The Tiger and His Stripes


     Once, deep in a lonely, and dark jungle, there lived great mighty beasts that roamed it. Two of these mighty beasts were the lion and the tiger. The tiger had a beautiful orange fur, and the lion had a beautiful brown mane. The lion was very greedy. He made sure that none of the animals in the jungle were mightier or beautiful than he was. Now that the tiger had entered the jungle the lion was no longer the center of attention. Instead the tiger became the attention everywhere. Every animal treated he tiger as though he was the king of the jungle, and soon he did. Lion got angry that tiger took away all his joy and now he envied the tiger might and beautifulness. 


    After 1 year of envy, the lion sought revenge. As the tiger was taking he usual evening walk through his garden, lion appeared from the flowers.

     "Good evening my dear lion. What brings you here?" asked the tiger.
"Revenge!!" growled the lion.
    The sound of lion's voice frightened tiger. Suddenly lion reared up on his hind legs and ran toward tiger. Terrified, the tiger did the same. Together, the two had a big "cat fight". However, the lion had lots of mud on his claws from hiding in the garden. So as his scratched he left a mark on the tiger. Animals came to see what was happening. When the fight was finished, tiger fell to the floor. Everyone cheered. 
    "I am now the king of the jungle!" roared the lion and he did.


    As for tiger, he ended up having black stripes on his beautiful orange fur. That is where the later generation of tigers got their black stripes. Also the black stripes represent their first ancestor's boldness and beauty.

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