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Brendan Murphy's
Sketchook & Designs

to industrial sketchbook

Hello and welcome to my website. This is a site filled with my own artwork and serves primarily as a gallery for me to display it. Please excuse any problems you may encounter concerning visibility-- I have been designing in 1024x768 and higher screen resolutions and failed to account for the spacial difference when seen in 800x600. As such, this site is best viewed at 1024x768 or higher. Please note that all thumbnails work as links to larger pics. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or complaints, please feel free to submit them in the guestbook. If not, sign the guestbook anyway. This site is constantly updated as more sketchbooks are filled, so check back often and enjoy.

What's new: SITE NAME CHANGE TO http://BRENDANMURPHY.CJB.NET. Banner will be fixed to meet the new name once I get my connection running again. Reason for change: This website started out as just a practice to teach myself HTML, so I didn't put much thought into the name when I was creating it. Now that it's become fully functional and presentable, I thought I'd give it a more fitting name; my own.

::: Last Updated : 01.07.2002 :::