A Tribute in Honor of:
My Mom and Dad
This is in honor of my Mom and Dad.  Dad was born in 1912 in the Bronx, NY and died in June of 2001.  My Mom was born in 1918 in Highland Falls, NY.  She died in April of 2002.
My Mom and Dad
My siblings and I had a great life due to my fathers hard work and my mothers ingenuity.  We were never rich but we never wanted for anything.  We always found a way.  My Dad was a big NY Yankee fan and would take us to the Yankee home games when we could scrape up the money for 4 kids.  We could sit and talk all day about Joe D and Mickey.  My Mom always had her opinion, which most of the time differed from ourts.  Every Christmas we always received our gifts, sometimes not many but they were always there.  As a class 1 carpenter my Dad was able to build virtually anything that had wood in it, including houses from the bottom up.  He never made the kind of money available today but he never refused a job.  He did virtually everything that was modified or built at St. Josephs Church in Middletown, NY.  My Mom didn't work, she had 4 kids to raise.  She even took in children from the Catholic Foundling Charities from NYC.  She always had children around her even when her own children had grown up and moved out to be on their own.  Her greatest accomplishment was when my son stayed with her while I was awaiting assignment in the AF and my son needed neurosurgery.  She was the one that kept us together.  My son was my Mom and Dad's pride and joy.  He came through his many surgeries with flying colors through their support.  They both simply adored my son, handicaps and all.  And my son was absolutely devestated when they finally passed on.  He adored his Grandma and Grandpa.  They will be sorely missed my all whose lives they touched.

St Josephs Cemetary
Kevins photos
Some of my photos