11. Bridgar HAYNIE I was born in Northumberland County, Virginia and he died on 2 Sep 1740 in St. Stephen's Parish, Northumberland County, Virginia. Bridgar was listed in his fathers will of 31 October 1724. It is believed that Bridgar married late and died young. His father left him: "land on the right hand of the road as you go down from the Courthouse, . . .". Because his brother, John Haynie, Jr., died without a will, Bridgar fell heir to a share of his father's estate in Essex County which he subsequently willed to his brother's son, William.
At the time Bridgar's will was written, he had four sons; Bridgar Haynie II, and three un-named minor sons; and he was concerned about the care of his minor sons should his wife die or remarry. The will also names a cousin, William Haynie (son of Bridgar's brother, John Haynie, Jr.), and two brothers: John and Maximillion.
Bridgar's will was recorded in Northumberland County, Virginia Records, page 101:

Haynie, Bridgar, of St. Stephens Parish
Will Written: 1 June 1739; Will Probated 18 October 1740.
Wife Mary Haynie: all my land on the southside of the road, and to dispose of as she thinks fit.
Son Bridgar Haynie: all my land on the northside of the road, the plantation where I now live.
Cousin William Haynie, administrator of John Haynie (dec'd): all my rights in a piece of land in Essex County on the southside of Rappahannock River.
If my son Bridgar or any of my sons should have no heirs at the time of their death, the land given my son Bridgar not being disposed of by him or any other of my sons, then I give the said land to the heir at law which descends either from my brother John or my brother Maximillion Haynie, which shall be called by the name of Bridgar Haynie.
Care of my three sons to Captain Daniel McCarty to see to their bringing up in case my wife should die or marry, and desire that Capt McCarty should sell the land given to my wife Mary Haynie and the land bequethed to my son Bridgar, in case he sees it will be for their benefit.
Friend Capt. Daniel McCarty, executor.
Estate not to be appraised.
Witness: Thos Machen and Charles Haynie
He was married to Mary ????. born about 1695 in Virginia. Bridgar Haynie's will identifies his wife as Mary. She may have been a widow when she married Bridgar or, she may have married a Denny after Bridgar's death. In any event, Mary had a son named Samuel Denny as proven by the following court record (Revolutionary War J.R. 3290/1 Bounty Warrants, Reel No. 7, Virginia State Library, Richmond, Virginia):
Northumberland County, Virginia
I John S Kesterson do hereby certify that I knew Capt. Samuel Denny well
- I lived in about three fourths of a mile of his half brother Bridgar Hayney where I frequently saw him
- he was absent from this country at the commencement of the revolutionary war
- he returned and wore a fine uniform at the time a good deal of gold lace about it
- he entered the service as a Captain of Artillery
- he was sometimes in the neighborhood recruiting men for the service as a captain of artillery
- I cannot say positively when he entered the service
- but my opinion is that he must have been from four to five years in service
- he died about the close of the war
- given under my hand this the 20 November 1833

John S. Kesterson
Northumberland County, Virginia

I do hereby certify that John S. Kesterson personally appeared before me a Justice of the peace for the county aforesaid and signed and swore to the following certificate.
I certify that the said Kesterson is credible -given under my hand this the 20th Nov 1833
John H Harding J.P.
Additional proof that Samuel Denny was the son of Mary and the half-brother of Bridgar Haynie's children is found in a another court order. In 1834, the heirs of Bridgar Haynie II applied to the state for land due Samuel Denny, Capt., 1st Regiment, Continental Army (Northumberland County, Virginia Order Book 1830-1835, p. 336):
Ord'd that it be certified that Cap. Saml. Denny decd intestate and that no will or copy of an original will of sd. Denny has been offered for prob in this court & that Nancy Haynie, Mary Lamkin, Hancock Haynie, Martin Haynie, Mary T. Hall, Patsy Rice, James Haynie, Bidgar Haynie, Lucy Cralle, Priscilla Leland, Royston Betts, Jr., Emaline Betts, Caroline Betts, Virginia Betts, John Betts, Tho Betts, Charles Betts, Sally Oldham are the only heirs at law of the sd. Saml. Denny.
Bridgar HAYNIE I and Mary ???? had the following children:
child+43 i. Bridgar HAYNIE II was born about 1718 in Northumberland County, Virginia. He married Sarah "Sally" SHEARMAN.
child44 ii. ???? HAYNIE. One of three un-named sons in Bridgar Haynie's will.
child+45 iii. Hezekiah HAYNIE was born about 1721 in Northumberland County, Vriginia. He married Hannah CHRISTOPHER.
child+46 iv. John HAYNIE was born about 1728 in St. Stephen's Parish, Northumberland County, Virginia. He married Margett ????.

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