1.       Gas because it doesn’t have a definite size, shape nor density.  Thus, the temperature and pressure ahs the greatest effect on it.


2.       Solid has definite shape, very close distance between molecules and very slow molecules and definite volume.  Liquids, on the other hand take the shape of the container, close distance between molecules, slow molecules.  Whereas gases takes the shape of the container and fills it up, has no definite volume, very far apart and very fast molecules.


a.       qualitative because it can’t be measured

b.       quantitative because it can be measured

c.       qualitative because based on 5 senses

d.       quantitative because it can be measured

e.       qualitative because based on 5 senses has no numbers associated with it.


a.       chemical because it describes how gold reacts with air

b.       physical because determined without altering chemical composition

c.       physical because determined without altering chemical composition

d.       chemical because it altered the chemical composition of gas

e.       physical because only change stateà liquid


a.       physical because no new substance is formed

b.       chemical because change in energy/heat

c.       chemical because change in energy

d.       chemical because change in smell and precipitate formed

e.       physical because only excite electrons


a.       chemical because chemicals are mixed in the firefly which produce “cold light’

b.       chemical because new substances are formed by photosynthesis to make the tree larger.

c.       chemical because burning of the wax (combining it with oxygen) produces light

d.       physical because ice turns into water, it’s still water

e.       chemical because change in light and heat

f.        physical because only excite electrons


7.       Pure substance has a definite composition, mixtures have a variable composition.


8.       Pure substances can’t be separated by physical means like distillation, fractional distillation.


9.       Solutionà can be separated by distillation and physical means.  As well, it contains at least 2 compounds.


10.   d, A mixture of ice and water is heterogeneous because it has 2 phases (solid and liquid).  All the other are homogeneous solutions (1 phase).



a.       a metal alloy; i.e. copper and zinc

b.       apple juice; water and apple juice

c.       air; nitrogen and oxygen

d.       Kool Aid; Kool Aid power and water

e.       Soda pop; Pepsi


12.   A proton and a neutron is found in the nucleus of an atom.  Proton has a positive change and a neutron has neutral.  Electrons orbit the nucleus in the atom with a negative charge.



a.       neutrons: 33                        p: 27                             e: 27

b.       n : 52                                  p: 38                             e: 38

c.       n : 61                                  p: 47                             e: 47

d.       n :125                                 p: 82                             e: 82

e.       n :125                                 p: 85                             e: 85

f.        n :146                                 p: 92                             e: 92


14.   they are called metalloids



a.       5

b.       5

c.       5


a.       Ga •



b.       • Ge •



c.       • As  ••



d.       • Se •



17.    Sodium has 11 electrons and only 1 valence electron.  When it bonds with another element, it will lose 1 electron or gain 7 electrons.  Losing 1 electron is much easier than gaining g 7 electrons, so it will always form a +1 charge.  Calcium ahs 20 electrons and only 2 valence electrons, it’ll prefer to lose 2 electrons than gain 6, therefore it’ll form a +2 charge.


a.       loses 2e

b.       gains 1e

c.       gains 3e

d.       loses 3e

e.       gains 2e

f.        n/a





a.       nitrogen

b.       fluorine/chlorine/bromine/iodine/astatine

c.       carbon


a.       Au

b.       S

c.       Al

d.       Rn

e.       Zn

f.        Sr





a.       O

b.       Se

c.       Mg

d.       Xe

e.       Ne

f.        P


22.   Stable octet is an element whose outer shell is full; noble gases all have 8 valence electrons.


23.   Noble gases are very unreactive/ stable because they have a full valence electron. They do not want to give/lose any of its electrons.  They have a stable octet.


24.   Metal and a non-metal element are involved in ionic bonding.


25.   For oxygen, it has 6 valence electrons, meaning it wants to gain 2 electrons. A potassium ion has one valence electron to lose. To balance up, 2 potassium ion will satisfy the oxygen ion to make a full valence.

For question 26 and 27 the website won’t let me down load the diagrams my apologies.

26.   OH-1 is linear


27.   Boron is an exception BF3 is trigonal planar and nonpolar

GeH4 is tetrahedral and nonpolar

SCl2 is bent/ v shape and polar

ClO-1 is linear (it is an ion therefore polarity is not done because it is a charged particle)

H2Se is bent/v shape and slightly polar




a.       FeCl3

b.       FeO

c.       CoBr2

d.       SnCl4

e.       Li2S

f.        MgBr2

g.       Al2S3

h.       Mg(OH)2

i.         Fe2(CO3)3

j.         CBr4

k.       P2S5

l.         SnCl2

m.     Fe2(SO4)3

n.       VBr2

o.       PbO2

p.       Au(CN)3

q.       Lithium Sulphide

r.        Phosphorous Trihydride

s.       Gallium Iodide

t.        Aluminum Sulphide

u.       Boron nitride

v.       Ammonium Dichromate

w.     Cupric Nitrate

x.       Barium Hydrogen Carbonate

y.       Plumous Acetate

z.       Copper (I) Chlorite

aa.   Mercury Dichromate

bb.   Thallium (II) Phosphate

cc.   Copper Hydrogen Carbonate

dd.   Iron (II) Chlorate

ee.   Mercury Phosphate

ff.     Gold (II) Perchlorate

            hh. Cobalt Dichromate




a.       Zn + 2 HCl à ZnCl2 + H2

b.       2 Mg + CO2 à 2 MgO + C

c.       Al2O3 + 3 H2 à 2 Al + 3 H2O

d.       Cu(NO3)2 + H2S à CuS + 2 HNO3

e.       CaO + 2 HNO3 à Ca(NO3)2 + H2O




a.       Ca(AlO2)2 + 8 HCl à 2 AlCl3 + CaCl2 + 4 H2O

b.       9 O2 + 2 Sb2S3 à 2 Sb2O3 + 6 SO2

c.       4 Cr + 3 O2 à 2 Cr2O3

d.       2 C2H6 + 7 O2 à 4 CO2 + 6 H2O

e.       2 F2 + 4 NaOH à O2 + 4 NaF + 2 H2O

f.        4 NH3 + 5 O2 à 6 H2O + 4 NO

g.       3 Cl2 + 2 CrBr3 à 3 Br2 + 2 CrCl3

h.       Sr(IO3)2 à SrI2 + 3 O2

i.         Al2(SO4)3 + 6 NH3 + 6 H2O à 2 Al(OH)3 + 3 (NH4)2SO4

j.         3 SiO2 + 4 Al à 3 Si + 2 Al2O3

k.       4 C7H5N3O6(s) + 21 O2 (g) à 28 CO2 (g) + 6 N2 (g) + 10 H2O (g)



a.       Yes, single displacement

b.       No, because Mg is not reactive enough to displace H from H2O

c.       No, because Mg is more reactive than N on the activity series

d.       Yes, Zn will displace Ni

e.       No, because Zn is not reactive enough to displace H from H2O

f.        Yes, Sr is reactive enough to displace H2O

g.       Yes, Al is more reactive than Zn

h.       No, because Al is more reactive than Zn

i.         Yes, Fe is above H

j.         No, because Ag is not reactive enough to displace H from HCl



a.       2 K(s) + 2 HCl(aq) à H2 ↑ + 2 KCl (aq)

b.       2 Na (s)  + 2 H2O (l) à 2 Na(OH) + H2

c.       2 Mg (s)  + O2 (g)  à 2 MgO

d.       Mg (s) + CuSO4 (aq)  à Cu(s)  + MgSO4 (aq)

e.       Ni  (s) + Pb(NO3)2 (aq) à Pb(s)  + Ni(NO3)2(aq)

f.        Pb (s)  + H2SO4(aq) à H2↑ + PbSO4(aq)

g.       Fe(s)  + SnCl2 (aq) à Sn(s) + FeCl2(aq)

h.       Ca(s)  + H2SO4(aq)  à H2↑ + CaSO4(aq)

i.         3 Na(l)  + AlCl3(s)  à Al(s)  + 3 NaCl(aq)




