Rollerderby (The Book) - 1996

unknown title

Lisa Suckdog: I want to ask you about flowers and babies. Do you miss them there in prison?

GG Allin: Flowers? And babies?

Lisa: Must be lonely and gray in there.

GG: Flowers and babies, huh? No, no I don't miss them. Not at all.

Lisa: What do you get for breakfast?

GG: I don't get up that early.

Lisa: What's your ideal breakfast? What is the best meal in your mind?

GG: Well, I just eat whatever. Whatever, you know. It doesn't really matter too much what I eat, I guess.

Lisa: (sighs) How about some soft fluffy pancakes and red, juicy strawberries?

GG: Whatever food-stamps will buy.

Lisa: What's your favorite color?

GG: My favorite color?

Lisa: Yes.

GG: (laughs) Oh, Lisa! You're asking complicated questions.

Lisa: Everybody has a favorite color, GG.

GG: I never really put that much thought into that one.

Lisa: (trying to read his mind) Baby blue?

GG: Baby food?

Lisa: Baby blue.

GG: Baby blue? No, absolutely not...I was thinking maybe when I get out we should hook up. Do a show together, or maybe a video.

Lisa: So when did you stop hating me?

GG: I don't know if I ever did. (singing) "I stopped hating you today." I don't know, Lisa...I probably never did stop hating you, but that's what makes it so interesting.

Lisa: Do you remember our date?

GG: No, I don't.

Lisa: It was in New York.

GG: Oh yeah, I was real fucked up that night.

Lisa: You said you didn't like my tap shoes so I threw them out into the street.And then you tried to get my wedding ring.

GG: Yeah, I remember that. Didn't I jump on you or something?

Lisa: I was wearing a white lace dress and you cut it with a knife. It was so exciting.

GG: I bet! Yeah! We got to do a video.

Lisa: Last time you said you wanted to do a video with me and Nick Zedd. He told me he was supposed to film you killing me.

GG: Well, that was then, Lisa. Times have changed!

Lisa: (laughing) So you're much sweeter now?

GG: I'm not touching that one. I'm not touching that one!

Lisa: What's your fondest memory?

GG: Fuck, I don't know.

Lisa: You must have a lot of time to think in there.

GG: I've got a lot of time to think about a lot of things. I ain't got too many fond memories to think about, though.

Lisa: There has got to be something remotely good.

GG: Yeah, there's a few, but you know, I don't think about it too much. There's probably some in the future. So what's up with you these days? I met some girl in Atlanta. We didn't get along too well. Someone told me that she had done something with you, like tour with you or something.

Lisa: Oh yeah, Debbey Puff.

GG: I kept motioning for her to come over. She came over, I asked her about you, she got really pissed. She said "Well, I'm a professional now. I'm doing real music now." I didn't know what the fuck she was talking about.

Lisa: Me either. What are you going to do when you get out?

GG: I gotta go down to Florida. I got some fucking charges down there.

Lisa: Do you have a good lawyer?

GG: Oh man, I get all public defenders. I get all these idiots and shit to defend me. The guy I had in Milwaukee was actually pretty good for free. He was pretty much into the case. But the guy I have here, I don't know, I'm thinking about going in and defending myself. When I go back on my appeal, man, I got a lot to say.

Lisa: How do the other prisoners treat you?

GG: They don't give me no shit.

Lisa: Do they know who you are?

GG: Pretty much. Everybody saw The Geraldo Rivera Show. That was a big thing.

Lisa: Were they excited for you?

GG: Yeah, everybody got in the TV room, about 300 people. I figure three months and I'm outta here.

Lisa: Do you have a girlfriend waiting for you?

GG: Oh, fuck no. I can't get involved with that shit. It takes up too much of my time.

Lisa: What would you rather spend your time doing?

GG: Jerking off.

Lisa: (laughs)

GG: Well, you know, you don't have to put any time into it. You just get it off...I don't want to have to devote anything to anybody. It just seems like such as hassle and I don't need it. I just put everything into myself. Women just want too much. Too much time and too much this and that. I ain't got time for anything or anybody.

Lisa: Maybe you haven't found the right woman. Whatever happened to my friend there, the blonde? You drank her piss.

GG: Oh, Amy?

Lisa: No. She's blonde, big tits, a dancer...

GG: I don't know.

Lisa: You cut her with a knife and Lenny broke it up.

GG: Oh! Oh, Saundra.

Lisa: Yeah, Saundra.

GG: I don't know. She disappeared off the face of the earth. That whole crowd did.

Lisa: I know. I came back from Europe and they were gone. (1996 update: I just heard Saundra is doing exotic dancing in Russia!) What do you do in prison for entertainment?

GG: Nothing. Pace. Beat my head against the wall. Jerk off.

Lisa: You don't play chess?

GG: Fuck no. I don't do any of that game shit.

Lisa: You been in solitary confinement?

GG: Yeah. I did a lot of that shit. Actually, I enjoyed that. I like being by myself.

Lisa: Your voice sounds really gravelly.

GG: Yeah, I'm just fucking shot. I've been smoking two packs of fucking cigarettes every five minutes. That's all there is to do. They took away my Jim Beam. Now all I've got is my cigarettes.

Lisa: Do you know what your IQ is?

GG: I have no idea. I went through quarantine and took these tests for like three days, all these questions...All these fucked up things, man. Like "Have you ever played 'Drop The Hanky'? Yes or no?" I didn't even know what the fuck it means. Maybe I did, I don't know. I think the psychiatrist needs a psychiatrist. I think I'll become one when I get out. It's fun to go talk to them, though, 'cause they're so stupid. They just don't get it, what I'm into.

Lisa: Do you get in fights there?

GG: Occasionally. It's overcrowded, you know. You got people fucking breathing down your neck. Some days you're just not in a good mood. You sit in the cage all day and then they let you out and you just don't feel like talking to anybody sometimes.

Lisa: I heard about a show you did last year when you were out. Something about the crowd going into the street?

GG: I was naked, chasing people down the sidewalk. I threw a bar stool at a car, next thing I know the cops are everywhere. Me and Dino got arrested that night. And then when I got arrested in Florida, I got maced. I was choking, they put handcuffs on me, put me in an ambulance, took me to the hospital and took x-rays. I broke my hand, my head was all fucked up and shit, and then they took me to jail and booked me and, "Oh yeah, by the way, Michigan's gonna come and get you."

Lisa: How are your innards?

GG: My what?

Lisa: Your innards. Your liver, your spleen...

GG: Not too good. I broke my ribs in '89, I broke my elbow, broke my collarbone.

Lisa: What's your favorite book?

GG: Oh, forget it! My favorite book?!

Interview conducted over the phone by Lisa Suckdog - 1991.

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