Page 2 - Artist Kernodle - Eldonrek's Omicron Diary


Confusion and disagreement happen because we do not use basic words consistently. The most basic word - "is" - starts our conceptual journey.

"Is" - the most elementary action - attests to there being someTHING to conceive.

Our confusion starts when we try to think of existence beyond ourselves as other than someTHING. We think that if we cannot grasp THINGness, then existence ultimately is beyond THINGness.

But you see our mistake? Our primary use of "is" or "existence" began because of thingness, which we come to deny, when we cannot see it. We then place the contradiction of "is" (NO THINGness) as a description of a THING beyond THINGness.

Next we say that this THING beyond THINGness is other than a thing, dividing it completely from its origin. In this confusion, we separate MIND from BODY,... BODY from SPIRIT,... when we should have held that THING beyond THINGness actually is a thinner version of the SAME THING.


To repeat: Thing beyond thingness is a thinner version of the same thing. There is NO SEPARATE SPIRIT somehow pumped into a body shell.

Instead, SUBSTANCE - the primal thing - condenses or coagulates into BODY still connected to it in gradually thinning progressions.

You might say that BODY is a denser form of SPIRIT... is an endless expanse of SUBSTANCE - the primal STUFF of being.



How much better this feels! ... better than an absolutely divided body that dies, leaving an absolutely divided spirit that transcends a lesser form.

All forms are significant, because they exist of the same cosmic stuff variously arranged from tiny forms to humongous forms.


HUMAN BODY is a density dancing in a lesser density of the cosmic stuff. Not divided from its surrounding stuff, HUMAN BODY grades gradually, ever so tenuously, where the connection with its surroundings cannot be seen or grasped.

An arm, therefore, does not end absolutely at its hand. A hand, therefore, does not end absolutely at its fingertips. A face does not express all that a face is, ... even when rendered in great anatomical detail.

An open face, or featureless face, or abstract face says more about what a face truly is. It is a limited perception of a limitless gradation of BEING.

HUMAN BODY is a nexus of being... aware of itself as a local arrangement of eternal SUBSTANCE.


SPACE is what we call the ungraspable stuff surrounding body.


SPACE is another name for the all-encompassing, all-expansive SUBSTANCE of BEING.

SPACE is thinness of SUBSTANCE in which various greater densities of SUBSTANCE exist and move.




SPACE, therefore, is a form of SUBSTANCE . We might say that SPACE is the same as the ONE SUBSTANCE of BEING.

Remember: BEING = EXISTING = SUBSTANCE. We now can include another "equals" sign to give us BEING = EXISTING = SUBSTANCE = SPACE.

BEING cannot be, without substance.

EXISTING cannot exist, without substance.

SUBSTANCE cannot subsist, without itself.

SPACE cannot hold substance, unless it IS substance of a more tenuous form, because how could NOthing hold SOMEthing?



How are we to think of this thing that space is? How best should we think of it?

As human BEINGs, we seem to have a need to think of space as a thing similar to a thing we can grasp with our hands.

What feels right? Solid? Liquid? Gas? Animal? Vegetable? Person?

Strange questions, for sure, but our sense of MEANING seems to force a choice.


NO THING cannot exist, so SOME THING must.

We cannot escape absurd self-contradiction, unless we choose this way of thinking.

What is the best SOMETHING that we might GRASP SPACE as BEING? This is the important question here.

Think on it.





The ONE eternal STUFF that our understanding can GRASP is FLUID.

Malleable, forever changing, capable of assuming any form, ranging from the finest gas to the densist liquid,... FLUID simply lends itself most gratifyingly to our visceral grasp.

HUMAN BODY is largely FLUID.

The SPACE surrounding human body is FLUID gaseous air.

Fluid of body connects with fluid of its surrounding space.

We breath the fluid gas of air into the fluid liquid of body. We exchange different densities of a common conception.

Stand back far enough, and see any group of seemingly-solid parts eventually move like a mass of fluid within some larger domain.

Parts become ONE by means of fluidity. Fluidity, thus, seems to EXIST as the primal quality of the ONE STUFF of BEING.

BEING always seems to come back to ONE by way of FLUIDITY.


BODY's FORM both emerges and returns to FLUID.

BODY's FORM arrives from FLUID SPACE. This is what the Omicron Paintings have been trying to say.

Paintings, of course, do not have a mind of their own, the way an actual person has a mind. But there is a sense in which a painting can speak a truth, before its painter realizes it.

Reality is imbedded in the painter's body in a manner that preceeds language or reasoned logical thought. This is how it makes sense to claim that a painting speaks.

Reality finds the best expression of itself in the location of consciousness where it comes to focus.

FLUID REALITY, thus, speaks through the Omicron Paintings, saying that the MASS of human form is an agglomeration of density streams, compressed momentarily into patterns of life as we know it.


A human hair on a shower floor reveals fluid motion frozen. Two hairs crossed over one another record two streams that have crossed over one another as well.