  1. [(39.0U)( 93.1)] + [ (41.0u)( 6.9)] = 39u

                     100                         100

  1. [(203.0U)( 29.50)] + [ (205.0u)( 70.50)] = 204.4u

                         100                             100

    1.      H2                           S

2.0g/mol      +       32.1g/mol  =    34.1 g/mol


2.0g/mol     X 100%                32.1g/mol     X 100%

                       34.1 g/mol                                34.1 g/mol

                      H2 = 5.9%                                   S  = 94.1%







    1.       Na2                           S                       O4

46.0g/mol      +       32.1g/mol     +   64.0 g/mol    =    142.1 g/mol   


46.0g/mol               32.1g/mol                 64.0 g/mol       

                       142.1 g/mol             142.1 g/mol              35.6 g/mol

                      Na2 = 32.4%             S  = 22.6%               O4 = 45.0%


    1. Cu                           H10                      S

                     48.0g/mol      +       10.0g/mol     +   32.1 g/mol    =    90.1 g/mol   


48.0g/mol               10.0g/mol                 32.1 g/mol       

                       90.1 g/mol               90.1 g/mol                90.1 g/mol

                      Cu = 53.3%             H10 = 11.1%               S = 35.6%  

  1. .
    1. C2H5OH
      6H = 6 (1.0g/mol)  = 6.0g/mol
      2C = 2(12.0g/mol) = 24.0g/mol
      1O = 1(16.0g/mol) = 16.0 g/mol +
                             Mm = 46.0 g/mol
    2. Al2(SO4)3
      2Al = 2(27.0g/mol)   = 54.0g/mol
      3S = 3(32.1g/mol)     = 96.3g/mol
      12O = 12(16.0g/mol) = 192.0g/mol +
                                Mm  = 342.3g/mol
    3. NH4NO3
      N = 14.0g/mol       = 14.0g/mol
      4H = 4(1.0g/mol)  = 4.0 g/mol
      N = 14.0g/mol       = 14.0g/mol
      3O = 3(16.0g/mol) = 48.0g/mol +
                             Mm = 80.0g/mol


    1. Cu = Mm = 63.5g/mol


    1. (7.10mol)(6.02x1023molecules/mol) = 4.27x1024 molecules
    2. (7.10mol)(6.02x1023molecules/mol)(4atoms/molecule) = 1.71x1025 atoms of hydrogen
  2. .
    1. n = 7.45x1022 molecules
            6.02x1023 molecules/mol
      n = 0.1238 mol
      Mm = [6(12.0g/mol) + 12(1.0g/mol) + 6(16.0g/mol)]
      Mm = 180.0g/mol

      n = m/Mm
      m = n(Mm)
      m = (0.1238 mol)(180.0g/mol)
      m = 22.3g

      Therefore, the mass of C6H12O6 (glucose) is 22.3g.


    1. n = 3.11x1024 molecules
            6.02x1023 molecules/mol
      n = 5.166 mol
      Mm = [4(12.0g/mol) + 9(1.0g/mol) + 32.1g/mol + 1.0g/mol]
      Mm = 90.1g/mol
      n = m/Mm
      m = n(Mm)
      m = (5.166mol)(90.1g/mol)
      m = 465g

      Therefore, the mass of C4H9SH is 465 g.
    1. n = m   =   33.0g
            Mm    [40.1g/mol + 2(1.0g/mol) + 2(12.0g/mol) + 6(16.0g/mol)]
      n = 33.0g            = 0.2036mol
      (0.2036mol)(6.02x1023 molecules/mol) = 1.23x1023 molecules = 1.35x1024 atoms
    2. n = m   =   256g
            Mm    [87.6g/mol + 2(14.0g/mol) + 6(16.0g/mol)]
      n = 256g            = 1.210 mol
      (1.210mol)(6.02x1023 molecules/mol) = 7.28x1023 molecules = 6.56x1024 atoms

      a.   In 100 g of compound, there are:

            63.53g of Fe                                             36.47g of S

      n = m   =   63.53g           = 1.136mol          n = m   =   36.47g             = 1.136mol
                                   Mm   55.9g/mol                                         Mm    32.1g/mol


Therefore the empirical formula is FeS.


b.   In 100g of compound, there are:

         21.6g of Na                          33.3 g of Cl                                 45.1g of O

      n = m  =   21.6g  = 0.939mol         n = m  =   45.1g  = 0.944mol   n = m  =  45.1g   =2.82 mol
                                   Mm   23.0g/mol                             Mm    35.5g/mol                     Mm               16.0g/mol


                                                            n Na : nCl : nO

                                                            0.939: 0.944: 2.82

                                                            1 : 1: 3

                        Therefore the empirical formula is NaClO3.


                  c.   In 100g of compound there are

                        26.52g Cr                                 24.52g S                                   48.96g O

                        n = m =  26.52g   = 0.51mol        n = 24.52g   = 0.764mol             n =  48.96g  = 3.06mol

