Creation/Evolution Web Links

This is my listing of links to a variety of sources on the different ideas used in the Creation/Evolution (C/E) debate.  I've divided the links I've found into several different categories.  A "professional" page is one that is maintained by an organization, usually one that exists to espouse the views on the web page.  In contrast, a "personal" page is usually the work of one (or a few) individuals as a sounding place for their personal opinion. I currently have the links divided as being either pro-evolution, pro-creationism or neither. I realize that this makes it look as if there are only two sides.  I plan to eventually divide things more realistically (young earth creationism vs old earth creationism, just to give one example).  This is a crude starting point, and I hope to make it a worthwhile reference for everyone who is interested in this debate, so please be patient with my progress.

Some of my links have a line or two of text in quotes.  In these cases, the text is taken from the web page that I linked to, as it seemed easier to use their own description for their ideas than to try and paraphrase them and end up getting something wrong.  The titles I list for the links are usually the titles displayed by the web browser, but a few sites didn't have a set title, so I took the title as it appeared at the top of the page.

It may be noted that my categories are rather arbitrary. I agree.  However, I've tried to put each link into the category that best describes the "tone" of the web page as I read it.  I am not an impartial observer (no one is) so I may have made some distinctions that you object to.  My feeling is that if you don't like how I set up my web page, you should get your own!  (^8

Actually, if there is a horrible error in my description or classification of a web page, feel free to email me to let me know; please keep in mind that constructive criticism is much more likely to get a response.

Current Count:

Total Sites Linked: 74

I realize this number is very small compared to the number of creationism or evolution sites out there. However, if you check the links listed on all the sites I have here, you'll have enough links to last a very long time...

Online References

Sides that present both sides of the debate, with no clear preference.

Pro Evolution - Professional

Pro Evolution - Personal

Pro Creation - Professional


Pro Creation - Personal

Last Updated on 29 January 2000
Number of visitors since 6/8/99: