Hello Kris Roe! and various other members of the Ataris.

Wow that rhymes and pow well it doesn't anymore.

we can't believe you are on our website, but we bet you aren't.  please go on our website.  or at least Ask Bill Roe (to) (Your Dad) (Kris)

when are you going to tour in England?  Don't do it in the 2nd week of august as i am on holiday.  please.  you will lose much needed money.  

why cant we email the other people in your band?

we agree you are the best but we don't wanna discriminate  tough we are not erasing this bit.  

will you make sure your new album is cheap? i suggest £2.99. Could you make the rest of it less crap than Radio 2 and not call it something stupid like don't ever compromise what you believe.  We suggest "A Dedication to Rosie and Louse and not Elizabeth" or "Will there be a chance to buy Drinks?"  

first and foremost we love your music goodbye

please email us with your response, if you are kris roe at ducksarego@aol.com

thankyou kris roe your the best shut up billy it is gramatically correct

if you have read all this and you are not kris roe then what the hell are you doing?????? you are perhaps excused if you are a member of the ataris but otherwise GET OUT