I mean, it is -- as the match turned out, the fourth set got very exciting yesterday, and I had four match points. I had two really great opportunities to finish the match off. But somehow, he managed to pull it out. I mean, I am not sure how, but he did it. And when I went home last night, I -- I wasn't disappointed, but I was sort of thinking, this is what is my match. That is what I thought. I just sort of laughed about the whole thing. That was the only thing I could think about last night. Actually, I had slept very well and I woke up and I felt good today. I tried to look at it in a positive way. I think that is the only way, if you are going to win a match like this, because you know, having four match points; coming back the next day, it is not easy.

Q. Stefan, when you were down 3 to 4 in the final set and it was 30-All, and suddenly Ivan doublefaulted; was it the best present he could ever give you?

STEFAN EDBERG: I can think about more things, but, he gave me an opportunity, at least, and you know, you have to try to take advantage of it. I guess he was sort of expecting me to come in on the second serve, and therefore, maybe he doublefault it. But it was a very long game and that really -- he had me and he had a game point to 5-3 and he was -- it was him who was in charge for the first time in the match, but I hung in and I got a few chances and I took one of them. Then, I was back in the match again.

Q. How do you explain the changes in the match? Did you look at it like you were doing something that worked for a while and he caught on to it, or was it just one of those things that you can't explain that the energy --

STEFAN EDBERG: No, I think as the match turned out, I think I played very well to begin with yesterday. There was a lot of wind, and I really played well in the wind. He didn't have much of a chance in the first two sets. And I had him 15-40 at 3-All in the third set, and I had a chance there to sort of win the match in three, but I lost that game. I lost the concentration. He was back in the match and then came to the fourth set. I had 4-2, 30-Love serving. I had an another great opportunity. I missed that one. And I had the opportunity at 5-4 again. So, it was a very tough match.

Q. That first juncture, you mentioned, when he won the 11 points, you know, in the third set?


Q. The one you said, the 15-40?


Q. Is that normal for you to lose concentration? I mean, --

STEFAN EDBERG: I wish it not to happen, but it happened -- it has happened a little bit-- like Krajicek, in that match, I lost the concentration. But I came back and won it and the same thing today. So it hasn't been too bad, but, now you have to watch out when you have a little bit lapse in the concentration, that is when things can change.

Q. Your feelings when that forehand volley went over?

STEFAN EDBERG: Great. It was great. Because it was a shot that I never should have missed anyway and I sort of didn't punch it enough, but, I mean, it makes a huge big difference, it really does. Being down, 2-3, and then I was up 3-2, so it was a little bit of luck that I needed on that one.

Q. He said he actually thought it fell back on your side. Did you actually think it was going to do that?

STEFAN EDBERG: No, it didn't look like it.

Q. Have you ever kissed a net?

STEFAN EDBERG: I think it has happened, but it was a good occasion.

Q. Have you ever kissed the net?

STEFAN EDBERG: It was the thing to do.

Q. He has talked a lot this summer about if he keeps on playing his kind of form that we have been used to seeing, he is going to come back. He hasn't worried -- he doesn't worry that he hasn't won in twelve months. After you have gone through this, how close is he back to being what, maybe, he used to be or do you ever see him being back to that form?

STEFAN EDBERG: Well, I think -- he is 31-- what-- becoming 32, maybe, and I think he has played his best tennis, but I think -- he is playing well now. And he is playing well enough to really threaten a lot of guys too, but if he keeps playing, he is going to be a danger for anybody. He is not going to get back to the level where he was in 85/86. I think that is impossible. But he can get, you know, if he can get close to there, he is going to play some good tennis. As long as his body keeps up, I mean, that is -- because he works so hard. He has worked so hard for many years. As long as his body keeps him healthy, then he has got a chance to. I am sure he is going to win more tournaments, there is no doubt about that. It's going to be tough for him to win another Slam, but he is still playing well enough to do it.

Q. What would make it impossible for him to get back to that one time?

STEFAN EDBERG: I think you always got to have -- you are always going to play your best tennis, I think, in your mid-20s. Once you get past 30, you can still play good tennis, but you can't be as consistent. It is just -- it is a matter of fact. That is the way it works.

Q. How do you like his bunting the ball? Have you ever heard him called a bunter in these interviews?

STEFAN EDBERG: I can't hear you. Bunting?

Q. Well, Connors and said he is not hitting the ball, but bunting?

STEFAN EDBERG: I wouldn't say so. He still hits the ball pretty hard, but he is obviously not hitting the ball as hard as he wants to, but I believe he is confident enough. But I can tell you a lot of guys who hit it softer than he does.

