Welcome to the official homepage of the Griffon since the third week of April in the year Two-Thousand-Two. Browse freely and enjoy your stay.


With everything thats been going on lately, I've finally figured out a suitable use for my free webspace provided by the University of Pittsburgh.  Seeing as how this once fine institution has been overrun by pseudo-intellectual liberals with no sense of reality, this is now going to serve as my venting outlet through which I will dispose of my aggravation, frustration, irritation, infuriation, and ulceration in a productive, nonviolent manner.  I hope this proves enlightening and thought provoking.  As always, I welcome intelligent discussion; feel free to e-mail me at the address below.

I will be continuously adding things as I get around to putting them into a text format.  Keep looking for new additions!

Affirmative Action  |  The War in Iraq  |  Ethnic Identity Organizations

Elderly Drivers


or AOL instant message me...if I'm online:


