The City of Rocky Mount - A Virtual Letterbox
As you are combing the websites for clues, please take a few minutes to learn about the city. It has many interesting things that aren't mentioned here in the clues. If you need any help, feel free to email me (Liz) at and I will try and see you through. Comments are appreciated and please remember to sign the guestbook!
Welcome to Rocky Mount, NC. With a population of 57,150, Rocky Mount still has a small town feel, but is located at the intersection of I-95 and Hwy. 64, two of the busiest roads in North Carolina. The Tar River creeps through the city and offers scenic canoeing and great fishing year-round.
1. Visit the website for the City of Rocky Mount.

2. Under the About Rocky Mount tab at the top of the page, click on City History, find out what crop lead to the establishement of the city's first bank. Use the fifth letter of the name of the crop as the first letter of the mystery word.

3. Click on the Historic Postcard Gallery located at the top of the City History page. The Lantern Inn claimed to have the "Best Beds Between Maine and _________." Use the fifth letter of the missing word as the second letter in your mystery word.

4. Click on the City Departments tab on the top of the page and go to Parks and Recreation. Go to the Tar River Trail and note the name of the animal on stop #19. Use the fourth letter of the animal's name as the third letter in your mystery word.

5. At the bottom of the Tar River Trail map is a list of Rules and General Information. The first thing noted is that "The trail is open________, ..."Use the last letter of the missing word as the fourth letter of your mystery word.

6. Close the window for the map of the Tar River Trail. On the column on the left, click on Fire. Read the statement at the top of the page, "Serving the City of Rocky Mount by Protecting _________  and Property..."and use the missing word's first letter as the fifth letter in your mystery word.

7. At the top of the page under the About Rocky Mount tab, click on Facts and Figures. In the Parks and Recreation section, the number 400 represents how many park __________ Rocky Mount has. Use the first letter of the missing word as the sixth letter in your mystery word.

8. On the facts and figures page in the left column, click on Area Maps. At the very bottom of the page, Rocky Mount is halfway between what state and Miami? Use the seventh letter of that state's name as the seventh letter in your mystery word.

9. At the top of the page, under the About Rocky Mount tap, click on City Hall. The paragraph under the picture mentions a facility located in City Hall. Use the last letter of the type of facility that was mentioned as your eighth letter in your mystery word.

Use the mystery word to fill in the blank in the web address.