The Unified Field - Part 3
E Pluribus Unum,
By Steven J. Smith

Without a comprehensive understanding of the unified field, manipulation of subatomic structure is limited to little more than an exercise of slamming one particle into a collection of other particles.  However once equipped with a true understanding of subatomic forces, a whole new strata of engineering possibilities presents it self.  In part 3 of this paper, we shall examine some of those possibilities.  What follows is not meant to be an exhaustive exposition, but rather a brief overview, illuminating some of the more tantalizing potential applications.

Subatomic engineering methods fall into two broad categories.  Manipulation of weak force interactions, and manipulation of strong force interactions.  We shall start with weak force interactions.

Induced beta decay:
Beta (neutron) decay is caused by the absorption of a neutrino by a neutron (1.3.3).  As shown in 1.3.2 the neutrino is nothing more than a half integer spin packet of electromagnetic energy.  Therefore it is possible to produce a synthetic neutrino flux of the proper wavelength to induce beta decay within any selected population of atomic nuclei.  In order to achieve this goal, a better understanding of half integer spin (fermion) field geometry is required.

The following button opens a second browser window showing detailed animations of fermion angular momentum (spin) behavior.  Please note: animation files are 250k bytes each and will take some time to load when using a dial-up modem.  (link requires java script)

From the preceding animations, it should be obvious that unlike conventional electro-magnetic waves which oscillate in two spatial dimensions while propagating through a third spatial dimension (boson or transverse electro-magnetic waves), the fermion wave must oscillate in all three spatial dimensions simultaneously.  Therefore a radically different coupling method (transmitting antenna geometry) is needed to produce the requisite half integer spin (fermion) waveform.

While a complete and detailed description of the apparatus required to induce controlled beta decay is beyond the scope of this paper, the following is offered as general set of guide lines for such a device.

A single antenna and transmitter electronics chain, could in theory recreate the fermion waveform, however a far more practical solution would be the use of three interlinked or phase coherent antennas and transmitter electronics chains, with each antenna oriented perpendicular to the other pair of antennas.  The fermion wave generator would operate at a high multiple sub-harmonic of the fundamental wavelength required to induce beta decay within the selected atomic species.  Depending on the specific application, waveform dithering may also prove useful due to the slight variance in neutron energy within many atomic nuclei.  The designer of any system should give serious consideration to directly incorporating a feedback mechanism to throttle reaction rates, thereby preventing a runaway reaction.

Induced beta decay applications:
The process of controlled or induced beta decay would be useful in a wide spectrum of applications, ranging from energy generation, to environmental cleanup, to nuclear synthesis, to wholesale production of scarce elements by transmutation.

In the periodic table, all elements beyond iron are exothermic under the process of nuclear fission.  Yet the vast majority of these elements are unusable in conventional fission reactors.  The reason being that conventional fission requires the fission process it self to supply the needed catalyst (neutrons) to continue the reaction.  Hence the term "chain reaction".  Induced beta decay being an externally driven process does not require a chain reaction to support continued fission, and therefore any element (beyond iron) can be used for nuclear power generation.  The element lead (Pb) would seem to be an ideal candidate for induced beta decay fission, since it is both plentiful and inexpensive.

The crude sledgehammer method of conventional 235U nuclear fission presently employed in light water power reactors, produces radioactive byproducts that will remain biologically hazardous for many thousands of years.  These byproducts could be quickly and efficiently reduced to non-radioactive materials through the application of controlled beta decay.

Modern medicine and scientific research employ a plethora of synthetic radioactive isotopes for diagnostic and/or treatment purposes.  Many of these isotopes have a half lives measured hours or at most days, and therefore require constant replenishment.  The conventional source for these exotic isotopes is a particle accelerator (generally a cyclotron) and represents a huge capital investment in infrastructure and a large pool of personal to operate the device.  Controlled beta decay could be used to perform this same function at a fraction of the investment.

Many chemical elements essential to modern industrial society are either in chronic short supply or extracted from geographic locations that are politically unstable.  Platinum is an example of the former, while chromium is an example of the latter.  Starting with a plentiful element of higher atomic weight, the process of controlled beta decay can be used to produce the desired element of lower atomic weight in any quantity required.  In other words, transmutation on an industrial scale.

