This section will include book reviews, mostly fantasy, by me and anyone else who writes one that passes my rigourous (not really) inspection. Read a good book? Review it and send it to me! I just might put it up here.

Corri's Fantasy Recommendations

I wrote this list up for a friend of mine who is an avid reader, but hasn't really gotten into fantasy much. It's basically a list of my all time favorites, divided into categories, with mention of a few other people I think are important. If you decide to read this, be warned. It's full of personal opinion and snarkiness. My friend has done the same thing for Science Fiction, which I haven't read much of, and I hope to post a link to his list here soon.

Corri's Guide to Book Journals

On a slightly related note, here are some of my thoughts about how and why to start your own book journal. It's a great way to record your thoughts about the books you love to read. And hey, who doesn't want to spend more time thinking about books?

Book Reviews

Yes! What this section was supposed to be about! As I get more of these up, I might organize them by category or author... but for now I'll be happy if I can just get one up every time I finish a book! I finished one last night (1/26/04) and thought to myself, "why not just post about it?" Most of these are going to be taken from what I've written in my book journal... so it'll be a reflection of what I'm reading and thinking about at the moment.

The Shadow of the Lion