My Personal Background

My Personal Background
I retired from National Defence where I worked as the Environmental Officer at the Air Force Base in Ottawa. I now give courses in Relief Carving and Pyrography (woodburning). I am a Past President of the Outaouais Wood Carvers and am presently the editor of the Outaouais Wood Carver's newsletter. I am also the Past President of City View Curling Club in Ottawa. Besides carving and doing pyrography, I also love to curl, golf, fish, swim, cross country ski, build, do fix-up at the cottage and play the electronic organ.

I love to fish and have a great spot to do it at my cottage on Elbow Lake which is located between Kingston and Sharbot Lake off of Hwy 38 in Eastern Ontario, Canada.

This is a photo of our backyard in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada's Capital city with a population close to 1 million. We have absolutely beautiful summers with very lush foliage, as you can see. Winters are great for cross country skiing and skating on Ottawa's 8 km long skating rink - the Rideau Canal - as it flows through Ottawa. Ottawa has a three week long winter carnival called Winterlude which runs in February. There are many ice and snow sculptures carved by carvers from around the world. They are beautifully done. And you can eat a Beavertail - no it's great, a type of pancake in the form of a beavertail, covered in cinnamon, lemon and sugar - wow!!!

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Last Updated Dec 9, 2008 E-mail Brian Graham