
Mar. 1

Forgot a few things in CS exam. Remember right when I stepped out of the building! Man!!!
Went to Austin to watch the happy show by Tess's fellowship. It was kinda funny but mo liu. And I was kinda dumped by Tess cos she was just too busy b4 the show.
but at least i know more people who is around my age. I think I should go to UT next semester no matter what.

Mar. 2

Had dinner with To. he got into his dream school!!! we are all happy for him. but he is gonna move to NY...far far away from us lu.

Mar. 3

Didn't really go anywhere today, except to have a early dinner with Sera. Vietnam food again!

Mar. 4

Steven decided to go back in the morning on Friday. That means I wouldn't be back till Saturday.
I did pretty good on that Chem test. the test is easier then i have expected. that's pretty good, even tho i still dun really get wut the teacher is talking about in class.
I got an A in my CS exam. most of them are stupid mistakes tho. I misunderstood one question and miss all 5 points!

Mar. 5

i didn't believe Dr chen is actually starting a new chapter while we are gonna have a test on thursday. I thought u are gonna review with us.
chem lab again. this time it is an easier one. after that, i went to the computer lab. jeff told me the hw that was due today was out on the web, so i went to get the answer b4 i turned it in.

Mar. 6

got Dr. Keys to be our subsitute for today and friday. she is actually a very good teacher. but i heard from jeff that her exam was hard.
Was so confused in Cal. seems like i was the only one who didn't get the question. i can't really picture that 3D problem in my mind. i told u already. i am a 2-dimensional person, not 3. that's y i never do 3D puzzles.
didn't know how to do those physics hw even tho i did them b4. hate myself! forgotten everything already in just 2 weeks!
Yeah! found a ride back on friday from Chung lu! haha.....

Mar. 7

didn't believe i actually know most of the problems on the physics tests. 5 point each, and i just wasn't sure about one problem. hope i miss less then 2 this time! can't get a B this time.
Waited forever for Chung to come. They spent a night here in my apt. Chung promised to bring me back to Houston tmr.

Mar. 8

Bring them for a school tour. kinda warm today. most of the class in CS is gone! they don't care if they miss anything, but i do!
went back to houston without telling anyone. surprise!!! didn't expect to ride 6 hours from SA to stafford. it should take me only 3 hrs!


Mar. 17

終於返到自己apt啦﹗本來Steven話琴日先走﹐都估到又delay到今日架啦﹐不過估唔到今日未夠12點甘早就話走﹐難得呀﹗不過下次早D單聲丫嘛﹐等我get ready嘛﹗
Jennifer阿媽走上黎找女﹐話Jennifer渣左拒架車唔話拒知﹐等拒星期三到而家都無車用﹐又話唔還反架車比拒既話會call campus police﹗ 係咪阿媽黎架﹖甘講野都有既﹗後尾Jennifer話比我聽拒阿媽唔知拒out town﹐以為拒失蹤所以話報警woh﹐都唔知係真唔係真。

Mar. 18

被人讚D頭髮靚﹐好開心﹐不過都唔知係D天氣既問題﹐定係D水喉水既影響﹐益話係D洗頭水唔同﹐我係SA個頭係順過係HOU架bor。 好可能HOU潮濕﹐係HOU個頭好似容易笠D既﹐返HK咪會仲衰﹖

Mar. 19

最後6舊chicken tender都食埋﹐無野好食lu!
Phy教新chapter﹐先生話因為好多人考得唔好所以改個%﹐2nd exam淨係計10%﹐不過對我無咩影響。
無咩點讀就去考Chem Lab﹐好在唔難。睇Will去Mexico既pictures﹐好似好好玩﹗
Amy's mom is giving her a hard time in choosing her last name after she gets remarried. She had a really bad spring break this year.
Jennifer又想去fellowship食免費晚餐﹐不過今晚我唔係幾想去﹐唔想call人找ride﹐而且聽日有Cal Quiz(結果都係無咩點溫﹐成晚無所事事)﹐最後原來拒叫左Patricia車拒去。
parking lot D 草地開始有番D嫩草啦﹐仲有D細花花添呀﹗睇黎春天到了。點知到夜晚六點幾七點個時無端端落勁大雨﹐ 又行雷閃電﹐出面D街燈亦熄左一陣﹐坐係窗邊望D雨好勁甘打係窗度﹐咩街都睇唔到。

Mar. 20

出面好大風﹐琴日先覺得春天到左﹐今日好似又走左lu。=( 只不過是一筆電費﹐點解雙方面都要甘硬頸﹖是實上我都係覺得你應該比電費﹐no matter你係唔係度住都好﹗ 你唔想比就一早搬出去﹐等願意比既人可以搬入黎住丫﹗而家間房又比你霸住﹐電費你又唔肯比﹐呢度唔係storage﹐係比人住架﹗ Dee果筆﹐我地相當願意同你咩﹐只不過你自己唔問我地遮﹗如果因為呢件事而朋友都無得做﹐我無野好講啦﹗ 多得你條仔啦﹐唔係因為拒讀書唔成﹐成日掛住玩﹐你都唔會搬出去啦﹗

