Duck theme exclamation mark.

this page is here to explain the phenomena that is the KP STRESS

So called because Kermit Pevin's name is Kermit Pevin.

Previously, it had been known as the Elizabeth stress, but we needed something more snappy for a move into the 22nd centuryBC.  It can be abbreviated to "She's in a KP!" or "She's KP'd" Which Rosie loves to shout out, angering her further.

Signs and Symptoms:

Hair Brushed over face
Looking down rocking
Pecking her fingernails
Eyebrows raised
Not saying much
Tossing her head
Not talking to Louise
Tries to express an opinion
And fails
Kicks the chair
Leans back in chair
Slams Doors
Flounces about in and out of rooms
Texts dan but this happens anyway
is a sulk arse


Not Applicable


When we performed the liz loves bondage song - it was the writing on her locker that toppled her over the edge
When we mock her text messages
VEGETARIANISM AAAAAAAHHH AND HIPPOCRASy (i know its spelt wrong billy)
When I knock her dirnk over
When I throw her purse at her
When i speak
When louse speaks
When natty nat nat nat speaks
When someone criticises left front tyre
WHen we speak to dane bowers

Phone Syndrome

Dan recently invested in a new telephone machine (mobile) and cast off his old "cast off" (mobile) to the delighted Liz.  Liz now clutches this phone more than her "ex-phone" and it has a special shooty out thing, in the style of the matrix.  She delights in doing an impression of Neo while whispering "morpheous" repeatedly.  She likes to clickety click (or clickety clit) it when in a KP stress i.e. constantly.

If you want to avoid Liz being in a KP, don't get to know her! Go back andfind out some useful information which you can use to blackmail her SHe will kp if we write about things that we  cant say but they rhyme with claires accessories.


now your confused liz