
May. 1

一早起身office黎敲門﹐係pest control﹐入黎甘快搞掂既﹐con唔control到D pest架﹖跟住發現無水﹗ 出廚房先見到張紙寫住major water pipe was broken﹐琴晚夜返無留意到﹐而家淨返D水尾刷牙﹐洗面都唔夠水﹐點算﹖
夜晚返到屋企都仲未有水﹐無得沖涼﹐好在聽日唔洗返學。Letty話個director話by tonight應該整好﹐ what do u mean by tonight? it is night time already!!!
到成十點幾Leia打電話去問﹐office話just found out到邊度壞﹐it took them a whole day to find out the broken part. Can u believe it? haha! 注定今晚無水用啦﹐希望聽朝整得好啦﹗

May. 2

Chad落左黎同Leia去睇Dave Matthew既concert。跟住Leia聽日又會上去﹐都唔明騰黎騰去為乜
夜晚去fellowship﹐Sam煮grill chicken﹐好好食﹐發現原來Jennifer同Mike聽日受浸﹐乜Jennifer信左主﹐Mike未受浸既咩﹖ 做乜近排大家甘恿躍﹖個個都浸﹖
Tim介紹拒住過既GoodallWooten Housing﹐聽日要打去問下先。

May. 3 <姑姐來電>

除左洗衫外﹐整日又試無咩做過﹐call左GoodallWooten問D information. 間dorm幾吸引﹐有自己廁所﹐ 有人清潔房﹐有internet﹐仲要可以將自己電腦link去樓下既computer lab printers﹐唔洗將D file save黎save去。 又近學校﹐同我講電話0個個manager好似好好人﹐又唔貴﹐不過希望有個好roommate啦
夜晚去最後一晚團契﹐Mike同Jennifer受浸﹐我地從食飯果間屋走返去the other side of the town to see them get baptised. 浸完後個0靚仔拿住個skateboard出黎﹐我貪得意試下﹐已經企到行到﹐轉到少少彎﹐好有成功感﹐雖然跌左兩次﹐ 擦損左膝頭哥﹐仲腫左添(好似好耐無擦損過了)﹐但係好好玩﹐不過應該以後無咩機會再玩lu
Exactly a month from my arrival! hehe...can't wait to see y'all. hope this month will pass real fast!

May. 4


May. 5

一早聽到以為係鬧鐘既聲音﹐按個收音機把聲就停左咯﹐跟住屋企電話響﹐媽咪打黎﹐跟住無端端手提話有voicemail﹐ 我有miss過call咩﹖講完電話之後check voicemail﹐發現係兩分鐘既香港電話on hold音樂聲﹐緊係頭先阿媽打黎手提 我以為係鬧鐘響啦﹐仲要甘arm我按個鬧鐘個電話就接左去voicemail渦﹗
五點幾牧師打黎問侯﹐七點幾腳指仔打黎找我出去食飯﹐去souper salad﹐同Jeff研究CS﹐悶親其他人添﹐唔好意思渦

May. 6 5pm考Chem

考完一科啦﹐有五十題﹐答對三十五題就有一百﹐唔難﹐無理由拿唔到。交卷果時個professor無端端叫我個名﹐問我 讀咩major﹐好驚﹗點解拒知我叫咩名架﹖我都無同拒講過野(我永遠都聽唔明呢個professor D英文﹐所以無咩事都唔會同拒講野)﹐ 無單獨找過拒問野﹐點解拒知呢個名match呢個人﹖仲要係just curious﹐無特別原因想知我咩major﹐好驚呀﹗ 好在係最後一日見拒﹐怕左拒(身體經常發出陣陣異味)
夜晚有個自稱swcbc12525既人係aim同我講野﹐都估到係Jackson叔叔架啦﹐除左拒仲有邊個會用呢個screenname, well, 牧師都有可能既﹐不過牧師用aim既可能性係零

May. 7

夢到dream guy約我出街﹐夢到死亡﹐夢到旅行﹐夢到香港﹐夢到屋企....好驚﹗
陪Pauline去醫院探拒個friend﹐估唔到kidney stone可以嚴重到要成個kidney切去﹗
夜晚去Brother George度食飯﹐玩skateboard﹐有兩個細路女+一個細路仔唔停甘纏住我﹐要我企係度聽拒地講野﹐ 有個仲摟我去拒backyard跳彈床﹐我緊係唔濟啦﹐因間人地父母誤會我係拐子佬點算呀﹐好在後黎Micheal同Litha 幫我截住拒地﹐等我可以玩skateboard﹐好耐無做運動lu﹐好累。玩完有西瓜食﹐仲有得to-go野食﹐聽日lunch有著落啦

