Favorite TV Show: The Munsters
Basses: I have a Gibson custom shop Thunderbird (tobacco sunburst); a Black 1976 re-issue Gibson Thunderbird; a white B.C. Rich Signature Series Thunderbird (the ThunderCrypt); a Natural B.C. Rich Mockingbird; a B.C. Rich Warlock neck through painted leopard spots; and a Carvin Fretless bass.
Amps: I have 3 Carvin Redline bass stacks, they’re 600 watts each. Also I just got a classic Ampeg S.V.T. head and two 8x10 cabinets.
Effects: I use a Boss BE-8 on the floor.

Pets: I have a ferret named Punky, and a cat named Tabitha.
Some Background: I started playing guitar at age 9 or so...just messing around, nothing serious. My mom and grandmother got me my first guitar with S&H Greenstamps. They were stamps you got every time you bought groceries. When you saved enough stamps you could exchange them for stuff. My first guitar was an electric blue Stratocaster copy. I got serious about guitar in high school after my first girlfriend of 6 years left me. The guitar was the only thing that took my mind off of the pain. That was a valuable experience for me. It taught me to play with emotion. My first band was called AXXE. I started it with a couple of my friends. It was a good learning experience. I was in and out of a few bands for some years and then started my own band again called MINX. Minx was a 3 piece glam band and I decided I wanted to be a lead singer as well as the only guitarist. We played cover songs and toured mostly Texas and Louisiana. Then I decided to go to L.A., so I sold everything I owned and came here with a couple of friends who left after the first year. I started a band called FATAL ATTRACTION. It was a dark glam vampire band. I also went to special effects make-up school in L.A., so I made our fangs and did the make-up as well. That went on for about 2 years. Next were a couple of glam bands that really didn’t have any significance. During this period I met Chris who was in a similar band called CHERRY STREET. We used to pass each other on the Sunset Strip while passing out flyers. I met Chris through an ad. I was with this drummer and we were looking for a singer. I met Chris and we immediately became best friends. It didn’t work out that we would play together in that band, but we did keep in touch. Finally after about a year, I called Chris and he told me BONEYARD was looking for another guitarist. I went over and played with them and that was it... (At the time, Johnny was going by the name Johnny Crystal.) I’ve gone through a lot of personal changes since Chris and I joined L.A. Guns, all of them have been good.”

Some of Johnny’s answers to past “Just 4 Kicks” questions...

If he could sit down and have a deep conversation with anyone about anything he would choose: “The former head of the CIA. I’d want to know who assassinated John F Kennedy, and why!”
When asked who the person is that encouraged him most to pursue his dream of becoming a musician, he replied, “Well, I think that would have to be myself. When I first started playing I got stuff like, ‘Do you know what the chances are of you making it in music?’ I’d say, ‘I don’t care,’ and keep doing what I was doing. It’s a very personal decision to do music. It has a lot of ups and downs. You really have to have a passion for it. I’ve seen great musicians become completely frustrated and give it up...not good. I had to encourage myself constantly and remain very focused at the beginning. It’s difficult at times, but with a lot of hard work and a little luck, it happens!”

Here is a little story I found on the web at: http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Palladium/1945: ”On July 3rd, 1995 Tracii Guns and Steve Riley caught a Boneyard concert at a club called FM Station and were so impressed that they invited Johnny and Roxy (who changed his name to Chris Van Dahl) to join their post L.A. Guns band with Kelly Nickels. Deciding to call the band “The L.A. Guns” they wasted no time getting to work on writing new songs. After about 6 months of rehearsal Kelly became disenchanted with the music business and decided to quit the band. While Kelly was removing his equipment from the rehearsal studio Tracii approached Johnny and asked him if he would consider taking over bass duties in order to make L.A. Guns a tighter unit. Johnny obliged and Kelly traded Johnny his bass rig in return for one of Johnny’s guitars.”

Johnny's Mom, Eleanor fills us in...

On Johnny’s musical career: Johnny was born a musician. At the young age of 6 he started a band with his friends and they practiced in his room. He played the drums at the time. He always wanted to be a drummer. At that time we could not afford a drum set. My mother and I were saving these stamps you received when you went food shopping and we traded them in for his first guitar. My feelings about Johnny playing music are I would support him in any field he choose, as long as he is happy doing it. Johnny is a very disciplined person and if he sets his mind to do something he will do it, and he will do it well. He has always wanted to be a musician, I believe he never wanted to do or be anything else.
And how does “Mom” feel about what Johnny has accomplished so far: As far as his accomplishments, I know he is very happy with what he is doing. He enjoys the guy he is playing with in LA Guns and just loves the FANS. Johnny is a pretty neat kind of guy always has been. He is easy to get along with and willing to help anybody anytime. Believe me he has paid his dues like most musicians have and he will continue on the same road he is on playing to people who want to hear him play.
On Johnny’s personality: Very outgoing as a young child, then thru his teen years some what shy. Today he is outgoing.
On Johnny’s other interests: The only other interest Johnny ever had to my knowledge was drawing. He is a very talented artist.
On Education: In school Johnny was an average student No he did not like school
On Johnny’s brother: He is an A/C & Heating Tech. He enjoys music and plays an Acoustical Guitar. He likes the Beatles and was recently married

And Johnny Answers The Questions...

