This site presents my life and thoughts since 1996 utilizing the letters that I have written and the photo that I have taken.




Viet Nam


Road Trips
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About Me

Important Announcement

On October 26, 2009, your GeoCities site will no longer appear on the Web, and you will no longer be able to access this GeoCities account and files.

This will be my final update on GeoCities; I have moved my site to edwardfrey.com

Because I have very little happening in my life I thought I would do what all the media has been doing and that is comment on the First 100 Days. I'll preface my remarks by confessing - I did not vote for Obama, I did not vote for McCain. I did not trust Obama and did not know what he was going to do, I trusted McCain only slightly more and thought I knew what he would do; however, I did not wish to vote for either of them. In fact I have not voted for either the Democrat or the Republican candidate since the 1992 election. As I see it there isn't any real policy choice between the two parties and there hasn't been for many years. The Democrats had a sure win this election cycle - they would end up with a President that was to the left or a "centrist" that was running under the Republican banner but could have just as easily have contested the nomination as a Democrat. Well, with all that said let me get back to the First 100 Days.

I have continued to read but the poor economy has even effected that. As I have told you in the past, I have used Inter-Library Loans to acquire those books that my Pulitzer Prize winning authors have written and the Washoe County Library does not have. Well, the Library is undergoing some big budget cuts and has imposed a $3 per book fee for all ILL requests. My budget has not increased so I'll no longer be using the ILL service and will no longer read all that an author has published but rather all that the Washoe County Library has available. However, in the case of Upton Sinclair I have utilized another service that the Library offers and that is to suggest books for purchase. Upton Sinclair wrote eleven books refered to as The Lanny Budd Series; the Library had seven of the Series and I suggested they buy the other four which they now have on order. The third book in the Series was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and in my opinion if you read the Series you will probably get and very good idea of what Upton Sinclair was about - he was an unabashed Socialist, not a liberal, not a progressive - he called himself a Socialist. There are politicians today that could take lessons from him, not in what he believed but his honesty in what label he affixed to his beliefs. I have also read The Big Sky Series by A. B. Guthrie but it is not a series as written by John Jakes, James Reasoner or Upton Sinclair. Those three authors had a family(s) that provided continuity over the years that they wrote about with history as a background - the Big Sky series has a place as the continuity but even that is broken by the second book in the series, The Way West (winner of a Pulitzer Prize). The six book series places most of its action in the Great Falls/Choteau, MT area with the exception of book two. For a series I was disappointed; the individual books were good reads with The Big Sky being the best of the lot.

The only other endeavour of note during this period has been my preparation for a Road Trip this year. The 3rd International Teardrop Gathering (ITG3) will be in Minden, NE once again this year on June 18-20 and I have put together a three week trip plan. I had the plan developed before I started reading A. B. Guthrie but it so happens that I will pass through Choteau, MT where he grew up. My trailer has been repaired and is ready for another trip with slightly heavier torsion springs although the trailer weight has not increased. The builder and I both believe that the prior axles were defective and he did not want to put the same rated axles back on. I have replaced my cracked windshield, bought new tires and got my 30,000 mile service done (did it at almost 36,000 miles, but did it); these three item were quite expensive but I should be good for another 35,000+ miles. I'll report on the trip (Minden to Minden to Minden) later in the year with my next update.
