Ammunition requirements

You will need new, factory made ammuniton for your training at Frontsight -- No reloads.  Ammunition can be shipped directly to Frontsight, purchased at Frontsight, or carried in your checked airline baggage.  If you plan to purchase ammunition at Frontsight, please call ahead to the pro shop so they can set aside enough stock for your training.

Two day defensive handgun:

300 rounds

Four day defensive handgun:

800 rounds

Two day practical rifle:

200 rounds

Four day practical rifle:

500 rounds

Two day tactical shotgun:

100 rounds, 2 3/4" birdshot
100 rounds, 2 3/4" 00 buckshot
25 rounds, 2 3/4" slugs

Four day tactical shotgun:

200 rounds, 2 3/4" birdshot
250 rounds, 2 3/4" 00 buckshot
75 rounds, 2 3/4" slugs

Most of the shotgun students shoot Federal "tactical" 00 buck and "tactical" slugs which provide excellent patterns with reduced recoil.  Estate "tactical" 00 buck offers excellent performance and value at $2.75 per box of 10 at Natchez shooters supply.

Go to Natchez shooter's supply

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