BlackSmith's SpellBook

made by Seppä Erkki, aka BlackSmith, heureka 2003/08/06, updated 2004/07/12
After going trough numerous of spellbooks in his early stages of magic, Happy Icewind discovered the wonders of Bocco's Blessed Spellbook. At first he was thrilled about the marvelous piece of art until he found out that the book was faverite food for a certain type of ants.
He bought another set of these small wonders and in great effort replaced his numerous spellbooks. While his powers kept growing his need for multiple books also keept growing until he was constantly carrying around two to tree books and still not having all of his spells around specially when others "borrowed" his spellbooks while never returning them.
One day while he was studying his precious books, having them spread all over the ground, an ambush stroke him in form of a fireball.
After loosing all of his spells, again, he decided to give a try to make a spellbook wihtout the flaws he had encoutered this far.

The book itself is made of stone that changes its colour according to its users aligment, beeing 12" high, 6" wide and only 2" thick. Black as night for Evil, Silver as old hair or beard for neutral and Snow White for good aligment owners.
Also its surface pattern changes according to its owners aligment having a solid, reflecting face like it would be polished if the owner is Lawful, soft and warm looking but still beeing firm for Neutral owners and for Chaotic owners the face looks like storm water trapped inside the stone thus you can almost feel the chaos trashing trough.

First of all the main power of the book is to store huge amount of spells, that are sorted according to the owners desire, in to pages made of skin from the inside of a Purple Worms mouth thus others browsing trough the book have difficulties to find the right spell while the books owner finds the right spell by simply opening the book. Note that Lawful Neutral owner might like the spells in descending order of uses and the book would present them in this order thus it would be equally hard for any other than the books owner itself to find the right spell.

The Book accepts spells scribed normaly up to a total of 100 of spell levels, and the amount can be increased by a simple ritual.
Also, the Book is very durable and has multilayered traps against anyone unauthorized that tries to use the book and some nice edges for it rightful user.
The book does not shine magic while observed with Detect Magic but it is treated as a magic item when counting the number of magical auras in an area Its auras strenght is equal to the highest spell it contains thus it is impossible to Pin Point the book but it is certain that something magical is in the area.
Caster Level: 11th
Prerequisites: Craft wondrous items; Backlash, Enervation, Flesh to Stone, Levitation, Protection from Elements, Otiluke's Resilient Spehere, mucous membrane from Purple Worm.
Market Price: 38,500 gp
Weight: None (5 lb if the levitation ability is supressed)
If the book iscreated without the two last abilities, the price comes down a bit but then it is wise to keep one or even two spare spellbooks.
Caster Level: 7th
Prerequisites: Craft wondrous items; Backlash, Levitation, Protection from Elements, mucous membrane from Purple Worm.
Market Price: 19,000gp
Weight: none (5 lb if the levitation ability is supressed)