I'm guessing you're here because you've found a pet you like on the Adopt Page or Litters Page. That's great! Just make sure you read the rules first, then to the form. If the pet is a freebie you still have to send in the form (but you can write because or something simple in the why box), but you'll be garanteed the pet no matter what. If the pet is not a freebie, fill out the form (after you read the rulez) and send it in. If you don't get a response within a week, you probably didn't get the pet. Good Luck and Happy Adoptions!


1.Apply for two petz per week only
2. Apply for one pet per form only
3.Only one apply per pet at a time, not 50 =)
4.You must send the pet back to me if you can't take care of it any longer
5. You must keep EKKC in the show prefix
6. No abusing or neglecting your new pet
7. Have Fun!

Adoption Form

Fill out this form and send it in. You should hear back from me within a week if you got the pet you applied for.

Your Name::


URL (if applicable):

Which pet do you want?:


Please don't put the petz you adopt here up for adoption on your site. Ask me first, and I might let you.

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