                              Mm  52.0g/mol                           32.1g/mol                                   16.0g/mol


                                                            nCr : nS  : nO

                                          0.51 : 0.764  : 3.06

                                          1 : 1.5 : 6    ×  2 to get rid of decimal

                                          2 : 3 : 12

      Therefore the empirical formula is Cr2S3O12    [Cr2(SO4)3]



d.   In 100 g of compound there are

      63.1 g  C                                   11.92g H                                   24.97 g F

      n = m = 63.1 g  = 5.26 mol         n = 11.92g = 11.92 mol              n = 24.97 g = 1.31 mol

            Mm 12.0g/mol                             1.0g/mol                                   19.0g/mol

                              nC : nH :  nF

                              5.26 : 11.92: 1.31

                              4 : 9 : 1

      Therefore the empirical formula is C4H9F







  1. In 100 g of compound, there are:

48.28g of C     5.05g of H              14.14g of H           32.32g of O                      

  n = m                          n = m                      n = m                        n = m     
                              Mm                              Mm                        Mm                         Mm

                       = 48.48g                     = 5.05g                   = 14.14g                   = 32.32g

        12.0g/mol                 1.0g/mol                14.0g/mol                16.0g/mol

     =  4.04 mol                =  5.05 mol           =  1.01 mol              = 2.02mol


C       :        H        :          N             :         O

                        4.04 mol         5.05 mol      1.01 mol         2.02mol      

                       1.01 mol          1.01 mol      1.01 mol         1.01 mol        

                              4                    5                   1                      2

Therefore, the empirical formula is C4H5NO2   


Mm(compound)   = 198.0g/mol   =   2      Therefore 2 is the multiplier.

Mm(empirical)         99.0g/mol


Therefore the molecular formula is C8H10N2O4


  1. In 100 g of compound, there are:

23.8g of C                      5.99g of H                         70.2g of Cl         

  n = m                          n = m                                  n = m                           
                   Mm                             Mm                                   Mm             

                       = 23.8g                       = 5.99g                              = 70.2g                     

        12.0g/mol                 1.0g/mol                         35.5g/mol               

     =  1.983 mol                =  5.99 mol                       =  1.977 mol           

C       :                       H        :                      Cl

                        1.983 mol                   5.99 mol                      1.977 mol        

                       1.977 mol                    1.977 mol                    1.977 mol        

                              1                                3                                  1                     

Therefore, the empirical formula is CH3Cl 


Mm(compound)   = 50.5g/mol   =   1      Therefore 1 empirical formula in molecule

Mm(empirical)         50.5g/mol

 Therefore the molecular formula is CH3Cl


  1. -

a)      2 NaOH(aq) + H2SO4(aq) à Na2SO4(aq) + 2 H2O(l)

  2 mol            1mol            1 mol            2 mol    


NNaOH  = NNa2SO4

2mol         1mol

NNaOH  =  2mol X 8.61


NNaOH  =  17.2 mol


Therefore, 17.2 moles of NaOH are required. 

b)      2 NaOH(aq) + H2SO4(aq) à Na2SO4(aq) and 2 H2O(l)

 2 mol            1mol            1 mol            2 mol    

NH2SO4  = NNa2SO4

 1mol         1mol

m = NNa2SO4 X MmH2SO4

m = 4.77 mol X 98.1g/mol

m = 468g       

Therefore, 468g of H2SO4 are required. 

  1. Li3N(s) + 3 H2O(l) à 3 LiOH(s) + NH3(g).

1mol                                            1mol


NLi3N =  NNH3

1 mol     1 mol

MNH3 = MLi3N        X  MmNH3


MNH3 = 4.84g    X 17.0g/mol

           34.7 g/mol

MNH3 =  2.37g


Therefore 2.37g of NH3 are formed.


