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Banff Rocky Mountain Resort

Bear eating rubbish on the side of the road.

The Journey

We journeyed to Banff Alberta for our spring vacation this year. Took us two days to get there with a layover in Revelstoke BC.

Before hitting the road again from Revelstoke, we dropped by the train museum. Above is Matthew hamming it up for the camera beside a train on display. The museum is right beside the tracks and the train traffice is quite heavy, boy was Matthew excited when the train went by.

Bekah wasn't too excited at the museum, she didn't sleep very well since she had to sleep on a real bed. We think she missed her crib. The train in the background is a snow plow.


The winter in the Rockies and Alberta lasted longer than usual this year and thus many of the outdoor attractions were still closed, rats. Anyhow, we made the best of it and drove to all the sites anyway. Lake Louise, Columbia Ice fields, Canmore, Kananaskis and Calgary. The weather in Banff was perfect, sunshine, rain, hail and snow. Not bad, all in one trip.

Mel posing by the resort's sign.
Notice the snow on the ground

There is a nice Greek steak house in Canmore, only problem is that my parents cannot remember where it was and also got the colour of the roof wrong. However, we managed to find it after some driving. It sits right next to the railway tracks, Matthew was very happy.

Biggest attraction at the Resort

The swimming pool. Matthew and Bekah got to try out their new swim suits from Singapore that their grand parents bought them back in October of 2002.

Matt looking good in a body suit

Bekah's first experience of swimming, actually second, she probably doesn't remember the first time, she was just a year old. This time equiped with life jackets, it was more fun for them and easier for us the life guards. She is very good at floating on her back, that is about all she can do.

Matthew on the other hand is starting to swim, looking like he might make it into the Singapore Tiger swimming club. Oh wait, it closed down already, aiyah.

Beks seem to have a real intereset in writing instruments. Give her a pen and she will be entertained for quite a while. She can't really draw anything, but she can do some really intricate little drawing movements, not bad for a 2 year old.

The only draw back with her drawing is that she will draw on just about anything, the floor, her leg and recently her tummy and now her face. *sigh*

Sulphur Mountain

This is what the town of Banff AB looks like from the top Sulphur mountain. There is post card that looks like this, but why buy when you can take your own picture. The weather was bad by that time in the trip and the top of the mountain was covered in snow and was really cold.

Well that is about it for the trip. It was enjoyable and the drive was fun. We managed to drive all the way home to the lower mainland from Banff in one day.