May. 8 1:30pm考CS


May. 9 1:30pm考Cal 3

好驚甘走入人地間班房考試﹐入面一個人都唔識﹐鬼叫我要提早考咩﹐原來係我舊年讀Cal 2果間班房﹐有返D親切感。 派左卷先到﹐以為會出D好難既3-dimension problems﹐點知今次出最易既volume﹐甘就好啦﹐無咩題目stuck住我﹐ 好耐無試過第一個走﹐唔係好想﹐不過坐係度又無心機check數﹐甘咪走咯
晏晝諗住同pauline去碌齡﹐點知約左今晚同腳指仔食飯既人個個都找唔到﹐約唔到幾點係邊食飯﹐搞到5點先去到BOWL﹐ 食飯前碌左三局﹐去食飯個個都遲到﹐搞到人地要延遲收鋪﹐不過D送好好食﹐好耐無夜晚去Chinese Restaurant 食飯lu。
except early morning cut電話線﹐無諗過早到3am就cut左﹐兩點返屋企沖完涼部電腦又唔生性係度hang幾次﹐ 搞到後黎連dial tone都無埋﹐上唔到﹗激死﹗

May. 10 返屋企

未夠八點Leia's parents就到﹐係度吸塵﹐噪冤巴閉﹐原本諗住訓到10點先起身﹐被逼醒左。Leia爸爸係都要幫我換鎖﹐ 其實我自己換到一半﹐只不過中途有些少意外﹐搞左好耐﹐拒地以為我搞唔掂﹐well, 算啦﹐thank you anyways
Leia敲極門Jennifer都唔出黎﹐後尾終於肯出黎﹐不過話拒無錢﹐連租都交唔到﹐收唔到錢﹐Leia好興﹐拒話見到Jennifer台面張 note寫住Sunday去買outfit﹐Jennifer話係church D人help her out with the clothes for Sunday church. I told u to borrow money from somebody first! How about that $10 that u told me u had 2 days ago? u spent it!!! u are suppose to pay your debt first! 我就唔信church D人肯幫你買衫唔肯幫你比電費﹗ 算啦﹐注定果十蚊收唔到家啦﹗
伯爺終於到﹐比我渣去IHOP食lunch﹐然後返黎等check out﹐D staffs話behind schedule﹐遲晒到﹐約左一點搞到兩點先走到﹐ 中途伯爺入油之後就比我渣﹐一路渣到返屋企﹐成155miles架﹐好開心﹐好high﹐成晚係church唔停甘同人講﹐ 雖然係有D野要改進﹐但係比我自己expected既好好多﹐我成日覺得自己無渣一年﹐連直線都應該渣唔到架﹐ 點知唔係渦﹗

May. 11


May. 12 母親節快樂

五個人排隊用一個廁所﹐媽咪打電話黎﹐返Church﹐個Sunday School講員好悶﹐講D野好深﹐所有母親都收到一朵花﹐ 露比第一次收花﹐比牧師拿黎講

May. 13

天氣涼左好多﹐去HCC搞summer school﹐白白排左成半個鐘先發現原來唔洗見counselor﹐個女人又成日走黎走去﹐ 最後sent我去computer lab自己register﹐computer lab D電腦又慢﹐早知就返屋企搞啦
訂左機票返黎美國﹐7/7走﹐7/7到﹐7/8就要返學﹐希望所有野都follow schedule啦

May. 14


May. 15

陶醉於Left Behind第八本The Mark當中﹐停唔到手
夜晚去嘉露家聽龍哥講點揀電腦hardwares﹐講左好多我唔識既野﹐再一次懷疑自己係唔係CS人﹐ 好似從未發掘到對電腦hardware同software既興趣﹐再諗下﹐好似從來未對任何一樣野有濃厚興趣﹐濃厚到會去做好多 research﹐以對其有進一部了解

May. 16

成日睇The Mark﹐晏晝就睇晒
伯爺話同我一齊返美國﹐不能想象我同拒almost 24小時單獨一齊搭飛機﹐更難想象同拒共處一屋成個星期
飯後伯爺又lectured Rosalie. I don't agree with him. He said we need to take computer science no matter what our major is. We need computer science cos we need to know how to use a computer. The point is, computer science has nothing to do with using a computer. Not everybody understands computer logic, no matter how hard that person tries. But not understanding it doesn't mean that person is not smart or not diligent. If a person don't understand the concept in computer science, there is no way he/she can pass the tests just by memorizing the codes. It's true that we need to know how to use a computer. But taking a computer science class doesn't help us in learning how to use it. We should take computer application instead. Your daughter is not perfect. Don't expect her to be good at everything.