  1. CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) à CO2(g) + 2 H2O(g)

6.4g         Xg

a)      NCH4 =  NO2

1 mol    2 mol

MO2 = 2mol x MCH4       X  MmO2

                            MmCH4            1mol

MO2 = 2mol x 6.4g       X   32.0g/mol


      MO2 = 25.6g

Therefore 25.6g of O2 are required.


b)      NCO2 =  NCH4

1 mol    1 mol

MCO2 =  MCH4       X  MmCO2


MCO2 = 6.4g       X   44.0g/mol


      MCO2 = 17.6g

Therefore 17.6g of CO2 will be produced


  1. CaO(s) + 2 HCl(aq) à CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l)

60.4g       69.0g             Xg

If all CaO is used

       NCaO =  NCaCl2

1 mol    1 mol

  MCaCl2 =  MCaO       X  MmCaCl2


  MCaCl2 = 60.4g       X   111.1g/mol


        MCaCl2 =  120g [excess]


If all HCl is used

        NHCl =  NCaCl2

  2 mol    1 mol

  MCaCl2 =  1mol X MHCl       X  MmCaCl2

                                   MmHCl            2mol

  MCaCl2 = 1mol X 69.0g       X   111.1g/mol

                                  36.5 g/mol           2mol  

        MCaCl2 =  105g [limiting]


Therefore HCl is limiting and 105g of CaCl2 will be produced.


  1. 2 Al(s) + 3 H2SO4(aq) à Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 3 H2(g).

6.71g       12.95g              Xg


If all Al is used

        NAl =  NAl2(SO4)3

  2 mol    1 mol

  MAl2(SO4)3 =  1mol X MAl       X  MmAl2(SO4)3

                                        MmAl               2mol

  MCaCl2 = 1mol X 67.1g       X   342.3g/mol

                                  27.0 g/mol           2mol  

        MCaCl2 =  42.5g [excess]



If all H2SO4 is used

        NH2SO4 =  NAl2(SO4)3

  3 mol        1 mol

  MAl2(SO4)3 =  1mol X M H2SO4       X  MmAl2(SO4)3

                                        MmH2SO4               3mol

  MCaCl2 = 1mol X 12.95g       X   342.3g/mol

                                  98.1g/mol           3 mol  

        MCaCl2 = 15.1g [limiting]


H2SO4 is limiting. Therefore 15.1g of Al2(SO4)3 are produced





  1. A non-electrolyte will not conduct electricity when it is dissolved in water because it does not dissociate into ions, they remain totally in molecular form.


  1. Water is a polar molecule and when an ionic compound (KBr) is placed in water, the slightly negative end of water will be attracted to the positive ion of the KBr. The slightly positive end of water will behave similarly with the negative ion of KBr. These attractions will pull the ions or polar molecules into solution and away from crystal and then completely surround the ions with water molecules (hydration).


  1. CaCl2 à Ca+2(aq) + 2 Cl-(aq) shows that calcium chloride is decomposed/dissociated into ions calcium and chloride when dissolved in water.


  1. Polar solvents dissolve polar or ionic solutes because of the intermolecular attractions between dipoles of the solute and the dipoles of the solvent. Nonpolar solutes don’t dissolve in polar solvents because there is no intermolecular attraction between the particles to promote solution formation. They want to London force bond. There is nothing for the dipole to be attracted to.


  1. Ionic substances don’t dissolve in a nonpolar substance because there is no intermolecular attraction between the particles to promote solution formation. Ionic substances require a dipole and the nonpolar use London forces.
  2. .
    1. MgCl2(s) à Mg+2(aq) + 2 Cl-1(aq)
    2. Ba(OH)2 à Ba+2(aq) + 2 OH-1(aq)
    3. Al2(SO4)3 à 2 Al+3(aq) + 3 SO4-2(aq)




    1. AlBr3 and LiOH
      equation: AlBr3 + 3 LiOH
      à Al(OH)3↓ + 3 LiBr
      ionic: Al+3 + 3 Br-1 + 3 Li+1 + 3 OH-1
      à Al(OH)3↓ + 3 Li+1 + 3 Br-1
      net ionic: Al+3 + 3 OH-1
      à Al(OH)3
      spectator ions: 3 Br-1 and 3 Li+1


    1. Fe(NO3)2 and (NH4)2CO3
      equation: Fe(NO3)2 + (NH4)2CO3
      à FeCO3↓ + 2 NH4NO3
      ionic: Fe+2 + 2 NO3-1 + 2 NH4+1 + CO3-2
      à FeCO3↓ + 2 NH4+1 + 2 NO3-1
      net ionic: Fe+2 + CO3-2
      à FeCO3
      spectator ions: 2 NO3-1 and 2 NH4+1






    1. KBr and MgCl2
      equation: 2 KBr + MgCl2
      à 2 KCl + MgBr2
      ionic: 2 K+1 + 2 Br-1 + Mg+2 + 2 Cl-1
      à 2 K+1 + 2 Cl-1 + Mg+2 + 2 Br-1
      net ionic: no reaction
      spectator ions: 2 K+1 and 2 Br-1 and Mg+2 and 2 Cl-1


