CLESEA and EDDIE(her daddy)

Here is a little about me.

  1. My age:29
  2. Family members:DAD,MOM, 2 brothers.James (A.K.A installergod or IG EES)age:24.Paul (A.K.A stormhawke EES) age:20.
  3. residence:Black Diamond,WA
  4. Occupation:Electrician
  5. Hobbies:Snowmobiling,snow boarding,working on cars,and PARTYING.
  6. Favorite things to do:Spend time with my daughters,Chelsea 4yrs and hayley 3yrs.Play land warrior with my Bro's and freinds.
  7. There are pictures here for you to see of my daughters and I.

My two beautiful daughters

Down below are links to pages I built for my close friends.Please be patient as they are still under construction.I'm also just learning how to build these dam things so any suggestions,besides quiting send me an E-mail.Pyramidnelson176@hotmail.com Thank you,EDDIE

Pictures from canada
Brothers Wedding