May. 17

Rosalie got contacts today. She looks much better. duh! everybody looks better with contacts. everyone except me, who look stupid without glasses.
Raining the whole day. Couldn't do a thing. so bored!
Never thought Tim would use calling card to call me just to find out where to get a hair cut. He could call tomorrow morning on his way. Thanks for the advice in computer and in living in Austin.

May. 18

went to the site for the retreat this year. totally attracted by the facilities. It's is gonna be occupied by us only! and there are so many activities and facilities available. With a bonfire right next to the lake, a swimming pool for only us, canoing and all kinds of ball games available, it doesn't matter if the rooms are a little bit crappy or not. i will make sure i will get a ride back for this.
being called sissy, i finally realized that i have changed a lot! and so did the kids at church. we are all growing, growing without even realizing it. the kids now don't listen to me anymore.

May. 19

夜晚去master life好lost﹐講D野好深﹐頭痛
got the ninth book of left behind! yeah! hope i can finish it b4 i leave on friday. better finish my cross stitch tmr.
haven't been talking on the phone like this for i dunno how long. haven't talked to anyone about my doubt

May. 20

woke up at 12. so pig!
finally washed my bedsheets and my slumber bag. also washed my clothes. cleaned the floor also.
didn't eat lunch but ate a big dinner with 2 bowls of rice. so full. head hurts after dinner. rosalie lost temper cos she couldn't get her contacts out. shush! everyone is sleeping!
didn't sleep till 3. went online but did nothing at all

May. 21

didn't wake up till 12:30 again! so pig!
uncle kenny told me to join the youth camp tmr. he said i should go there to know more christians. i don't think i can't get to know christians when i go up there next semester. and every HK ppl who tricked u is not a christian doesn't mean all non-christians tricked ppl. i think u are being bias on this. and i don't see the problem of be friend with non-christians also. don't say things that will only make me more away from your belief.
finally decided to mail out the application form for the dorm. the manager said they have a short wait list already! hope i will get a room at the Woos. the manager sounds too nice to live somewhere else other then the Woos.
went to lemon's house in the afternoon and had dinner with his mom. didn't know i was so full when i ordered my dish. i couldn't even finish half of it.
got a surprising news. clara is getting marry in june, after going out with that barry guy for a year. and seems like i m the last one to know. i thought we were friends. well, better then not know. i m sure some of her 'friends' won't even know if i don't tell.

May. 22

Finished my cross stitch. Started Desecration. hope i can finish this book b4 i leave.
uncle kenny is not coming back with me. Yeah! i have to remind myself to confirm the ticket when i am in hk.
Suddenly feel like cooking西米露for the fellowship. want to show off my 'talent'. probably cannot do it till i come back from HK.
Did a short finger quiz and this is my result.

You are the good ol' thumb! You are the family one, the one who not necessarily everyone loves but the one who everyone can't live without. Always willing to lend a hand or comfort a friend when they need it.
Which finger are you?
Take the quiz to find out.

May. 23

發夢擅闖法蘭西斯兄弟家﹐仲帶埋兩個細路去﹐後尾無端頓成個YAF都出現晒﹐係度食KFC﹐我好快食完幫手執垃圾﹐ 然後去左搭船﹐成班人找位都找左成日﹐到達一個目的地落船﹐行行下去左swimming gala. so wanna swim in it. blue house has nobody to swim for all the relays. and seeing them losing, i had a hard time stopping the urge to join them. some weird thing happened. all of a sudden there are more then 30 swimmers in a lane. it's a combination of last relay and this relay. people in the last relay was so slow that they didn't finish it b4 the next one started. so swimmers are fighting their way out in the pool. i have no idea why but that occurred only in the last 2 lanes for red house. 我找極都找唔到Ms Kwok問拒我可唔可以游水﹐跟住無端端YAF又鋒涌而至﹐話夠鐘上船﹐琳二少話晏晝可以揀D可以睇戲既位坐﹐ 點知拒睇極個牌都睇唔到坐係邊度﹐我就一睇就睇到﹐仲掛住左鎖匙添﹐原來係一間一間有一邊牆係玻璃既房﹐ 係玻璃望出去大型銀幕﹐間房仲有兩張床﹐好似宿舍甘﹐我同檸檬行先﹐跟住就醒左了

May. 24

went to pick lemon up with phyllis. went to yum cha. got the frame for the cross stitch. went to his house.
we were late to Edmund's home at night. had a late dinner and Raymond and Lydia called in the middle of the program. they were stucked in the middle of the road with a flatted tire. Dicson, Billy and Jacky went to help them and missed most of the program. and later on the career group joins us to celebrate Auntie Jasmine's birthday. We had a good time. Haven't seen Tammy and Stella for a long time.