    1. Na3PO4 and CaCl2
      equation: 2 Na3PO4 + 3 CaCl2
      à NaCl + Ca3(PO4)2
      ionic: 6 Na+1 + 2 PO4-3 + 3 Ca+2 + 6 Cl-
      à 3 Na+1 + 6 Cl- + Ca3(PO4)2
      net ionic: 3 Ca+2 + 2 PO4-3
      à Ca3(PO4)2↓↓
      spectator ions: 6 Na+1 + 6 Cl-1



m = 100g

V = 10.0L

Mm = [2(23.0) + 32.1 + 4(16.0)] g/mol

Mm = 142.1 g/mol

  1. nsolid = nsolution              

m/Mm = CV    

C = M        ×    1

       Mm           V

            C = 100g    ×     1

                   142.1       10.0L

            Therefore the concentration is about 7.04 × 10 ־²M.


Mm = [2(23.0) + 32.1 + 4(16.0)] g/mol

Mm = 142.1 g/mol

  1. nsolid   = nsolution

m/Mm = CV

m         = CVMm

m         = (0.050mol/L) (0.250L) (180.0g/mol)

m         = 2.25g


Therefore there is 2.25g of C6H12O6


Mm = [63.5 +32.1 + 9(16.0) + 10 (1.0)]

Mm = 249.6 g/mol

  1. nsolid   = nsolution

m/Mm = CV

m         = CVMm

m         = (3.0mol/L)(2.0L)(249.6g/mol)

m         = 1497.6g


Therefore the 1498 g of CuSO4 ۰ 5H20 is needed.


  1. nsolid   = nsolution

m/Mm = CV

m         = CVMm

      m         = (0.320 mol/L) ( 0.250L)[3(23) + 31.0 + 4(16.0) g/mol]

      m         = 13.12g


      Weigh out 13.12g of Na3PO4. Place it in a volumetric flask, rinse paper with water to remove all solute. Dissolve in less than 200mL of H2O. Once all solute is dissolved fill to the 200mL mark and mix thoroughly then use.


  1. nc   = nd           

CcVc = CdVd

Vd        = CcVc


      Vd        = (0.15 mol/L) ( 0.200L)


      Vd        = 0.0316L


Therefore 31.6ml is required.

  1. nc   = nd           

CcVc = CdVd

Cd      = CcVc


      Cd        = (0.55 mol/L) ( 0.055L)


      Cd        = 0.12mol/L


Therefore the new concentration would be 0.12mol/L.

  1. nc   = nd           

CcVc = CdVd

Vd      = CcVc


      Vd        = (1.50 mol/L) ( 0.0500L)


      Vd        = 0.17L


Therefore the final volume will be 0.17L.


  1. 23.50ml     16.75ml

2 NaOH + H2SO4 à Na2SO4 + 2 H2O

  2mol         1mol

nNaOH   = nH2SO4

 2mol       1mol

CcVc = CdVd


Cc = (0.180mol/L) (0.01675L)  X     2mol

                      1mol                         0.02350L

Cc =  0.257mol/L


Therefore the concentration of sulfuric acid is 0.257mol/L    


  1.  17.35ml     35.65ml

Ba(OH)2 +2 HNO3 à 2 H2O + Ba(NO3)2

  1mol         2mol

nb   = na

           1mol  2mol

CbVb = CaVa

1mol    2mol

Cb = (0.150mol/L) (0.03565L)  X     1mol

                      2mol                         0.01735L

Cc =  0.154mol/L


Therefore the concentration of barium hydroxide is 0.154mol/L













a.                                   Ag+1, Sr+2, Ca+2



                                   AgCl                         Sr+2, Ca+2 



                                                     Ca(OH)2                             Sr+2___________

                                                                                      SO4-2___│ (H2SO4)__



b.                                    Cu+2 , Ca+2, Ag+1



                                   AgCl                         Cu+2, Ca+2 

                                                        __ SO4-2___│___(H2SO4)_


                                                   CaSO4                                Cu+2

                                                                                   OH-1___│ (NaOH)__




a.       pH = -log[H+1]

      pH = -log 8.2X10-3M

      pH = 2.08


b.       pH = -log[H+1]