Mar. 21

本來都諗住屈服既﹐點知收到拒一堆messages軍炸﹐okay!本來係四個roommates既business﹐而家落晒我數﹐仲同我計反以前煮飯比我食﹐車我落houston D油錢。 唔係我唔肯比﹐當時好似有offer話比錢﹐唔知邊個當時話唔收錢既呢﹖唔知邊個話我唔應該比某人油錢﹐因為係順路車埋我返去﹖仲計埋個一晚係拒房住既‘房租’錢﹗ 究竟我應該點做﹖

Mar. 22

做CS project做到五點被人趕走﹐去meeting﹐有免費飯食﹐仲可以打包﹐之後去Mike屋企睇左一半Billy Elliot﹐ 唔想走﹐想睇埋拒﹗但係要去Tim度﹐打左陣牌﹐決定玩UNO﹐又話要買多副﹐因為9個人洗牌洗到無引﹐抽中左我同Tim去買。 UNO計分﹐我最高分﹐輸左。有咩可能我出兩隻draw 4竟然到最後cut到出現左7隻﹐而最後果隻竟然係我隔離o個個人出﹖罰返自己28隻﹗死未﹖ 抽簽去買野食﹐又中獎﹐勁旺﹗應該去買六合彩啦﹗

Mar. 23

成12點幾先起身﹐繼續做CS project﹐都唔明點解有error。阿Mike係要等我食完飯先叫我去食steak﹐去坐下都好啦﹗ Mike買左Les Mise...隻DVD﹐好好睇﹐到兩點先睇完返屋企。

Mar. 24


Mar. 25

個resitation幾難﹐都唔知點做﹐又亂﹐我又眼訓﹐好辛苦甘catch up.
拿左個project去比Dr. Robbins睇﹐順便話比拒聽個sample output錯左﹐拒話我個program睇落無咩唔妥﹐不過仲未搞掂個Easy Reader。

Mar. 26

Jeff終於出現。仲以為拒drop左個Phy class添。
做Lab阿Will同Steve竟然唔記得落indicator﹐無野睇﹐要再做過﹐haha﹐我地等埋拒地先一齊去caf食野﹐ Amy連我地羅左拒個student ID都唔知﹐爭D就甘走左去。
第一次見人甘樣做poster﹐將張poster貼係whiteboard上面﹐然後用overhead射份poster既draft上去﹐ 再用鉛筆trace﹐之後用marker油顏色。做到五點幾先trace完兩張﹐仲有一張聽朝在黎trace。

Mar. 27

十一點去做埋個張poster﹐之後去bible study﹐遲左半個鐘﹐點知D pizza仲遲過我到﹐今次揀左兩塊大pizza﹐好飽。
Dr. Robbins整過個Easy Reader﹐個program終於work啦﹗雖然唔係好記得點做﹐但係都趕得切做完recitation。 要去羅survey﹐Elizabeth比我早到﹐星期三有Cal Test啦﹗仲未做晒功課﹐唔係好識做﹐點算﹖

Mar. 28

最後都做晒Phy功課﹐可以去Hannah度﹐今晚Hannah煮飯﹐D frozen food好好食﹐等我又去買D返黎食先﹗

Mar. 29

原本諗住六點前到HOU﹐點知又遲出發﹐又塞車﹐搞到無人可以黎接我﹐激死﹗以後唔會搭destination唔係屋企or Church既車﹗

Mar. 30

整日都出左去﹐睇左Ice Age﹐買左生日禮物比法蘭西斯兄弟。

Mar. 31

We had a sunrise service this morning at 7. I thought I would be able to drive to Church with Uncle Kenny if I go early in the morning with him. but I was wrong! We left at 5:15 and I didn't dare requesting him. It was kinda cold and windy and we all have to sit outside from 7 to 10. And there is not much food left for us to eat after the ceremony.
Tammy got baptised and Pastor asked me to help her. We were so stupid that we went in too early and missed all the performance by the children. We could hear the auidence laughing so loud but didn't know what was going on out there!
Rushing to the restaurant. We all were actually full already, but just because of me wanting to go, they all went with me. I didn't stay for long cos I have to catch the ride back to SA by 12. I arrived a few minutes after 12 and realized that they just start their lunch. I have to wait there for an hour before we could really go. I could have eat more at that restaurant.
Went back home at 6. Took me 5 hours to go from HOU to SA. I tried my best to read Chem for the test tmr but it's just too boring. so I just start my craft work instead.
Jennifer got all these frozen food home again! She never eats any of those meat in the freezer! and now she got more. There is no more room in there! You are not the only using the freezer! I have to put things in there too.
Would you please stop buying frozen food until you finish eating all those in there?
I didn't buy it. Someone bought it for me.
Then would you ask whoever bought u these not to buy u anymore until you finish the rest in here?
and then I left the kitchen.
Am I too mean? but she is really pissing me off! she always got fastfood from outside at night and never cooks her meat. she got another box of Dr. Pepper. She still have 2 left on the kitchen counter. she got that 2 boxes of spagetti the other day from a lady at the place she work and she also put them on the counter. you have to realize how small our kitchen is and u are sharing it with 2 other people! if u are planning on living with others in your college life, u better learn how to get along with your roommates.