May. 25

had lunch with auntie wendy. and then stayed at church the whole day and help sarah with the paperwork. Laurance let me drive his car. we went to fool francis. CR-V is so cool! and this is the first time i am allowed to drive without the company of my uncle! and then later on i was also allowed to drive another CR-V to the theater to watch StarWar II at night. didn't go home till 1am.

May. 26

they let me drive to the restaurant after church again! haha! and they said they have a new law in texas that the passangers at the backseats are required by law to wear seatbelts.
we were late to the retreat meeting. and didn't start till 3. glad to hear the information of the retreat and i have no idea why they always do fun stuffs when i m gone and make me not able to join them. like the lock-in 2 months ago. and this time i can't get involve with the preparation. i can see they all learn so much from the preparation of the retreat and i miss this chance again!
we went to downtown to a Hebrew restaurant. i think the food is only okay. what i like the most is their baked potato and i mainly eat those rather than the main dish. they said that area is the gay-bar area and we better not say 'gay' in english over there unless we want to get beaten up. that sounds scary. and someone also said we shouldn't have gone there at night in memorial weekend as ppl usually go out and celebrate.
after the dinner we went to rent StarWarI becos Jacky hasn't watched it yet. and we couldn't get the DVD played on the TV screen so we had to go back to trade with a VHS. and the movie didn't start till 10:30. so we didn't get to go back till 1. i felt so bad when i saw my aunt staying up waiting for me when i got back.

May. 27 Memorial Day 國殤節

went to auntie winnie's house for BBQ and the adults were playing mahjong. it was fun watching them. and later they also let me play for a while. i was bored at the end cos they were all chatting at the dining table about stuffs that don't interest me. the corn is good.
i don't know what i could say when lemon told me what is going on at his home. and sorry for not calling u when u need me the most.
finished my 9th left behind book-Desecration. i can start reading harry potter IV tmr! yeah!
突然發現﹐很久沒有看一些發人深省的書﹐很久沒有從書本中尋找背後的意義﹐很久沒有發掘到刻骨銘心的語句。 越來越無文化了

May. 28

Didn't realize till now that i didn't eat a lot of good stuffs last night at the barbeque. the shrump, the squid, the sausages...
started harry potter. it's good! i think i can even finish the whole thing b4 i come back to houston.
start packing. trying to fit the luggages in the van. we can put 7 in it! wow! so there is no problem then. what's the point arguing the whole night?
Noah called and ask me out tmr. sounded like he was crying but he didn't want to tell me what was wrong. well, hope he will be better when i see him tmr.

May. 29

i for sure had dreams but they are all in pieces in my brain disappearing. all i remember is i was running away from some people who force me to eat some kind of pills that they claimed are good.
washed the floor and packed some more. half of my luggage is full already and there is another luggage needed to be filled. i probably will put the clothes in there.
noah didn't call today. went to lemon's place in the evening. helped him call around for this saturday's sand castle activities which i cannot go myself! how come everytime when they have fun stuffs going on i always can't go? 計camping, lock-in, retreat preparation後現在又有sand castle同firework。算點先﹖we had grill chicken for dinner together and i washed the dishes.
快要走了﹐將要在HAWAII兩日音訊全無﹐有種在電影裡做危險任務時和總部失去聯絡的感覺﹐不過可能讀者對於 我幾日唔update diary已見慣見熟﹐毫無特別感覺﹐但對於從沒離開過電腦超過24小時的我﹐這兩天實在不敢想象﹗ (證實我經常上網但卻懶得update﹐愧對所有忠實讀者)

May. 30


May. 31 去HAWAII YEAH!!!!!

7:50am-10:35am Hou. to Mpls.
11:40am-2:50pm Mpls. to Hono.

Jun. 2 從HAWAII離開

12:30pm-(6/3)3:30pm Hono. to Tokyo
(6/3)6:25pm-9:55pm Tokyo to HK.