Web Album
Web Wedding Album
The Debast Wedding
Information Management Guide
An Information Management Guide

This guide includes information on Library and Information Management Schools, on-line courses for developing search and retrieval skills and preliminary web development courses. There is a page of links to standards as well as links to associations relevant to information management (especially metadata). The research pages contain links which include conferences, e-journals and internet directories. The pages on this site are listed below:
  Courses and LIS Schools    -    Links to Management Courses    -    Information Search and Retrieval Courses    -    IT Basics and preparatory course

Web Page Courses for Beginners    -   Links to Freeware and Shareware directories    -    A table containing some colors

Associations    -    Australia    -    USA    -    Other

Standards - especially Metadata

Research Links    -    Directories and Clearinghouses -    -    Conferences    -    Full-Text Open Source EJournals    -    Sundry Other Links

An English Page
An English Page

This English page contains a few essays I wrote as an undergraduate and a semester overview for year 10 English. The semester overview consists of units and resources for teaching English to Year 10 in Queensland.
  Essays    -    Woolf, Lawrence and Modernism    -    Is there a hero in "The Third Man"?    -    Solitude, loneliness and Australian literature    -   

Representations of Indigenous People in Film and Text    -    Themes of the American "South"

  Semester Overview    -    Myths legends and drama    -    Media Unit    -    Aussie poetry unit    -    To Kill a Mockingbird Unit    -    Resources for the units


Resources and internet links for teaching English as a second language. Links to associations, employment sites, teaching English in Korea and full-text on line articles about Communicative Language Teaching and examples of lessons.
  Internet links to tesol resources    -    Associations    -    Employment in Asia    -    Teaching English in Korea

Bibliography of full-text on-line articles    -    CLT    -    TPR    -    Assessment

Legal accounting software guide
Legal Accounting Software Analysis

A methodology for analysing the accounting software needs for Queensland solicitors and an analysis of the software available.