Unsolicited Comments

990419 I can't believe it's been this long since I last wrote. Let's see...we went on vacation with Paul and Beth, in a cabin in the hills of Tennessee. Pictures on a whole new page of this site coming soon. Two weeks later we drove just south of Kansas to Carl Blackwell lake to spend a weekend with my in-laws. Even the grandparents showed it - it was quite nice, but as usual, Lori and I didn't get to spend much time together. The sun rose and pulled me out of the tent at about 0630 and I discovered that I was to work a 12-hour shift so my whole body aches now I'm so tired I need to go to bed, yet have another hour here. No more today. 990221 Well I found out the stupendous news today! Chris Brinkmeyer is going to have his very own web page. I know he has a copy of MS FrontPage, which is what Paul uses and look at how good his page is. But seriously - what is Chris going to have on his page? What is it Chris has to say? Has he been talking all this time and just no one has been listening? What defines THE HEAD? What goes on in that nugget of his? Why the grape? It just fascinates me to no end what Brinkmeyer could possibly put on his page. What is he thinking anyway? Maybe it'll be another Brian Yanik homepage: "Here's a picture of my kinds....", "Here's a picture of my wife....", "Here's a picture of an airplane, see the airplane?" *Yawn* And what's with the Spice Girls midi playing in the background? Chris, if you have a Spice Girls midi playing on your web page, I'll take your miserable life! So anyway, I appreciate all the attention the web page has gotten with it's new makeover, and I know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (at least Paul first asked, then gave me credit for the Dynamic HTML he used on his page - I didn't create it but it was proper and considerate of him to express himself that way...I think Brinkmeyer happened to mention to me that he was going to just cut and paste my source code on his page. Good luck figuring it out that way BONEHEAD) but it also forces me to be more creative, hence the work-in-progress of animated gif mouseovers in place of still photographs. Keep in mind that this is purely experimental. In fact until tonight I didn't even know if it was going to work, but guess what? I'M BRILLIANT! What a genius I am! SO back to this Brinkmeyer site....any ideas from the masses?

990116 I suppose I forgot how much this shift SUCKS! All I want to do while I am here is crawl into bed, but once I get home I can't get to sleep. When was the last time I was on this shift? Must've been England at the JAC. I worked 2200-1000 and replaced Wilkens. *Yawn*

990110 Getting ready to start 12-hour overnight shifts at Raytheon. Will be doing this for the next several months. You may have noticed that I removed the link below to my wife's "Forked Tongue" page. That is because I have dissolved the page due to lack of use. Frankly, it was just taking up my valuable geocities space. Speaking of, guess what? You all remember that Sprint purchased Earthlink and subsequently gave all Sprint employees free internet access. Well they also included 6MB of free homepage space. I don't know how I'm going to utilize it just yet, but I do know that this will remain the primary homepage address, and when I need to I will simply point there and you won't even know the difference. Gotta go, been on the computer too long already. Take care.

981109 Plentiful masses: What has happened that you don't already know about? Let's see, remember that bean-pole Chris married? Well she'll fool you now, only Chris (who swore on his mother's bible that he would send me pictures) to date, has sent NO PICTURES. Stephie the WARRIER PRINCESS I think is now the Alpha Monkey (neither Chris nor Larry will step up against her I think) and Beth Redding (of the Guttenberg clan) is going to be spending the holidays is sunny Flordia with her husband and in-laws while the rest of us freeze our little tushes off! Joey has fallen off the face of the earth, probably attached some JATO packs to his CRX and drove straight off Daytona Beach. As for the rest of you, if you don't want to know the answer, don't ask me the question.

980920 Ah, TEXAS! What could be greater? Home sweet home. Home is not where you hang your hat. Home is not where your heart is. If your from Texas, home is nowhere else BUT Texas. The house was filthy when I got here. I mean the kind of nasty filth where I had to get on my hands and knees and scrub the floor and the walls - and the walls were freshly painted! Remember Jimmy Johnson, the Dallas Cowboys coach who left to coach the Miami Dolphins? Well the guy who was living here (a friend of my brother) is married to Jimmy Johnson's common-law wife's daughter. Filthy is what this house was. Anyway, with lots of cussing and knashing of teeth, the house looks really nice now. Except that Texas has had it's worse heat wave in over ten years and no one thought to water the lawn. They managed to also kill most of the grass around here. My brother swears that they don't smoke pot but you had to have been smoking something to let the lawn get this bad! They have some special mix just for St. Augustine I hear works. I'll try that. What else? Oh yeah, I got a job the Monday I arrived. I wasn't ready to start work and told them that, so they let me start a week later, the Tuesday after Labor Day. You see, we still had lots to do on the house and the in-laws were coming for a week. Whatever was I going to do with in-laws for a week in a brand new home? Let me tell you....The father-in-law and the grandfather-in-law replaced the back door, bought a garbage disposal, fixed the wiring in the living room, and HUNDEREDS of other little things. Mother-in-law and wife went shopping a lot. Just kidding! They trimmed the bushes, scrubbed the floors and mostly unpacked EVERYTHING that was brought down from their house. It was a busy time. I had my birthday party a couple of days ago, and among the people who showed up were David Eatherly, Brian Brown and Kat Abbott. It was like old times again.