Lori: What are some things you like doing (besides music)?
Johnny: Ummm, working out...I jog 3 1/2 miles every morning and doing weights. Also computer stuff
L: What is your favorite food?
J: I like sushi...that would be my favorite. I also like turkey corndogs. I have to make those though.. :)
L: And is there anything that really annoys you?
J: People that walk right onto our bus without knocking...
L: How about some simple things that really make you happy?
J: Things that make me really happy are...when anyone says “Johnny you’re such a good friend.” That kind of stuff makes me very happy and is very important to me...
L: Who would you consider your biggest musical influence?
J: Jimmy Page, but I get a lot from John Paul Jones as well....
L: Have you had any formal music training?
J: No I taught myself...never had the patience to learn the musical notation for twinkle twinkle little star :)
L: So what instruments can you play?
J: Guitar, bass, and I love to play the drums, but I’m not to good at it. I can make noise on just about any instrument :)
L: You did do some lead singing in a band too, didn’t you?
J: Yeah, “Minx.” It was a glam cover band I put together in Texas. I sang lead vocals for about 3 years
L: What bands do you like listening to at the moment?
J: Sly & the Family Stone. I grew up on Motown in South Philly in the 60’s
L: Besides regular school, what other schooling/training have you had?
J: I went to assembly programming classes at a community college out here. I went to a private catholic academy for 1st and 2nd grade. I attended drafting school for a little while. I am also a certified special effects makeup artist.
L: What do you think of the whole “Glam” thing?
J: I’m a glam dude at heart I love it always have always will. Just wish the bands would not rely on the makeup so much and play a little better...validate it a little more
L So if you had to classify (classifications suck, I know) your fav. style of music it would be?
J: Hybird funk rock...anything with a cool groove
L: Do you find it disturbing that if a band tries to experiment with a new sound they are called “sellouts”?
J: No not really... it’s healthy
L: What do you think of New Motley Crue music?
J: They are trying new stuff. Personally, since Vince JUST got back in the band, I think they should have waited to try something new and first put out an album that sounded like the stuff everyone wanted them to sound like....
L: So you were saying it’s healthy to experiment?
J: Yes it is. You have to expand musically while retaining your foundation. Not many bands can do that
(We spoke of the tour they did with Warrant!)
L: I really didn’t enjoy that show, the crowd was awful...The heavier sound with Chris brought along some hardcore jerks!
J: Yeah. We were not in our element. With Chris it was difficult at times.
L: I know you came aboard with Chris...glad to see that you stayed after he was gone.
J: Well, thank you. Hopefully I’m an integrated L.A. Guns member in the fans eyes now.. :)
L: I think you fit perfectly! But it’s a whole new line-up and a whole new ball game...on to bigger and better things! So was Chris’ leaving hard on you? I know you are close!
J: At first, then he never called me even though I’m the one that told him we were think of changing singers. I thought I was being a great friend.
L: So you don’t speak to him often? And yes, I do think that as a friend you would have been the best man for the job of telling him.
J: Haven’t since he left. I’m on to bigger and better things :)
L: So...now that you guys has been touring for a while...has there been any personality clashes at all?

J: None at all. Cool, huh?
L: Yep! But I’m sure every band has small tiffs...Must be difficult being with all those people for an extended period of time.
J: Well, everyone gets cranky but that’s expected.. and harmless
L: So you think the new line-up is set and running smoothly? The search for the perfect line-up is finally over?

J: Yes it feels that way.. :)
L: So when will you guys be back on the road?
J: The end of Jan with Slaughter again
L: Why Slaughter? Did they ask you to join them in the beginning?
J: Yes, they want to go out with us again. It was a good tour. They’re very cool to us.

L: I heard you guys got along great! So, no attitudes in LAG?

J: Yes we did it was a pleasure touring with them. No attitudes at all...
L: You know...people use to complain about Tracii! That must have been in the old days! =)
J: Well, he has anxiety problems like me. That’s why we hit it off right from the start. People don’t understand
L: Anxiety problems? You mean before a show?
J: 24/7 we both have it big time
L: Are you and your family close?
J: Very very close
L: And do they ever come out and see you play?
J: They came out here for the very first show that I played. They see me when I come through Texas....
L: I know you have a brother...any nieces or nephews?
J: Well, he’s married to someone with a family. So yes, I guess I do.
L: Do you want kids some day?
J: Yes, I want a little girl sooooo bad....
L: Here’s a strange one...What is your biggest regret?
J: I wouldn’t have given myself anorexia. I would have just dieted and worked out if i could do it again. I really messed up my blood sugar
L: So does that make you diabetic now?
J: No, I just have to eat...
L: And if there was one thing you could have changed about your life, what would it be?
J: If I could change one thing, it would have to be that my sister didn’t die of crib death..
L: That’s sad! Your mom told me about that.
J: It’s OK, I think that’s why we’re so close as a family
L: Hey!!! That what your mom said!!!
J: See we are close :)
L: If there was one line of advice you could give to an upcoming musician what would it be?
J: Do what you feel is right...Don’t follow the pack and practice very hard.
L: What is your favorite LAG song!?
J: Ummmm...Electric Gypsy
L: So when it comes time for the new album, who will be writing? A group thing?
J: Yeah we all do.
L: Great...can’t wait to hear it...So many bands have only 1 or 2 writing...much better when it is a shared thing!
J: Yeah, it really is