The most fundamental symmetry of ONE, thus, becomes the most fundamental symmetry break of TWO.

Two fluid streams position two human hair filaments across one another to resemble a stick figure of the human form from which they were shed.

We see the essence of our being in a bathtub.


Look often enough, and we find some human hair formations that look more like stick figures than others. Excavate such a figure with clear tape, and use it as the skeleton of a massive human form.

This was the motivation for Omicron Feminique.

All Omicron paintings, however, did not have such a clear path. Most arose from visceral sensation. Only one other arose from visual observation - Omicron Outlander.

These two paintings screamed what the others were saying more quietly:

BODY's massive form arises from tenuous being. BODY's massive form arises through the quality of BEING's FLUIDITY. BODY's massive form arises as a special form of the ONE SUBSTANCE of BEING.


The habit of thinking about REALITY as ONE FLUID SUBSTANCE leads us to think about how a liquid moves.

FLUID and its qualities of MOTION exist inseparably fused. Fluid cannot be, without motion. Motion cannot be, without fluid.

A quality or motion cannot exist without its substance. Inversely, a substance cannot exist without its quality or motion. Sometimes we speak as though such a division is possible, but this only causes confusion.

BEING, from the very start, is both a noun and a verb.



BEING, therefore, is FLUID MOTION.

FLUID and MOTION together are ONE SUBSTANCE,... ONE REALITY expressing itself in different forms.


How can the SAME stuff have DIFFERENT forms? Answer: it must be FLUID somehow.


Again,... let's be clear about the SUBSTANTIAL nature of reality offered here. REALITY is NOT some vacant, non-being room waiting to be filled (this already is a confusion). Instead, REALITY is a substantial being already here, forever now, with no beginning or end.

REALITY is SUBSTANCE whose nature, quality and motion is FLUID. This is something that we can GRASP. This is a graspable reality, where we are not confused or lost or left dangling.


Ah,... the chaotic beauty of FLUID REALITY!

Whirlpools of moving substance circulate around centers,... forming and deforming,... extending and retracting tendrils,... defining then dissolving POINTS of the WHOLE.

A circular path is fluid's favorite dynamic - what is more balanced than a circle?

What is every direction at once, yet no direction in particular? Answer: a circle or sphere or, more generally,... containment of flow around a center.

The Omicron paintings realize this with their blatant waist circles and limb trails.

Whirlpools become cells,... which become streams of cells,... which become filaments,... which become masses of filaments,... which become BODIES,... themselves central cells in an even bigger sea of FLUID BEING.


The sea of fluid being exists centrally-formed as a human body. It exists centrally-formed as an atom,... below an atom,... and below even the lowest below that we can imagine.

The sea of fluid being exists centrally-formed as the earth,... beyond the earth,... as a galaxy,... beyond a galaxy, and forever beyond the highest beyond that we can imagine.

But does our concept of being come to an end, when we can no longer determine its center in detail? Answer: No,... BEING always must be, or else how could we exist to ask the question.

BEING is SUBSTANTIAL,... even below and beyond our detailed conception of its varied central forms.

Again, the best way to allow this is to admit that being is fluid substance of various embeded densities,... as little or as big as we can imagine,... then admit that being continues to be fluid beyond even that.

In this way of understanding, we always have something to hold us, as well as something that we can hold... (grasp).


These are key words of a stable thinking MIND which link human experience as it emerges viscerally and profoundly from a grasping BODY.


Body does not serve MIND.

Mind serves BODY.

BODY already is thinking without formal logic, and BODY continues to operate in a moment-to-moment substantial reality where such formal logic is not a precursor.

BODY continues to know, via its visual substantial being, even when the continuity of formal logic becomes fragmented.

BODY first informs MIND.

MIND secondly informs BODY.

This is the correct order of things. This is the correct primacy.


Remember,... BODY emerges from FLUID SUBSTANCE to develop MIND.

MIND develops a level of awareness (fed by BODY) that we might call SPIRIT.

SPIRIT is our sense of the infinite eternal FLUID BEING of REALITY.

SPIRIT is NOT OUTSIDE REALITY. Rather, we might think of SPIRIT as the infinitely thinning density of SUBSTANCE that we never can grasp bodily. Bodily grasp gives way to conceptual grasp in a smooth transition. This identifies SPIRIT as real,... as real as any other SUBSTANCE of REALITY.

BODY, MIND, SPIRIT, in this manner of thinking, all are REAL.


All that we are (being), thus, has a reality.


CONCEPT is MIND's grasp... born of BODY's grasp.

If MIND cannot grasp some semblence of what BODY can grasp, then BODY becomes fragmented and lost in its REALITY.

Why would BEING allow such lost fragmentation of its ONENESS?,... when all its connections could be maintained in a different mode of conceptual grasping by its BODY part?

BEING contains all, so nothing (NO BEING) can be outside it.