      pH = -log 7.3X10-6M

      pH = 5.14


a.       [H+1] = 10-pH

[H+1] = 10-2.50

[H+1] = 3.16 X 10-3


b.       [H+1] = 10-pH

[H+1] = 10-6.25

[H+1] = 5.62 X 10-7






















a.       63Cu29  +          2D1       à        61Ni28                +          4He2

b.       1n0        +          10B5      à        7Li3                  +          4He2

c.       238U92                           à        234Th90               +          4He2

d.       7Li3       +          1H1       à        2 4He2

e.       235U92   +          1n0        à        143Ba56  +          89Kr36   +          3 1n0

f.        17O8      +          0β-1       à        14C6                  +          3He1

g.       Tritium


2)      Fission occurs when a heavier atom breaks apart into 2 lighter atoms.

Fusion occurs when two light atoms combine to form a heavier atom

3)      .

a.       22688Ra à 42He + 22286Rn

b.       21081Tl à 0-1e + 21082Pb

c.       137N à 0-1e + 136C

d.       104Be à 0-1e + 103Li

e.       189F à 01e + 1810Ne

f.        23892U à 42He + 23490Th

g.       24495Am + 0-1e à 24494Pu + x-rays

h.       258100Fm à 10n + 257100Fm




1)      P1V1 = P2V2
V2 = (P1V1)/P2
V2 = (110kPa)(220mL)/55.0kPa
V2 = 440 mL
Therefore, the volume would be 440 mL


2)      P1V1 = P2V2
P2 = (P1V1)/V2

P2 = (300kPa)(100mL)/225mL
P2 = 133 kPa
Therefore, the pressure is approximately 133 kPa


3)      P1V1 = P2V2
P1 = (P2V2)/ V1
P1 = (0.400kPa)(0.360mL)/300mL             Note: 1000 P = 1 kPa
P1 = 4.8 x 10-4 kPa
The original pressure of nitrogen is 4.8 x 10-4 kPa


4)      P1V1 = P2V2
V2 = (P1V1)/P2
V2 = (200kPa)(6.00L)/400kPa
V2 = 3.00 L
Therefore, the volume would be 3.00L







5)      Let there be 10.0 L of gas to start with and 5.00L of gas compressed
P1V1 = P2V2
P2 = (P1V1)/V2
V1 = 2V2
P2 = (150kPa)(
2V2)/ V2
P2 = 300kPa
Therefore, the final pressure would be 300 kPa.

6)      .

a.       27°C + 273 = 300K

b.       273°C + 273 = 546K

c.       -162° + 273 = 111K

d.       727°C + 273 = 1000K

e.       -150°C + 273 = 123K

7)      .

a.       0K – 273 = -273°C

b.       273K – 273 = 0°C

c.       1000K – 273 = 727°C

d.       225K – 273 = -48°C

e.       400K – 273 = 127°C

f.        298K – 273 = 25°C


8)      V1/T1 = V2/T2
V2 = V1T2/T1
V2 = (2.00L)(323K)/298K
V2 = 2.17L
Therefore, the volume is 2.17 L


9)      V1/T1 = V2/T2
T2 = T1V2/V1
T2 = (300K)(317mL)/127mL
T2 = 749K
749K – 273 = 476°C
Therefore, the final temperature is 476°C


P = 33.0 KPa

n = ½ mol

T = -35°C + 273 K = 238K

R = 8.31 KPa۰L / mol۰K

10)    PV =  nRT

   V = nRT


       = (0.500mol) (8.31 KPa۰L / mol۰K) (232K)


       = 30.0L

 Therefore the volume occupied is 30. 0L.


P = 103 KPa

T = 78°C + 273 K = 351 K

V = 0.570 L

R = 8.31 KPa۰L / mol۰K

11)    PV =  nRT

    n = PV


       =        (103KPa) (0.570L) 

          (8.31 KPa۰L/mol۰K) (351K)

       = 2.01 × 10־² mol

  Therefore there was 2.01 × 10־² moles of gas






Mm = 12.0 + 4.0

       = 16.0 g/mol

12)    PV =    m  × RT


 P    =    m × RT

Mm   V

             P    =      6.40g      .  8.31KPa۰K   .   300K

                        16.0g/mol      mol۰K             0.570L

             P    = 186KPa

             Therefore the pressure exerted is 186KPa.