Q. How hard, physically is it going to be to, maybe, have to play four days in a row now?

STEFAN EDBERG: Well, it is not very -- it is never easy. Physically, I am feeling good. It is more of a mental thing, and I think as it has turned out, I think what I have done wrong here is playing a quarterfinal Thursday night. That is something you cannot do in the future. I have to say that, because if it rains like it did yesterday, that means we would have -- could have been rained out yesterday, that means I could have played Friday, Saturday, Sunday which is totally out of the question. As it turned out now, it is still okay. I haven't played that much tennis today, but it is -- it is too congested. It is a tough weekend coming up, playing semi and final Saturday, Sunday. You need a day off before. That is very important.

Q. Would you prefer to play the late match tomorrow?

STEFAN EDBERG: I will play whenever. I mean, I don't think it is going to matter. I mean, sometimes -- it is better to come and play the first match. You know, which time you are going to play.

Q. Any strong feeling about Courier and Sampras in terms of what is going to happen there or which may be better for you in terms of the result?

STEFAN EDBERG: That is a tough match to predict, actually. I think it is going to be a very, very close one. I think Pete is very confident. Jim is picking up pace now, and I'd say it's a 50/50 match going in tomorrow, and I think anybody out there can win.

Q. What do you expect from Chang tomorrow?

STEFAN EDBERG: He is a tough player. He plays his game. He doesn't give you any free points at all. That means I have to work for every point tomorrow. That is what it is going to take. And obviously I will be the one who is going to try to come in here. He is going to be down there hitting passing shots, lobs, whatever he can do.

Q. Same as you faced with Ivan?

STEFAN EDBERG: Yeah, it's going to be a little bit the same thing. I would imagine, anyway.

Q. Probably equally tough to sort of put away-- get that final point?

STEFAN EDBERG: Oh yeah. He is even quicker than Ivan is. So you just have to be out there for a while, I think.

Q. You talked about a mental thing, more of a mental thing to get going. Can you explain a little bit more what you mean?

STEFAN EDBERG: I think it is always when you play the match, it is going to take a lot out of you, mentally. Sometimes it is good to have a day off where you can think about other things; not worry about having to play and then you -- your mind is going to rest a bit. As it has turned out now, it is okay, I don't have to play four days in a row. Mentally I feel fine now, which is a good thing, and physically I am okay, so, I just have to go full speed the rest of the tournament here. That is the only way to do it.

Q. Only non-American left in the group. Do you think the crowd probably going to be against you?

STEFAN EDBERG: Sure. I think so. That is what is going to happen.

Q. Stefan --

STEFAN EDBERG: That is something that I expect. The crowd is going to be with them. That is very natural, but the crowd has been pretty good here.

Q. Actually what I was going to ask you, the crowd-- I was sitting in the stands and people have been shocked to see you like looking at your wife last night when you ran over in her corner and you were jumping. To New Yorkers, this is all very new. Do you feel that you are having more fun here, or is it just that they don't know you?

STEFAN EDBERG: Well, people are never going to really know me because that is the way I am. I sort of keep a distance to people, but I mean, the way I felt here, I mean, I had such a great tournament here last year, and I have said to myself, I am going to try to enjoy it as much as I can this year, and I am going to try to give it everything I have to try to win it again, because I am two matches away now, so it is not impossible target. And I am playing well enough to have a shot at it.

Q. You put your arms around Ivan at the end of the match. This is not usual, can you tell me what prompted you to could that?

STEFAN EDBERG: I think the match was played under very good spirit. I think he has always been good to me and I have always been good to him. I think we have mutual respect for one another. I thought I played a good match. He played a good match. So, just, one of us had to win today.

Q. When you said that you didn't think he would be winning Grand Slams anymore, is what we saw today, maybe his last best chance to ever win a Slam?

STEFAN EDBERG: Let us put it like this: I think it would be very, very tough for him to win it. I wouldn't say it is impossible. But I mean, there are a lot of good guys out there today and you got to play seven matches to win it. So it is not going to be easy for him. And it is not easy for me, don't get me wrong.

Q. Do you respect him for his attitude that he still thinks--

STEFAN EDBERG: I think he has got a very good attitude. He is just -- he is just a hard worker. That always has been his strengths. He is not the most natural player, but he has an ability of working unbelievable hard and he has had a lot of achievement from that. He still works very hard and he needs to.

Q. Thank you very much.

End of FastScripts....