You may think that origami is a harmless past-time, paper-fun you might add, fun with paper, you might say, but you haven heard the terrifying tale of Elizabeth and the horse.

Elizabeth had always known that she was not allowed to ride her horse, as it was too small and could not bear her weight.  One day, however, Elizabeth felt the call of the wild.  Her parents had gone to an exhibition, and she was alone in the house.  She crept out to the stables.  Elizabeth mounted the tiny creature and proceeded towards the fields.  A couple of minutes passed and all was going well.

Suddenly, Elizabeth heard a large bang.  The horse lurched below her and she found herself sprawled on the grass.  She looked around and the horse was flat as a pancake.  Elizabeth panicked.  She ran to the house, tears flowing down her horrid face.  She searched through her medical book.  "Horses, horses" she muttered as she flipped the pages frantically.  She found nothing.  As her eyes flicked over the bookshelf, she spotted a book entitled "Origami for the simple at heart".  Now in a blind panic, Elizabeth grabbed the book and miraculously found a pattern for a horse.  She tore the page from the book and headed back to the field.  Elizabeth was further traumatized by the fact that she knew she was not allowed to tear books, but carried on regardless. UMM.

Elizabeth folded the crumpled body into an origami horse, and triumphantly rode it back to the house.  Halfway through the journey, however, the horse cracked under pressure and formed 2 horses.

Elizabeth heard the crunch of gravel on the drive.  She looked up in terror as her parents came rushing to the field.  "Elizabeth" Shouted her astonished mother.  Elizabeth hung her head in shame.


Wanna go home? Grow up and GO then.