a.       n = m


              = 1.00g


              = 0.500mol

b.       0.500mol × (6.02X1023)molecules/mol  =  3.01 X 1023 molecules

c.       0.500mol(6.02X1023)molecules/mol(2 atoms/molecules) =  6.02 X 1023 atoms

d.       22.4L/mol × 0.500mol = 11.2L



PV =  nRT

PV =    m  × RT

P = 40.5 KPa

V = 1.09L

T = 127°C + 273 K = 400K

R = 8.31 KPa۰L / mol۰K


m = PVMm

         RT                                                          m =(40.5KPa) (1.09L) × 44.0g/mol

                      (8.31 KPa۰L/mol۰K) (400K)

            m = 0.584g

Therefore there is 0.584g of CO2


15)   2C8H18(g) + 25 O2(g) à 16 CO2(g) + 18 H2O(g)

           xL           P = 100KPa

                      V = 0.500mL

                        T = 323K

Since TP are constant Avogadros hypothesis

  VC8H18 =    VO2

   2mol       25mol

  VC8H18 =  VO2          × 2mol


VC8H18 =  0.500mol × 2mol


VC8H18  =  0.0400L

Therefore 40.0mL of Octane will react













16)   2 KClO3(s) à 2 KCl(s) + 3 O2(g)

          Xg                             P = 101.3KPa

                                          V = 5.00L

                                            T = 273K


nKClO3   = nO2

 2mol       3mol

3mol* m KClO3        = 2mol × PV

                     MmKClO3                          RT

m KClO3      =  2mol × 101.3KPa× 5.00L               ×       122.6g/mol

                            (8.31 KPa۰L/mol۰K) (273K)               3mol


  m KClO3    =  18.2g


Therefore 18.2g of KCl will be required    


17)  2 C6H6(l) + 15 O2(g) à 12 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l).

     Xg               P = 101.3KPa

                         V = 5.00L

                           T = 273K

NC6H6   = nO2

2mol      15mol

15mol× mC6H6       = 2mol × PV

                     MmC6H6                          RT

mC6H6      =  2mol × 101.3KPa × 25.0L               ×       78.0g/mol

                            (8.31 KPa۰L/mol۰K) (273K)             15mol


  mC6H6=  11.6g

Therefore 11.6g of benzene will be required                                           


18)   #particles - in container is constant

                              - outside container is constant

             Volume – constant because the balloon is fully inflated

             Temperature – increases due t the sun

              Pressure – inside the balloon the pressure increases due to the increasing temperature and the

                                volume being unable to change.  The increasing pressure causes the balloon to pop.


19)   #particles - in container is constant, even though the can is empty there is some residual gas in the


                             - outside the can s constant (atmospheric pressure)

       Volume – constant because the rigid can has a fixed volume

             Temperature – increases due to heat from the fire

              Pressure – increasing inside the can due to the heat energy causing the molecules to move faster

                                and heat the sides of the can more frequently.  Eventually the pressure will cause the

                                can to explode throwing hot metal everywhere.






















          6-ethyl - 3 - methyldecane                                1- butyl –3 -chlorocyclobutane










      2, 5, 9-tribromo-1,6–dicloro-3– nonyne                                  1,7–dibromo–2-heptene



















1 - bromo-2, 3-dicloro-5-propylcyclohexane                 1-bromo-4-chloro-2,6-dimethyl-3, 5-






#2  a)                                             b)        










c)                                                                           d)









































#3        a)








                        1-hexene                                                           cyclohexane










                        trans-2-hexene                                                  cis-2-hexene


b)         Structural isomers are compounds with the same chemical formula but completely different chemical structures, while geometric isomers are compounds with the same chemical formula, but different orientation of atoms across a double bond. Atoms cannot rotate about a double bond, so hydrogen or other attachments can have two different arrangements on carbons that are double bonded – on the same side (cis-) or opposite sides (trans-) of the double bond.


c)         The cis- isomer has a higher boiling point then the trans- isomer, since the dipoles on the trans- isomer cancel out, causing there to be no net dipole, while the dipoles on the cis- isomer do not cancel out, causing the molecule to be more polar, and experience stronger IMF’s then the trans- isomer. Because of the higher IMF’s on the cis- isomer, it will be harder to pull these molecules apart, and will require more energy, thus meaning that the cis- isomer will have a higher boiling point.