Science hasbeen missing          something very essential in     postulating a Grand Unified  Theory.This is a humble attempt to mention factors responsible for.
Letter to Dr. S.W.HAWKING mentioning factors responsible for a unified theory not being postulated.
Letter to Dr. S.W. HAWKING mentioning  some major and essential  factors that a unified theory will have.
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[ What is Unified Theory ]
A Unified Theory can only  be formed when a scientist is a meditator also.Without transcending the mind Theory of Everything is not possible.
[Introduction ]
Stephen Hawking

A Grand Unified Theory would havebeen postulated at the time  of the birth of Theory of Relativity.
Modern physics has discovered one of the greatest things ever discovered, and that is:
matter is energy.
That is the greatest contribution of Albert Einstein to humanity: e is equal to mc squared, matter is energy. Matter only appears; otherwise there is no such thing as matter.
Nothing is solid.A Meditating scientist only can postulate and propound TOI.
[Mind ]
Man should be rich, inner, outer, both.
Man should have all-dimensional richness.

Just think of a man who is an Albert Einstein and a Gautam Buddha both. Just meditate on that possibility — that is possible. In fact if Albert Einstein had lived a little longer, he would have turned into a mystic. He had started thinking about the inner, he was becoming interested in the inner mystery. How long can you remain interested in the outer mystery? If you are really interested in mystery then sooner or later you will stumble upon the inner too.
My concept is of a world that is neither Eastern nor Western, neither inner nor outer, neither extrovert nor introvert — which is balanced, which is whole.Osho
Western psychology has been avoiding facing the reality of the higher states of mind.
The mind needs to be transcended to  to know the Grand Unified Theory
Suggested Readings   1   2
Albert Einstein
The West is concentration of the mind: the East is meditation of the mind. The
West is thinking: the East is non-thinking.
   There is something that science has been missing  to postulate a Grand Unified Theory and this is transcendence of our thoughts. Though this may be quite incomprehensive or even inconceivable to a western mind and here I'm mentioning what a western & an eastern mind means.
Grand Unified Theory will be revealed only if  a scientific  (west)  mind is transcended.
West has come to the point where physics meets metaphysics and here.
matter energy......
A scientist has to be a  meditator to know beyond the science.
West  or East alone will never be able to postulate a Grand Unified Theory.
Synthesis of East and West is needed to postulate a Grand Unified Theory  or Theory of Everything.Our mind is just our thoughts only. Mind is needed to be transcended to know a Theory of Everything.

"And "the East and the West" does not only represent the earth being divided in two hemispheres: it represents our mind too, our brain too. our brain is also divided in two hemispheres just like the earth. our brain has an East in it and a West in it. The left-side hemisphere of our brain is the West; it is connected with the right hand. And the right-side hemisphere of our brain is the East; it is connected with the left hand."

"There is a possibility that west can take a quantum leap."

A person of equilibrium  will be a scientist and a mystic together.

"A man should be just man, a man should be just human — total, whole. And out of that wholeness will arise a new kind of health.”

"The East is introvert, the West is extrovert. Man is split, mind is schizophrenic. That’s why all the great masters have come from the East and all the great scientists have come from the West."

"The West has developed science and has completely forgotten about the inner soul; is concerned with matter, but has become oblivious of the inner subjectivity. "

"he East has suffered, the West has suffered. The East has suffered; you can see it all around — the poverty, the starvation. The West has suffered, you can see inside the Western mind — tension, anxiety, anguish. The West is very poor inwardly, the East is very poor outwardly. Poverty is bad. Whether it is inner or outer makes no difference, poverty should not be allowed."

"My concept is of a world that is neither Eastern nor Western, neither inner nor outer, neither extrovert nor introvert — which is balanced, which is whole."

"Why have all the great masters come from the East?” when down the centuries you have been obsessed with the inner, you will create a Buddha, a Nagarjuna, a Shankara, a Kabir. It is natural."