As can be surmised from the preceding short synopsis, controlled beta decay represents a technological breakthrough rivaled only by the widespread introduction of electrical apparatus in modern society, or possibly the introduction of desktop computers and internet.

Induced nuclear fusion:
As shown in 2.3.1 & 2.3.2, nuclear binding results from a localized break down of space within the nucleus.  Suppose we generate an electro-magnetic field, possessing a geometry that concentrated the energy of that field within a tiny volume of space.  The high field energies within the focal point would have the effect of creating a partial breakdown within that volume of space.  The result would be a lowing of the coulomb repulsion barrier between atomic nuclei, thereby reducing the effective energy required to initiate nuclear fusion.

Given the energy densities required to achieve a partial breakdown of space, this seems like a daunting task indeed.  Yet the very shift in refractive index brought about by the non-linear response of space to high electro-magnetic field densities can be used as a mechanism to enhance the focusing of electro-magnetic energy.  In other words, we can use space it self as part of the lens system needed to concentrate the electro-magnetic energy.  The energy density requirements are still formidable, but well within current technological capabilities.

Another particularly intriguing avenue to achieve partial spatial breakdown is the use of nested structures or systems.  Whereby each successive structure or system produces an incremental change in the polarization constants of space.

As with induced beta decay, a detailed description of the apparatus required to produce induced spatial breakdown is beyond the scope of this paper.

Induced nuclear fusion applications:
Like induced beta decay, induced fusion would prove a useful adjunct to many problems facing modern industrial society.  These range from suppressing radioactive decay in unstable isotopes, to fusion power generation, to production of ultra heavy trans-uranium elements.

As discussed in 2.3.4, raising the value of e0 results in wider envelope of stable atomic nuclei.  Therefore many isotopes that are normally unstable (radioactive) will become meta-stable at higher values of e0.  This phenomena could be used for long term storage of synthetic radioactive isotopes for diagnostic and/or medical treatment purposes.  Another potential use would be suppression of radioactive decay in nuclear waste during transport, resulting in increased public safety.

The application of induced fusion to power generation is obvious.  By lowering the coulomb repulsion barrier between atomic nuclei, the pressure and temperature required to achieve fusion can be greatly reduced. Furthermore, when combined with induced beta decay (3.1.1), the issue of thermal neutron damage to reactor vessel containment structures can be effectively eliminated.

Most atomic nuclei containing more than 240 nucleons are very unstable, with half lives measured in at most, a few days.  Yet there is compelling evidence that certain ultra heavy trans-uranium isotopes will exhibit much greater conditional stability.  At present there is no known method to bridge the stability gap between the 240 nucleon limit and these hypothetically meta-stable ultra heavy isotopes.  The use of partial spatial breakdown to widen the boundaries of nuclear stability (2.3.4) and thereby stabilize the intermediate steps in synthesis of ultra heavy isotopes represents a new and novel approach to this problem.

As is evident from the preceding discussion, the possibilities of induced nuclear fusion are as diverse and manifold as are the building blocks of matter it self.

The upward arc of human progress is measured by the step wise increase in the ability to manipulate the material world.  From flint knives, through the bronze age, to the iron age, to the age of steel, and the present age of synthetics and composites.  Each step has been the result of a deeper, more profound understanding of the physical universe that surrounds us all.  With the dawn of a unified field theory, you now stand on the threshold of the last frontier in that journey.  Use this knowledge wisely.  Use it in peace, and prosper.  Use it to make your deserts bloom, and your cities the abode of immortals.  To do otherwise will mean the destruction of all you hold dear...

The destructiveness of the war potential, through progressive advances in scientific discovery, has in fact now reached a point that revises the traditional concept of war.  War, the most malignant scourge, and greatest sin of mankind, can no longer be controlled, only ABOLISHED!

We are in a new era.  If we do not devise some greater and more equitable means of settling disputes between nations, Armageddon will be at our door.  We have had our last chance.

Douglas MacArthur, General of the Army, September 2, 1945

The Unified Field, Part 3
