Hi! You have arrived at the "Contact Me" page of Vertigo. Below are ways you can send me adoptions or litters, and even further below are ways that you can contact me for anything you want.


This is the place where you can submit a litter or a pet for adoption to me, so I can put it on the site. I can either host the pet for you where you send the pet/litter to me and I put your e-mail address up next to it so everyone interested contacts you, or you can send you adoption/litter to me and people e-mail me about it, but you still get credited with your link in our Links section and your name under the pet/litter. Picked an option? Good, now scroll down and get my e-mail address.

Ways to Contact Me

Well, I'm guessing this is what you came here for, so I'm just going to post it.

E-Mail Me! (daneluver4ever@hotmail.com)

You can also contact me on msn messanger or yahoo messanger (klesko_krazy) but only if it's urgent, or you want to have an innteligent conversation with me. =D

What are you waiting for? E-mail me!
Also, if you find anything on the site that doesn't work (broken links, forms that don't work, incorrect downloads) e-mail me and I'll fix 'em.

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