980730 Okay, so it's been nearly two months since I last wrote. After Hawaii, I was home for only one week before I was off again, back to San Diego. I spent two weeks there, followed by two weeks in Norfolk, VA. I did get home for the 4th of July weekend though. Let's see. I put in notice at work, as I am moving to Texas. I don't yet know what I'm going to do there, but I do know that I will be in Texas. Feel free to let me welcome you to my home. As with anything, it wasn't an easy decision to make, but one I feel, in the long run, will be the right one. I really enjoy what I do in Philly, and felt I could excel at it, but the pressure of being a Texan living in Jersey is enough to make any grown man cry. At any rate, you guys take care, keep posting your messages to each other on my guestbook and remember that my e-mail account will not change and I'll only be away from it for a couple of days. For those of you who do not have my cell phone number, it's (610)283-9061. My friend David (who works for AT&T) has reserved me a Dallas number in which the last four digits spell "ERIC" so you'll always know how to find me. See you soon, you general population, you, those I call friends.

980606 Hawaii: Tropical Island Paradise! Oh yes, and there were lovers everywhere. Unfortunately I was not only working up to 14 hour days there, but I left Lori on the mainland (what Hawaiians call CONUS). What I did see was breathtaking. Be sure to check out the new HAWAII page (I would add a link to it here, but haven't written it yet). I'm going to consolodate my LINCOLN page into the rest of the AIRCRAFT CARRIERS page, so it didn't leave, it just moved. I haven't heard from Brinkmeyer (reference "The HEAD") since he left to make a month-long journey through the exciting Mid-West. Let's all hope he's still in one piece. I'd write more but it's well after midnight and my jet-lag is kicking-in. PEACE.

980508 Well here we are again caught within the world we cannot escape. Oh well. So when is Stephanie going to marry Larry? When is Paul going to finish his webpage? When am I going to finally do something cool with mine? I don't have the answers to any of these questions, sorry. I do know that Lori is as ripe as a burst fig and it fit to be hog-tied if she doesn't have a baby soon. I was able to meet up with a childhood friend, Brad Norman, for the first time in something like nine years. He gave me a ride in his private plane, a Mooney and we got to "buzz" the carriers I was working on in San Diego - pictures available soon. I have to pull them first from the tape. My boss says, "You and a childhood friend don't see each other for 10 years and end up both working recce systems? Weird." But that's another story altogether. I have a couple of days off here so I thought I'd add to this since I was in California following the debut of this site. Let's see, I have plans in D.C. Memorial Day - more Cuban cigars to smoke, and then the day after that I'm back in San Diego for a week. You all keep in touch and I'll be seeing you...

980421 The only people who will read this, at least initially, are those of you who know me personally. That's cool, because this web-page was designed, in part, for you. This area is a place where I can let you know what I'm thinking, what I'm doing, and (if this ever gets on the web) where I am. Most of you know I am no longer in the Air Force. In fact, I got out in July 1997 after 7 years of service. I had a blast while I was in, and I'm hoping that I can have as much fun now that I'm out. I moved back home and was there (on unemployment) for just under a month before I got picked up by Litton, PRC in Philadelphia. I sent out four resume's: Autometric, Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Pacific Sierra Research, and Raytheon E-Systems (out of Dallas). As an afterthought, I posted my resume on one of those "POST YOUR RESUME HERE" webpages (I don't even remember which one) and was called a few days later. I really enjoy what I'm doing now (I install softcopy exploitation system software on board Aircraft Carriers) but I sure do miss Texas. Or at least the Mid-West. Who knew that just north of Virginia everyone on the East Coast was so rude? OK, so maybe I'm the only one that didn't know that. Anyway, enjoy the page.