Remember, when we ask, "What can be all and different at the same time?", our best answer seems to be "FLUID".

The concept of FLUID allows MOTION of BEING's FORM to become PARTS, and parts to remain connected in the WHOLE of BEING's FORM.

What other concept of BODY's MIND could allow this?


Let's stress this point again:

BEING is infinite eternally.
BEING contains all parts.

Nothing can be outside of BEING.

Everything arises from the ONE BEING of REALITY.


HUMAN BODY grasps its reality in accordance with its FORM.

HUMAN BODY's FORM is a particular arrangement of the ONE FLUID substance of BEING.

Below and beyond HUMAN BODY's form, there are extents of BEING out of HUMAN BODY's grasp.

MIND informs BODY (from which it arises) that BEING is of a nature similar to what BODY's form can grasp. The fluid quality of body arises from the fluid quality of its greater being.

Beyond BODY's MIND concepts, there is the ungraspable. BODY's MIND senses this ungraspable as SPIRIT, which is the infinite eternal continuity of BEING's FLUID SUBSTANCE, ever-thinning beyond any hope of handling.

Omicron paintings give way to Headpiece paintings as this expression of MIND's LIMIT. The two series of paintings complement each other.


From BODY arises MIND. Since BODY and MIND are of the same FLUIDITY, they are NOT totally different. They blend into a WHOLE, which is BEING or REALITY.

MIND is BODY's bud on a greater tree of REALITY which has no end to its ever-branching roots and limbs.

MIND grows from the infinite eternal sea of BEING.

Headpieces say this symbolically,... with human heads projecting from abstract origins. The mind (as head) arises from the field of all existence. Head becomes the emphasis of a pondering mind, often eclipsing the body from which it came.

Mental concept tries to dominate visceral bodily percept. Yet concept is but a quotation from the greater book of being.


"Being is a book."
"Being is a tree."
"Being is a sea."

Different metaphors. So, which is it? A book? A tree? A sea?

Answer: BEING is all of these and more. The point is the unity that holds the parts connected and related.

A book unites its words.
A tree unites its branches.
A sea unites its creatures.

Interestingly,... books are made from trees, which grow from seas. The unity of being asserts itself through related differences. The sea is origin to the other two, so we are back to FLUIDITY as the most encompassing metaphor aiding our grasp.

Fluid forks into filaments, which (turned upright) look like branches,... which (viewed in frames of mind) seem like pages of a book. The sea, thus, flows into words describing it.

An ocean runs in our veins (as blood), and breaks into words so inevitably. Words are the ocean speaking. Words are existence declaring itself.


Returning to our mundane bathtub, we see those troublesome strands shed from human heads as letters of an alphabet.

Broken hairs, swished about by water's turbulent motion, come to rest in cryptic formations. As stick figures reveal themselves, so do "stick letters" of formal writing systems.

Nature speaks in squiggles. Extract some squiggles from the tub, then refine them a bit. Letters thus formed look convincing.

Among the molecules of water that we glorify as perfect-circle systems, aliens seem to sing their cryptic words:

Alien Symphony multimedia artwork - Robert Kernodle


Astroglyphs, thus, arise:

Astroglyph No. 1 pencil drawing - Robert Kernodle                    Astroglyph No. 3 pencil drawing - Robert Kernodle

Astroglyph No. 4 pencil drawing - Robert Kernodle                    Astroglyph No. 5 pencil drawing - Robert Kernodle


Celestial Dancers, then, reprise:

Moon Dancer painting - Robert Kernodle

Sun Dancer painting - Robert Kernodle

Star Dancer painting - Robert Kernodle


Macrocosmic bodies (planets and stars) compose the fluid symphony of being. Microcosmic bodies (atoms and molecules) compose it equally. One level flows into the next. Human bodies are strands in between.

Our words flow as letters from the cosmic soup.

Look again at how strands form stick figures or alphabetic symbols,... how strands come from fluid filaments,... how fluid filaments extend liquid to language.

Look again at how spheres move from invisible to visible in liquid bundles of those filaments,... from molecular bodies to human bodies to cosmic bodies.

Again, BEING declares itself a FLUID.


If BEING is all there is, and ALL there FLUID SUBSTANCE, then is FLUID SUBSTANCE somehow smart, intelligent, aware or conscious infinitely?

To ask this question also seems to ask the question: Can all being grasp itself? Can all being know itself? Can infinity truly contain itself?

Right away this seems askew. How can something without bounds then bound itself with limits that it then can know? How can boundlessness assert a boundary within which there is no further place to seek?

Between two points, there always is a deeper place to search. Beyond two points,... likewise.

To grasp infinity, therefore, seems ungraspable. We know infinity only as an impulse to keep on searching for what we never can know completely.

SUBSTANCE forever moves this way and develops only local minds that grasp local parts, all of which parts infinitely collectively remain forever out of reach for any one mind.

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