"If you are obsessed with the outer as against the inner, you will create an Albert Einstein, an Eddington, an Edison, that’s natural. But this is not good for the totality of human beings. Something is missing. The man who has inner growth and has not grown outwardly remains juvenile in the outside, remains stupid outside. And the same is the case with the man who has grown much, who has become mature, very mature, as far as mathematics goes and physics goes and chemistry goes, but who inside has not been even born yet, who is still in the womb."

"The West has the idea that there is just one small life. It created great tension and anxiety, but it created technology, scientific developments, richness, comfort, luxuries; it created everything. But the man inside was lost, because he was always running."

"Western psychology has been avoiding facing the reality of the higher states of mind."

"The West represents the male mind, aggressive intellect."

"The East represents the female mind, receptive intuition. East and West are not just arbitrary -- the division is very very significant and profound."

"The West is aggressive, scientific, ready to conquer nature. The East is non-aggressive, receptive -- ready to be conquered by nature. The West is eager to know. The East is patient. The West takes every initiative to reach into the mysteries of life and existence; it tries to unlock the doors. And the East simply waits in profound trust: "Whenever I am worthy, the truth will be revealed to me."

"The West is concentration of the mind: the East is meditation of the mind. The West is thinking: the East is non-thinking. The West is mind: the East is no-mind."

"The West is rightist. The East is leftist. And the processes of both are so different.... The left hemisphere of your mind calculates, thinks, is logical. All science is produced by it. And the right hemisphere of your brain is a poet, is a mystic. It intuits, it feels. It is vague, cloudy, misty. Nothing is clear. Everything is a kind of chaos, but that chaos has its beauty. There is great poetry in that chaos, there is great song in that chaos. It is very juicy."

"The calculative mind is a desert-like phenomenon. And the non-calculative mind is a garden. Birds sing there and flowers bloom... it is a totally different world."

"Pythagoras was the first man to try the impossible, and he succeeded! In him, East and West became one. In him, a total unity of the polar opposites."

"Intellect of the highest caliber and intuition of the deepest caliber. Pythagoras is a peak, a sunlit peak, and a deep, dark valley too. It is a very rare combination."

"Pythagoras is the first experiment in creating a synthesis".

"Again the world is in a chaos."

"Man becomes uprooted, starts feeling meaningless. All the values of life disappear. A great darkness surrounds. Sense of direction is lost. One simply feels accidental. There seems to be no purpose, no significance. Life seems to be just a by-product of chance. It seems existence does not care for you. It seems there is no life after death. It seems whatsoever you do is futile, routine, mechanical. All seems to be pointless."

"They could not use his great synthesis, they could not use the doors that he had made available. A single individual had done something immense, something impossible, but it was not used."

"I am also bringing you a synthesis of East and West, of science and religion, of intellect and intuition, of the male mind and the female mind, of the head and the heart, of the right and the left. I am also trying in every possible way to create a great harmony, because only that harmony can save. Only that harmony can give you a new birth."

"It needs a mind which is both -- scientific and mystic. It is a rare phenomenon. It happens once in a while." 

"The synthesis that he tried was needed, particularly in his days, as it is needed today -- because the world is again at the same point."

"The materialist standpoint makes life absolutely empty of meaning."

Compiled by Ekin from various discourses of an Indian mystic
What is No-Mind
End game :  Einsteins legacy continues
  A theory of everything? - In his later years, Einstein sought a unified theory that would extend general    relativity and provide an alternative to quantum theory. There is now talk of a 'theory of everything' (although Einstein himself never used the phrase). Fifty years after his death, how close are we to such a theory?  Roger Penrose
news @nature.com
Albert Einstein live in  Dr.Stephen Hawking
"My views have evolved" Stephen Hawking   cambridge University  UK
why has science(west) been missing
This idea troubled me as I was unable to find any scientific explanations for this phenomena.
Dr. Chaim H. Tejman   Israel
The mind has given its best to the science   
physics has to step into metaphysics
The creation of our universe is sophisticated beyond our wildest imagination. It thus goes without saying that much more research is needed before we can even approach a lucid understanding of its wonderful ways.    Dr. Chaim H. Tejman Israel
Scientific legacy